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I found it ironic

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

What is there to say?  You're blabbering about nothing.  I've had more coherent conversations with transient homeless people.



Just like mass..


Come on buddy.


I had more hope for you!

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

Why don't you ask 510freak to cut to the chase, or why he continues to bump this thread if he doesn't want to keep it up? 



woops, I missed this one mass.


Why do I keep it up..


Lets let Tristin. Or you for that matter answer this?


Get it?



you may have to read between the lines a bit(if you need help dont be afraid to ask)

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WOW to this (now 19 page) shit show lol... 

Admins should just close these useless posts as they start. All the shit talking just furthers bad blood that seeps into other threads like a disease. 

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In case members have not noticed, active membership is down here on Ratsun, a lot of contributing members that used to come here often don't come here much or not at all anymore, and there are a lot of reasons for it, but to me it mostly looks to be the attitude is the reason, when I joined, the photo thing was announced right away, so that I can see, but the attacks when a newbie asks a question, well that is uncalled for, any attacks here are uncalled for, sure I have called out foul when threads have been locked, or posts have been deleted, but I don't attack like a hungry animal, when someone asks a question, if I know the answer, I reply with the answer, I don't tell them to use the search function, I try to consider what I post, I have regretted a few posts over the last few years, but at least I have a conscience about what I post, but one gets to the point when one gets tired of watching members getting attacked, and it's only a few members that do the attacking.

I have been here a while now, I think that I have contributed to this forum, I also spend a lot of time over on NWDatsun, I do not believe that posting videos on a thread, or any other thread is attacking someone, can't we just get along, since I am a member of the other forum, does that mean I am the enemy?

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I need help on this one.  Teach me, obi wan.  You keep trolling because you think that, because you're a long time member who has contributed to the forum, you should receive comments served to you on a silver platter that only honor and grace you with flatterings?  You think that if the admin and/or moderation desires a change to the forum, that you should be the one and only high lord of members to be consulted?  That if an admin, moderator, or other member do something to disturb your sensibilities, they should pay penance?  You can't comprehend a newer member disagreeing with you, and perhaps older members disagreeing with you as well?

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I need help on this one.  Teach me, obi wan.  You keep trolling because you think that, because you're a long time member who has contributed to the forum, you should receive comments served to you on a silver platter that only honor and grace you with flatterings?  You think that if the admin and/or moderation desires a change to the forum, that you should be the one and only high lord of members to be consulted?  That if an admin, moderator, or other member do something to disturb your sensibilities, they should pay penance?  You can't comprehend a newer member disagreeing with you, and perhaps older members disagreeing with you as well?


Are you talking to me?

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In case members have not noticed, active membership is down here on Ratsun, a lot of contributing members that used to come here often don't come here much or not at all anymore, and there are a lot of reasons for it, but to me it mostly looks to be the attitude is the reason, when I joined, the photo thing was announced right away, so that I can see, but the attacks when a newbie asks a question, well that is uncalled for, any attacks here are uncalled for, sure I have called out foul when threads have been locked, or posts have been deleted, but I don't attack like a hungry animal, when someone asks a question, if I know the answer, I reply with the answer, I don't tell them to use the search function, I try to consider what I post, I have regretted a few posts over the last few years, but at least I have a conscience about what I post, but one gets to the point when one gets tired of watching members getting attacked, and it's only a few members that do the attacking.

I have been here a while now, I think that I have contributed to this forum, I also spend a lot of time over on NWDatsun, I do not believe that posting videos on a thread, or any other thread is attacking someone, can't we just get along, since I am a member of the other forum, does that mean I am the enemy?


Agree, 100%.  I know I chide sometimes, but not newbies who just don't know any better.  I really don't get freak's problem.  Go back and read what he's posted in this thread and try to make sense of it contextually.  He seems to be harping on something past and won't come out and say anything clearly, simply egging people on with vague and disjointed posts.  How is that for positive/productive attitude?  I thought we had gotten over that after the classified fiasco, but it seems to be festering.  No, I haven't directed anything at you, wayno, other than to ask for clarification since you seem to be defending freak and therefore must understand/condone his trolling.

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Tristin says some shit (i'm too lazy to go back and quote it) 

No vested interest...


Fuck you Bitch...



How many years was I here...until you came here...yeah thats right ...

fuck you...



How does subject about pot laws and ironically attaching a death end up with this exchange? LOL


Ratsun is so random sometimes. I can actually see both or your points, but you're both kinda being rediculous too. Only chiming in because insomniacs is even dead atm, hah!

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

Agree, 100%.  I know I chide sometimes, but not newbies who just don't know any better.  I really don't get freak's problem.  Go back and read what he's posted in this thread and try to make sense of it contextually.  He seems to be harping on something past and won't come out and say anything clearly, simply egging people on with vague and disjointed posts.  How is that for positive/productive attitude?  I thought we had gotten over that after the classified fiasco, but it seems to be festering.  No, I haven't directed anything at you, wayno, other than to ask for clarification since you seem to be defending freak and therefore must understand/condone his trolling.





