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Ever make the mistake of trying to abide by the law? 

I have been driving my buggy around for a while without a plate. Well, it has a plate, just different ones I throw on it as I feel like it. I decided to get this put in my name, get plates and the whole deal. FFFFFFUCK! 


I show up at the DOL, I have the title, bill of sale and all that jazz and tell them I wish to put the car in my name. "Well what is it?" I explained it's a dune buggy (like the title says). She then asks if I have a bill of sale "sure do" hand her over the bill of sale written out on their very own form. She then sees the bill of sale states that I paid 800 dollars for it (which I did). Now, all of a sudden, the bill of sale is not good enough to wipe with. Ya, see, the bill of sale is very valuable to them if it shows you paid an assload of money for something. If it's a low amount, then it's worthless. Soooooo, what do I do? I have to have it appraised, but not by just anyone, oh no...they have special list. The asshats on this list want 250 bucks. I figure I can get around that scam, because one of my very good friends is a writer for several VW magazines and has been for like 15 years. A logical person would THINK that this person may be better suited to tell you what a VW dune buggy would be worth over some clown in khaki pants who sells new Hondas on the corner...but no, not acceptable. 


So I just take it in the shorts and go to get the 250 dollar appraisal. This dick appraises it at 7 fucking thousand dollars. This is what I am now supposed to pay taxes on. What choice do I have right? So I go back for another raping and now I am told I have to go to one of the scales (on their special list of course) to weigh it. At this point, I'm pretty sure I smelled burnt toast and I left.


In short, fuck all that noise. I'm doing something "else" to solve this.


Holy shat I am glad I don't live in Washington... Sounds like a racket. Mr. Government can now tell you how much your vehicle is worth so it can charge you unrealistic taxes based on  unrealistic value.... 


Talk about over reach. Who voted for this crap?

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watch out for apartment buildings that allow section 8 housing. I lived in one and this guy attacked another neighbor with a knife. I think they could only keep him detained for 48 hours and then the dude was back. 

People are just weird and crazy. I had a guy make complaints about me when I wasn't even home. One night I was dead asleep and he banged on my door like a freak, he thought he was like a Robert DeNiro type and people were intimidated by him, even when he talked he had this fake Jack Nickleson vibe. I told him if he ever nocked on my door again I would................ anyway.  Dude was such douch.


Thinking of buying land and building my own place for me and my lady, want to build a Tudor wood framed house.  



Not sure this one does. It is a rent control building. Most people have been here for several years. I now top that list at 20. My previous upstairs neighbor was here a few years before I moved in and she's been gone about 4. I miss her. So much quieter. I'm the last person ding bat up there would want to try and act crazy on. I don't take well to people trying to raise up on me. She's up there doing her marching band impersonation right now. So awesome. My ears are bleeding.


Couldn't see your pic.


EDIT: Oh look, the second I hit post your pic showed. Cool building.

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Holy shat I am glad I don't live in Washington... Sounds like a racket. Mr. Government can now tell you how much your vehicle is worth so it can charge you unrealistic taxes based on  unrealistic value.... 


Talk about over reach. Who voted for this crap?


You can't vote on these types of laws,,, but the laws were put into place to keep buyers and sellers from putting an unrealistically LOW price on bill of sale .. They are at least 15 years old,, back when we used to pay tag price based on car value.


If you wanna play the game you need to read the rules better before you start...  I did and i have only done the inspection thing once and that was on a shell of a 60 ford that only had enough body/frame to actually have the spots where the numbers were checked ,, and pictures of it parked in high grass for reference..  ALWAYS do your  homework first,,  Marcia Clarke and Christpher Dardin learned this lesson ,, just like you Smoke ,,, the hard way..



although being married to a paralegal makes it way easier for me to understand legal-eezz as i have an interpreter.

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Ever make the mistake of trying to abide by the law? 

I have been driving my buggy around for a while without a plate. Well, it has a plate, just different ones I throw on it as I feel like it. I decided to get this put in my name, get plates and the whole deal. FFFFFFUCK! 


I show up at the DOL, I have the title, bill of sale and all that jazz and tell them I wish to put the car in my name. "Well what is it?" I explained it's a dune buggy (like the title says). She then asks if I have a bill of sale "sure do" hand her over the bill of sale written out on their very own form. She then sees the bill of sale states that I paid 800 dollars for it (which I did). Now, all of a sudden, the bill of sale is not good enough to wipe with. Ya, see, the bill of sale is very valuable to them if it shows you paid an assload of money for something. If it's a low amount, then it's worthless. Soooooo, what do I do? I have to have it appraised, but not by just anyone, oh no...they have special list. The asshats on this list want 250 bucks. I figure I can get around that scam, because one of my very good friends is a writer for several VW magazines and has been for like 15 years. A logical person would THINK that this person may be better suited to tell you what a VW dune buggy would be worth over some clown in khaki pants who sells new Hondas on the corner...but no, not acceptable. 


