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I found it ironic

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I've seen a lot more of these and I know where they end up and on which scrap heap. A little nudge in the right direction and.....

Creepy? So Mike is an agent, or is he the one who sets us free from the matrix. Wait a minute, I don't remember getting my fucking blue pill. 

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Creepy? So Mike is an agent, or is he the one who sets us free from the matrix. I don't remember getting my fucking blue pill.

I took the red and blue pill at the same time....things have been interesting ever since...

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Some people ruin the internet for everyone else. If only.. there was a thread.. to teach me how to make it better... for myself...

(Backs out of noose like thread he stumbled into)

With a random outside post like this one it's destined for the insomniacs/ 

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If it weren't for these Big Brother aka "Administrators" tactics we might have a real shot at an intelligent conversation around here.


Not much could save this....


I found it ironic that these two new stories are from on the same day in US history.


Feds won't sue states over recreational pot laws:



A stoned father is arrested after his 3 month old son dies:



^ I've heard folks say, "it's not like alcohol at all, no one gets killed when someone gets stoned" ... but to me, this is a very sad story.

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I've seen a lot more of these and I know where they end up and on which scrap heap. A little nudge in the right direction and.....



After only 6 posts you decide to intervene with:


Simple, enact laws that enforce mandatory birth control and only allow you to have children only when you have demonstrated parenting ability, (special schools or courses) financial security, a home and or a successful career, plus a $250,000. bond to cover raising each child should something go wrong. This would eventually eliminate ghetto human puppy mills and the welfare state. The cream would rise to the top and be allowed to breed. The present trash would live out their lives and an increasingly brave new world.


This is a bit exaggerated but were running out of resources and room... and don't for a minute thing we aren't. With lowered population pressures there would be less crime and political turmoil between countries. 



Alcohol has been the cause of more heartbreak and death than any amount of pot smoked.


Oh and I can see where this is going..... IBTL


Dude, This is what you call a "Nudge"? Then after seven pages:


Not much could save this....


After a troll redirect like that, you're absolutely right. Now we'll never know where the conversation could have gone.



Datzenmike Defending against free speech on land, on the see and in the air!


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Alright fuck it.  Since this is somehow still not locked, here is a valiant effort to steer this toward new waters.  


I've always wondered what would happen if you set up an ant farm, and gave it unlimited food, water, and air.  What mechanism exists in nature to limit population growth.  All I can think of are external forces (disease, predator, disasters).  Is there an internal limiter?  Are we all just programmed to grow?  Would the ants breed, and breed, and breed until there was no room to move?  


I'd be interested to see what happens when everyone gets all the essentials they could want.  


I also think every teen should watch and see what happens when you taper that food supply down 1% every day.  

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Datzenmike Defending against free speech on land, on the see and in the air!

Actually I was exorcizing my right to free speech. Please get it right.



After only 6 posts you decide to intervene with:


Simple, enact laws that enforce mandatory birth control and only allow you to have children only when you have demonstrated parenting ability, (special schools or courses) financial security, a home and or a successful career, plus a $250,000. bond to cover raising each child should something go wrong. This would eventually eliminate ghetto human puppy mills and the welfare state. The cream would rise to the top and be allowed to breed. The present trash would live out their lives and an increasingly brave new world.


This is a bit exaggerated but were running out of resources and room... and don't for a minute thing we aren't. With lowered population pressures there would be less crime and political turmoil between countries.



Alcohol has been the cause of more heartbreak and death than any amount of pot smoked.


Oh and I can see where this is going..... IBTL



I was replying to...


Everybody thinks they are smart enough to handle smoking pot and some are, but you will never convince the ones that aren't not too. So how do you protect the people around them?


I also said in the text... "This is a bit exaggerated but..." which probably was an exaggeration too.




After a troll redirect like that, you're absolutely right. Now we'll never know where the conversation could have gone.



What conversation? These two 'headlines' are unrelated and trollish. People have been doing stupid and tragic things while high forever. Would the feds suing states prevent it... no. Would police arresting high people prevent this... no.


Feds won't sue states over recreational pot laws:



A stoned father is arrested after his 3 month old son dies:




Lets try another...


Bars Stay Open 24/7 in Portland or Portland bars close at 6PM


Impaired Portland Man Drives Car Over Embankment At 4AM... Drowns

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Alright fuck it.  Since this is somehow still not locked, here is a valiant effort to steer this toward new waters.  


I've always wondered what would happen if you set up an ant farm, and gave it unlimited food, water, and air.  What mechanism exists in nature to limit population growth.  All I can think of are external forces (disease, predator, disasters).  Is there an internal limiter?  Are we all just programmed to grow?  Would the ants breed, and breed, and breed until there was no room to move?  


I'd be interested to see what happens when everyone gets all the essentials they could want.  


I also think every teen should watch and see what happens when you taper that food supply down 1% every day.  



Is there a natural internal population limiter, Interesting question. As intelligent as humans may seem compared to an ant, our natural drive to procreate is stronger than our ability to reason. Setting laws in an attempt to control population growth opens a pandora's box of ethical and spiritual dilemmas. Not to mention the repercussions these controls could have on future generations. Trust me, China's one baby limit will blow up in their face once an entire generation of self centered capitalist only children, who are predominantly male hit adolescence. All this in a country who's culture is thousands of years old. Bad moon rising? 


It's simplistic to think that population "control" is as easy as passing a law. There are consequences for tipping natures balance, but as intelligent beings we have developed the ability to manipulate our environment to suit our needs. And with every development in food production and medical technology we divert further and further from that natural balance. Truly we are blindly driving our own nature without a license. Some would say our fate was sealed as soon as we  moved from hunter gatherer societies to agrarian. I believe we can use our natural biological drives to our advantage, but harnessing the human drive for self realization and gratification has only pushed us further from our humanity and magnified our selfish myopic nature. What's interesting is that birth rates in developed countries is declining while birthrates in developing countries is skyrocketing. It appears there are internal limiters at play, but what is driving this and can we use this to our advantage?


 I believe that if we hope to control population growth we need to think on a much broader scope than simple birth control laws.

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Look, damn few people have sex to have kids. Fucking is for enjoyment almost exclusively. I never suggested no fucking. With mandatory birth control you could fuck your bloody head off... and then IF,.... IF you are worthy you could, under conditions, have children. Those few who just have to have kids, are fit, but for what ever other reason could adopt.


Developed countries have a better education system and when women find out that they aren't simply cows for breeding purposes, they damn well and rightly so seek to have a career and few children.


China is not a good example because boy children are preferred and female children 'done away with'. In theory it will work.

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