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My Father has the craftsmen creeper.  It's heavy (by comparison), the rails hit my arms wrong, and when I pick it up, the head rest drops forward, the bolts holding the casters come loose and drop the nuts, the casters aren't that great either.... Just awkward.  The adjustable headrest is nice, but there are only a handful of times I've ever needed it.


I've had this one for over 5 years now.  It sees abuse and holds up to it.  It's lightweight, more comfortable than the craftsmen even without the padding... I've taken a nap on it under the car before, the casters are smooth, and I think I paid $40-50 for it.




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I have a hot rod one 

no idea on manufacturer I think I bought it at kragen years ago 

it has and still works great it has adjustable head rest I hardly ever use 

the only downfall is the castors get stuck in the deep driveway grooves 

when I was younger I hated these wrenching you always moved around now that I am a little older I dont know how I did without one 


the matco one above looks great and I like the 6 castor idea the wheels also look like a better rubber 





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they dont make a jackstand tall enough to get georges belly and a creeper under there lol


i kid

JERK, I'm big boned..... or bonered........ Heh, Heh, Heh THAT'S why they don't make them tall enough....



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