So I just take it in the shorts and go to get the 250 dollar appraisal. This dick appraises it at 7 fucking thousand dollars. This is what I am now supposed to pay taxes on. What choice do I have right? So I go back for another raping and now I am told I have to go to one of the scales (on their special list of course) to weigh it. At this point, I'm pretty sure I smelled burnt toast and I left.


In short, fuck all that noise. I'm doing something "else" to solve this.




Govt in general is designed to screw you as hard as they can and no lube,dinner or flowers beforehand. 



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Not sure this one does. It is a rent control building. Most people have been here for several years. I now top that list at 20. My previous upstairs neighbor was here a few years before I moved in and she's been gone about 4. I miss her. So much quieter. I'm the last person ding bat up there would want to try and act crazy on. I don't take well to people trying to raise up on me. She's up there doing her marching band impersonation right now. So awesome. My ears are bleeding.


Couldn't see your pic.


EDIT: Oh look, the second I hit post your pic showed. Cool building.

oh hell no, marching band? Some reason the violin only sounds good on a low quality cassette tape, in real time it drives me up the freaking wall. The sound of horse hair gliding across metal wires is enuff for me to snitch out any Canadian terrorist.

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You can't vote on these types of laws,,, but the laws were put into place to keep buyers and sellers from putting an unrealistically LOW price on bill of sale .. They are at least 15 years old,, back when we used to pay tag price based on car value.


If you wanna play the game you need to read the rules better before you start...  I did and i have only done the inspection thing once and that was on a shell of a 60 ford that only had enough body/frame to actually have the spots where the numbers were checked ,, and pictures of it parked in high grass for reference..  ALWAYS do your  homework first,,  Marcia Clarke and Christpher Dardin learned this lesson ,, just like you Smoke ,,, the hard way..



although being married to a paralegal makes it way easier for me to understand legal-eezz as i have an interpreter.

Oh no, I buy and sell cars ALL the time, I know the game. I don't have to have this pass inspection, or even deq. The problem is this...the dipshit previous owner decided to go all legal and go through all the pain involved in titling this as a dune buggy (which is not easy). This is where the pain in my ass is. Ya see, like 99% of people with these cars just leave them titled as a vw bug. So you show up with a 1965 bug title to put it in your name and BOOM, they hand you plates, a registration and off you go. This is not legal and I have heard all sorts of stories of someones Dads Uncles ex college roommates girlfriend who got the car impounded because of it, but I have owned close to 20 of them (really) been stopped an assload of times and never hassled a bit over it.


With this, they can't just open their little booklet and nail you for high bluebook price. They think they may be missing out on a nickle and they can't have that. I was told point blank that if the bill of sale said I paid over 3 grand, then it would be fine. I then said "okay, I paid 3 grand." But the cat was already out of the bag and she knew it would be appraised higher. The car is from Oregon and was titled there. My Father lives in Oregon, so guess who gets to have a dune buggy in their name. That's right, Dad. I tried to give them money, they wanted to try and fuck me out of more so they get NOTHING, eat it.

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Why the fuck didn't they just keep it tittled as a bug? Whenever I see stuff on clist referred to as "special construction" its like no way. Most cops aren't gonna wana deal with VW buggy logistics, its like they look down on DMV work

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My insurance says I have a 67 Plymouth Fury 4 door.






And a 77 Datsun B210






I gave them the right information and the correct VIN numbers.  They decided I was wrong I guess.  Police have pulled me over in both and never cared.

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Why the fuck didn't they just keep it tittled as a bug? Whenever I see stuff on clist referred to as "special construction" its like no way. Most cops aren't gonna wana deal with VW buggy logistics, its like they look down on DMV work

He probably got spooked by reading all the posts from scaredy  cat douche nozzles on forums about how they will take your car away and rape you with a broom handle while they make you watch them burn your car if you get caught with a title saying it's a bug. Fuckin SHEEP!

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We used to have 2 Mr2s  our black low mileage one the wife drove to work ,, had the tags up and since she has to dress "professional"  she would only drive it ..  Well i could just take the plates off the red one (repainted yellow) and stick them on ,,,,,, foolproof plan right??  Teh WSP pulled her over becuase car was black and it had red car plates on it ,, after going all through it on the exit by the brewery , to make sure it wasn't "stolen", they confiscated the plates ( that were ours by the way) and gave her some ridiculous sized ticket..  She found some technicality in how the RCW was written and got off but ,,, still,,,  had to buy plates for that car and tags for both again ,,, even though they were all our plates and tags.











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