What wayno said pretty much sums up what I have to say about things.







We are all involved for one common goal(datsuns)

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510freak= mod?





how many is that??

All posted in this thread to say how they don`t post here because of uuuhhhhmmm ,, To  much  drama


Mmmmmm Koolaide



(edit) corrected again as i dont know how many mods are over there .. goody


mkay ..Yeah I'm not a moderator at NWD ... don't care to be one ... etc etc etc  ... *office space manager guy tone* trolol.

The bold ... I'd love to see where I said that in this thread ... which I didn't hamuck  ... I only had 2 posts prior to this reply (which were haha funny to cut tension nothing stated seriously lol  .. Tristingrind directly quoted the first reply ... and Spartacus-rod riding freeway was the second reply .. this reply is the 3rd) ... good you checked that all out first though very thoroughly before posting ... :rofl:  ...  2 things in a row ... one not even close  ..... :rofl: Your edit kinda sucks by the way... as it's very clear who is and isn't a mod hamuck ... just like here ! .. you didn't even look on NWD's !!! hahahaha.....

Just so the rest of ratsun knows ... hamuck and I have pm'd eachother off + on about jokes-n-such here .. no worries we're good.



Anyways .. I just got done working all day yesterday and all night long from last night...(feel like I'm getting to old to do it .. lulz ). It def was some "important stuff" (finger quotes). Just ate as many hard-boiled eggs as I could before I pass out here be-forth my laptop.

NWD and Ratsun are good sites.


It's all about datsun's. It's all about datsun parts. It's all datsun builds. It's all about wrenching. Everyone always wants to see pics of everything related.

A few lolz or some drama never hurt anyone .


I've been here , and I've been on NWD's somewhat often. More important things in life though then either as of current.

Have something to say ? go ahead and spell it out. I honestly don't care about anything on this site anymore that doesn't involve datsun's.

I've made my apologies , please + thankyou's , and resolved everything I've been personally involved with in the past here or anywhere (at peace).


That is meant very respectfully to K-Trip and paradime as well since there is a warranted merit in the discussion that developed.

It's just political and religious threads go down the drain pretty quick on this site as we all know (un-fortunately) or end in members hurt. ( or a dogpile o non-related issue's , etc... )

Would I like to actually contribute to the conversations ? SURE.... I have in the past , and it's always he-said she-said :-/ ... lol

Good on you guy's for keeping your cool.

A few lolz post never hurt anyone , and usually cuts the tension. :)


Thanks for reading , and hopefully everyone steps off on the right foot today :lol: ;)



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This is first forum I have ever joined and I'm hooked even though I traded off my Datsun, but is it normal for threads to go off topic as they so commonly seem to here?


If I ran a sight I would be hated and maybe it would fail because I would delete peoples post when they do that so they would learn to take their banter and shit to a new thread titled as such.



 I don't see the same wealth of knowledge flowing here that I used to, like some have gone away and no one has even said if NWD are good parents?

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This is first forum I have ever joined and I'm hooked even though I traded off my Datsun, but is it normal for threads to go off topic as they so commonly seem to here?


If I ran a sight I would be hated and maybe it would fail because I would delete peoples post when they do that so they would learn to take their banter and shit to a new thread titled as such.



 I don't see the same wealth of knowledge flowing here that I used to, like some have gone away and no one has even said if NWD are good parents?


Yes it's normal for these types of thread (general discussion) to spiral out of control especially if it's even remotley close to politics or religion. It's the reason datzenmike said " oh and I can see where this is going ... ibtl " on page 1 ;) . I've been on here since 09' and a lurker before that (a little). In that time (over the past years as being a member) my observations have always been ---> these kinds of threads always happen ,,, always will happen ,,, and always end badly or un-foreseen ( un-fortunately ). I mean this is a datsun vehicle forum is it not ya know ? .. lol.


Could you please clarify " no one has even said if NWD are good parents ? "  ... I honestly am not sure what this means , and am tired. :)


Over-all though no worries we're here to help each other :cool:

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Again. Lou, let's move on. 


Keith, you're beginning to see the problem here.


The thing you need to understand.

Is that there are two sides to every story.


And , I wouldnt be sorry..


Stuff needs to be said.


Actually..... it doesn't.


Man, you really like to bite on to the smallest morsel (vested interest) and turn a thread into a giant bitchfest  (throwing in your typical music videos for spice), same as the other threads.  Do you ever ask yourself what the point is?  The rest of us are wondering.


Yup and you're digging a deep hole for yourself with page after page. The person you dislike so much is just letting you bury yourself. I thought you were seeing the light but apparently once again Friday nights are your downfall.




