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obviously this is only for the people that know me or care (not many people im sure aha!)


anyways, ive been stationed down in san diego for 4 years, and im finally rotating out. 


i tried SO HARD to move back up to Washington. i REALLY liked it there. and it would also

be easier to drive my 4 cars up there than anywhere else. 


well, the people in charge of putting torpedomen where they are needed dont like to put them

back on the same class submarine, and they ESPECIALLY dont like putting them back on the boat

they came from (USS Nevada.) so i begged and pleaded but to no avail. 


i was very excited because when i was first up there (05-09) i was always in seattle. I LOVE SEATTLE.

im a people person and i like to be surrounded by people. 


well ive grown up a lil and matured and finally appreciate my alone time. it gives me time to work on my 

cars. last time i lived in silverdale/bremerton i was renting a 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2 car garage house for super 



i was very excited to join the ranks of the PNW datsun community. and hang out with all them and go on cruises,

meets, ferry over to vancouver and maybe meet the king rat.


the only hawaiian ratsun member i know of is kyushakai. ive told him ill be headed over there. but it sucks because

being on an island and all space is scarce and so far my searches for a house for rent with a garage are fruitless. 


as well as shipping across the gd pacific ocean for basic parts is gonna suck so im accumulating as much shit for 

all my cars as i can. shipping all those cars is gonna be a bitch too. the navy will ship 1 but i gotta cover the rest

and i cannot decide of what car(s) i would even want to part with....



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Should have tried to go to the Ohio... same schedule, port visits, and we have woman. Could have stayed in the NW B)





Hawaii is cool... traffic blows around base though. You can hang out with David Johnson while youre over there, he just moved there himself. 

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minimum requirement to get assigned hawaii is 3 years. im having a hard time finding a place with a garage so i might buy a house.


and ill sell my L20b IF i can pull an LZ before i go :)


and of course i can keep the japanese stuff sale threads goin 

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  • NO EMISSIONS TESTING. Anything goes when it comes to your motor except exhaust design and noise. NOS, turbo, blown, whatever, no problem.
  • WHEELS, SUSPENSION, FRAME. This process is called "Reconstruction" and you will get issued a reconstruction permit. This part really, really blows. ANY changes to suspension, change of wheels or frame must clear the reconstruction station inspection. If there is any work done to a frame, i.e. C-notch, you must have proof that it was a certified weld. The wheels and tires cannot stick out farther than the fender well without the use of flares. Suspension adjustments have it's own set of rules. Pretty much anything that has to do with suspension of the car will be scrutinized. And yes, the inspectors know their shit. And yes, so do the cops. P.S. Cops can revoke the permit at any time if your mods don't match the papaerwork.
  • REGISTRATION: Part of the suck part two. As military, you will qualify for out-of-state registration if the car is from out-of-state, but it still must pass all the state regulations which includes reconstruction above. Essentially in order to operate your car, it will need to go through a certified safety check station. They inspect all lights, lenses, wheel off brakes, glass, tires and horn. If the car is modified, it will need a reconstruction permit. Then you get to register.
  • THEFT: Car theft in Hawaii, especially Oahu is very, very high. From burglary to the entire car. An alarm and security measures are a must, period. Not negotiable, a must. I've seen punched locks, broken windows to bent door frames and trunks.
  • SCENE: Very, very big scene in Hawaii. Be careful who you show what, see THEFT above.

All that being said, Hawaii for military can be rough. You're easily identifiable for obvious reasons. BE CAREFUL WHERE YOU GO, even under the buddy system. Waimanalo (my area), Kalihi, Haula, Nanakuli and Waianae are day only areas and even sketchy during the day. BE RESPECTFUL, BE RESPECTFUL, BE RESPECTFUL. Us boys got short tempers and I can't tell you how many people I've seen dropped because they ran their mouth. The Samoans, Tongans, Phillipino's and the Micronesians tend to fight solo that progresses to mobbing. Been victim of this a few times and I'm from there.  The club scene is awesome because of all the tourists. Women everywhere. Cops can be dicks and many are corrupt. Be prepared for serious sticker shock on anything but at least tax is low.