In case members have not noticed, active membership is down here on Ratsun, a lot of contributing members that used to come here often don't come here much or not at all anymore, and there are a lot of reasons for it, but to me it mostly looks to be the attitude is the reason, when I joined, the photo thing was announced right away, so that I can see, but the attacks when a newbie asks a question, well that is uncalled for, any attacks here are uncalled for, sure I have called out foul when threads have been locked, or posts have been deleted, but I don't attack like a hungry animal, when someone asks a question, if I know the answer, I reply with the answer, I don't tell them to use the search function, I try to consider what I post, I have regretted a few posts over the last few years, but at least I have a conscience about what I post, but one gets to the point when one gets tired of watching members getting attacked, and it's only a few members that do the attacking.

I have been here a while now, I think that I have contributed to this forum, I also spend a lot of time over on NWDatsun, I do not believe that posting videos on a thread, or any other thread is attacking someone, can't we just get along, since I am a member of the other forum, does that mean I am the enemy?


Wayno you're just bitter about something. How do you know membership is down or is it just an opinion? I get on average about 150 applications a day, most, even the vast majority are rejected as likely spam bots. Maybe a half dozen join at least, often more. That's the last few months that I have been checking, I don't know what it was a year ago. When was the last noob told to search? Can't be very often. Attacks on noobs? Perhaps, but not much and not like some places. It happens, and NWD is different as it's more local, everyone knows everyone else. Ratsun is what it is and saying membership is down or noobs get attacked doesn't make it so.


....and YOU'RE tired of seeing members attacked?????? Did you read what started this? I thought a little understanding and talk would satisfy everyone and get it out in the open but basically someone came here with the sole intention of trolling, repeatedly going on and on about it, not letting it go. Read... Woops  Someone has a hard on for someone here. Just like that fucking Troy Ermish steamy pile of bullshit on both forums. There were even posts about the posts about it... and a final kick at the can. http://nwdatsuns.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=411 Talk about not letting go. I closed that post on Ratsun as it did no credit to the poster nor the people that couldn't help joining in even though they weren't involved. "Waaa ratsun closed that post, those assholes. That's why I left there!!!" I said this before, that everyone in that post is probably secretly glad it was closed, and on NWD, so that no one can go back and see some of the embarrassing comments they made. I'm embarrassed enough for all of you. Mods at NWD you probably didn't erase that post, and simply hid it from view. Take some time to read it again.  Maybe next time you'll close something that needs closing.. for the best.


Which brings me to closing this steamy pile. I let some post go on as an outlet. Everyone needs to vent a bit. Nothing wrong with that. Others like the drama, some just can't help joining in. It lets the steam off. If not, it shows up in more inappropriate places. Maybe this is wrong and posts should be closed, but then people start screaming foul. Let me leave you with this.... others get to know you by what they experience about you. Not everyone gets to spend time with you and have only what you say here to form an opinion. People judge. They may not admit it but it's the human thing to do. Everything we say or do reflects on our character. 

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....and YOU'RE tired of seeing members attacked?????? Did you read what started this? I thought a little understanding and talk would satisfy everyone and get it out in the open but basically someone came here with the sole intention of trolling, repeatedly going on and on about it, not letting it go. Read... Woops  Someone has a hard on for someone here. Just like that fucking Troy Ermish steamy pile of bullshit on both forums. There were even posts about the posts about it... and a final kick at the can. http://nwdatsuns.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=411 Talk about not letting go. I closed that post on Ratsun as it did no credit to the poster nor the people that couldn't help joining in even though they weren't involved. "Waaa ratsun closed that post, those assholes. That's why I left there!!!" I said this before, that everyone in that post is probably secretly glad it was closed, and on NWD, so that no one can go back and see some of the embarrassing comments they made. I'm embarrassed enough for all of you. Mods at NWD you probably didn't erase that post, and simply hid it from view. Take some time to read it again.  Maybe next time you'll close something that needs closing.. for the best.


I'm slightly confused.. are you directly talking about my threads with my involvement Mike ?

Just to clarify case was very valid in that deal , and I still stand by it. I'm not secretley glad as I was asked to take it down numerous times , and did so once it was resolved. I also stated I wished to have it hidden or locked once it had been done. Troy was happy with that result :)

The last thread I made was thankyou , and to let everyone know it was done so everyone can move on.(made good).


Thankyou for helping me with it , and the weird situation it had become.



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Yes it's normal for these types of thread (general discussion) to spiral out of control especially if it's even remotley close to politics or religion. It's the reason datzenmike said " oh and I can see where this is going ... ibtl " on page 1 ;) . I've been on here since 09' and a lurker before that (a little). In that time (over the past years as being a member) my observations have always been ---> these kinds of threads always happen ,,, always will happen ,,, and always end badly or un-foreseen ( un-fortunately ). I mean this is a datsun vehicle forum is it not ya know ? .. lol.


Could you please clarify " no one has even said if NWD are good parents ? "  ... I honestly am not sure what this means , and am tired. :)


Over-all though no worries we're here to help each other :cool:

" no one has even said if NWD are good parents ? " This was sarcasm about where the thread started and where it is now

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