Hawaii has a different culture from anywhere else in the U.S. The language, the people, the culture. Best advice I can give you is to respect the people and try to get in good with a local crew or few guys to show you the island and introduce you properly on the Island way. It will go miles.



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^^^ AWESOME info, i really appreciate it!

reconstruction permit and all that... not so awesome. 


ive tried/pride myself hard on not looking military. at the least ill have my complexion going for me, which doesnt do much really...

but i have a bunch of local friends there, and my muay thai coach (eddie yagin) grew up there and he is now back there so i feel that

when i get in with a gym over there thatll help out a wee bit. 


man im not looking forward to all the BS with the cars

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You will be fine,dont let that tiki guy scare you,just dont go to school on kill haole day.lol


All what he said is true,i never got a recon sticker fuck them and just dont drive like a douche and for the most part they will leave you alone,and make sure your Muay Thai skills are up to par so BJ penn no give you dirty lickens.lol


And most of all the worst thing you can tell any Local there is WHAT,those my friend are fighting words,and dont tell any Samoan's kefe ufa they will kill you.

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Its impressive to me how much theft and crime takes place in one of the most beautiful places in the world. Human beings are pretty sad... 

Good luck to ya on the move man

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Drugs are big on the island of Oahu so people will do what they got to do to get some,also keep in mind you got almost a million people crammed in on a island thats about 36 miles across.

guam, virgin islands, pr etc... all have higher population density and lower crime per capita. The crime in HI seems more a cultural thing then population... Regardless its just sad what people do in/to paradise. 

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Drugs are big on the island of Oahu so people will do what they got to do to get some,also keep in mind you got almost a million people crammed in on a island thats about 36 miles across.

ooh its the drugs. that makes more sense now.


Is this a for sure thing, Dale?


If it is, We need a going away Datsun party for you, Full of Drugs, Hynas, Alcohol, BBQ, Datsuns, and Men.


No wait, Just a BBQ, Alcohol, and Datsuns.

yessir, forsure forsure. im supposed to report to my new boat on october 11th.

but ill still be attending jccs with ya! and ill have to ship out my truck a few days later aha!

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guam, virgin islands, pr etc... all have higher population density and lower crime per capita. The crime in HI seems more a cultural thing then population... Regardless its just sad what people do in/to paradise. 



Does the pr stand for Puerto Rico ? cuz i have a cousin that works in that region and that place is dangerous as fuck.. Maybe not in the Sandals resorts,, lol,  but in the real world the muder/crime rate is insane.. the vigin islands may be safer but Haiti ,, he says that place is a cross between escape from New York and a garbage dump.. if you think he`s just being a pussy ,, he saw his own brother shot in the face by his uncle,, so i kinda believe him.




DAWA Hawaii is awesome i would go there if i was younger like you and had a job and a place to crash ... at least one day off a week to bikini watch ... Hell that`s living right there.

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Dawa you will be fine,i born and raised there and i am forth generation born,my parents still live there and it is a beautiful place to live,the only reason why i left is i used to run all the tanker barges and tug boats out there for at the time BHP and then Tesoro bought the refinery and i was laid off 2 years later so thats why i left.I dont care what any body says just fit in with the locals and you will be all good.The worst part for you is higher gas prices but hawaii has one of the best bus systems in the United states so maybe use it and the recon sticker like tiki said but thats not a problem.


Go have fun and be a Hawaiian,no forget Zippy's and i want you to go to Libbys manapua and try the pork hash,and you let me know if it is not one of the best things you put in your mouth to eat.[other then a big cock,nah just kidding].



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I never mentioned haiti lmfao at escape from ny and garbage dump though. Yes PR is Puero Rico, it def has its bad areas but its 3 times the population on an island thats 2/3 the size. My main point was that you can chalk up crime to there being a million people on that island because there are far denser populated islands with way less crime. 

I'm not knocking HI at all and my good luck to dawa was genuine. I play pool with some guys from other there, they have me wanting to move every time I talk to them about it. Just think I would flip out being there for a long period of time... 

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