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Memorial Day

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I just wanted to take a moment and thank everyones fallen family members for their service. Today is Memorial Day, and its to honor all the men and women who didnt come back from protecting this country. 


Im sure everyone here in the States will be celebrating by eating a burger or two with plenty of beer to wash it down, but just stop and think for a second why you (hopefully) have the day off. Fingers crossed the weather is nice where you are at to get the family together and enjoy a nice BBQ. 




Thanks again to all the fallen members. Unfortunately a few of my friends never returned... luckily I made it home safe every deployment. 






Anyway, happy Memorial Day everyone. Be safe and there are tons of cops out there for DUI checks. Dont speed!

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Or drive drunk......and thank you Tristan for your service to our country, without our brave soldiers we would not have the freedoms we take for granted every day.


Setting aside other thread differences, thanks, but today isnt about me. I came home... 




For those that dont know US holidays:


Memorial Day- Armed forces members who didnt come home

Veterans Day- Armed forces members who served prior

Armed Forces Day- Currently enlisted members


Here is how Memorial Day came about... http://www.postandcourier.com/article/20090524/PC1602/305249938

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Today has been a good Memorial day, thanked a few personnel we saw at the 9/11 memorial in NYC today, and just spen the day out and about.  Thanks again to everyone that has served and protected the people of this country. 

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Setting aside other thread differences, thanks, but today isnt about me. I came home... 




For those that dont know US holidays:


Memorial Day- Armed forces members who didnt come home

Veterans Day- Armed forces members who served prior

Armed Forces Day- Currently enlisted members


Here is how Memorial Day came about... http://www.postandcourier.com/article/20090524/PC1602/305249938



Spent the day following service members around the tornado damage area as they helped clean up.  couldn't get management to understand the above...  they just wanted service members or veterans out spending their holiday giving back.    I did do a story on people cleaning up graves in one of the damaged cementaries, so that was a plus.  BBQ was yesterday.  Tonight, don't know about yet.   Maybe watch 'The Longest Day'

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Setting aside other thread differences, thanks, but today isnt about me. I came home... 




For those that dont know US holidays:


Memorial Day- Armed forces members who didnt come home

Veterans Day- Armed forces members who served prior

Armed Forces Day- Currently enlisted members


Here is how Memorial Day came about... http://www.postandcourier.com/article/20090524/PC1602/305249938

Well thanks any way to the men and women that serve and for the ones that sacrificed themselves for me and all other Americans.I hate to say it but they to could not return one day and they are not thanked enough while they are alive,I work with a lot of veterans and i still thank them to this day,so while you complain about the rain and others are enjoying there day with family  i am at work making a ton of money though.lol

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Sadly half of the guys in this picture are no longer living... 




This is a SEAL team that regularly rode my boat. Got to be close friends over 6 years. A new crew of SEALs showed up one deployment which confused us... turns out a Blackhawk with these guys went down in Afghanistan. Not everyone made it. 


I took this in the middle of the Pacific while my boat (SSGN726 USS Ohio) was surfaced to pick these guys up. They actually had just repelled out of a helicopter onto the back of the boat moments prior. 



Tristin-Today is also for those who came home and have since passed.


Yes, youre correct. I should have added that. Thanks for the correction... we dont want to forget those guys too! :thumbup:



At the canby datsun show, if anyone wants to meet at the American Legion for breakfast pm me.if your not a vet or a member I can get a guest or two in, maybe more, my father inlaw is the Detachment Commander.


I used to go to the American Legion with my grandfather for breakfast buffets a couple times a summer. Food isnt fantastic (it was still pretty good), but the mix of food, good people, and amazing stories makes it worth it. I recommend it to anyone that hasnt been. Its a good time. 

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Sadly half of the guys in this picture are no longer living... 


This is a SEAL team that regularly rode my boat. Got to be close friends over 6 years. A new crew of SEALs showed up one deployment which confused us... turns out a Blackhawk with these guys went down in Afghanistan. Not everyone made it. 




Yes, youre correct. I should have added that. Thanks for the correction... we dont want to forget those guys too! :thumbup:




I used to go to the American Legion with my grandfather for breakfast buffets a couple times a summer. Food isnt fantastic (it was still pretty good), but the mix of food, good people, and amazing stories makes it worth it. I recommend it to anyone that hasnt been. Its a good time. 

what picture?

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What type of Sub los Angeles class


No Ohio class. Its about 2X the length of an LA class boat. We carry over 100 and less than 200 tomahawks and specialize in SEAL missions. We house mini-subs on-board and deploy SEALs (as well as foreign national special ops teams) at sea while submerged. We are also used as first strike boats... remember when the US bombed Syria a bit ago? That was my boat. 

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I just got a PM to post some detailed shots of the story above. I cant post much, but here are two additional photos. 


Here are the SEALs getting off the helicopters:




And here is a picture looking forward on the boat which shows the mini sub we carry on the left:



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cool pics 

sad that half are no longer alive 


yes I was yelling so everyone could hear 


all gave some and some gave all 

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cool pics 

sad that half are no longer alive 


It is, but it reminds me of a story:


Onboard one time there was a high ranking SEAL member just hanging out on his laptop. I struck up a conversation and we got onto the topic of places he had been around the world. He ended up showing me about 200 photos he had on his computer from the day he became a SEAL up to now. It was something close to 25yrs or his career. Some of the talks with the pictures were like this:


ME: Man, the stars look crazy out there. Must be in the middle of nowhere with no lights. Only the stars over your heads.

SEAL: Those are stars... they are bullets. 

M: Uuuuuh so youre in a direct fire-fight?

S: Yep. I wanted to take a picture of my first one so me and a mate just turned on our backs behind that mound and snapped a picture while the bullets flew inches above our heads.


M: Oh sweet village. Where is that?

S: Nowhere now. 

M: Huh?

S: About 5mins after that picture was taken, we blew it up. 


M: Wow, that guy has a huge smirk on his face. 

S: Yeah, because hes alive.

M: Seriously, thats it? Just a happy guy I guess. 

S: No, we just got done being in a gun fight and he saved the team from a grenade. See his pants? They are all covered in blood. Im actually holding him up in this picture as he cant stand right now. We took a 2min breather for him to get some life in his legs and we hiked out of the valley. 

M: Well, hopefully it wasnt too far with a wound like that. 

S: No it wasnt far... 30-40miles. Nothing crazy. 



And it went on like that for 200 pictures. Every once-in-awhile there would be a group photo and he would pick out the guys that arent around anymore and then continue on. Then he showed me pictures of the house he and his wife are building in Hawaii. Pictures of his wife going through pregnancy and then finally their sun. It was crazy to watch this guy grow-up from 18 and green to 45+ and the guy sitting before me. Crazy dude. 

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Tristin-Today is also for those who came home and have since passed.


Technically no. That would still be veterans day for them. Unless they came home and died from injuries received during combat. If they died of old age (or not military related) Memorial day isn't for them. 




"As Memorial Day approaches, it is time to pause and consider the

true meaning of this holiday. Memorial Day represents one day of

national awareness and reverence, honoring those Americans who died

while defending our Nation and its values."



And kickass pictures Tristin.  Wish I would have done something cool while I was in. 

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Cpl Daniel C.Schaller -United States Army Air Corp.Chevleston,England.1944-45.

12 missions in a Flying Fortress over occupied Europe.This is a picture of him at his station on his 13th mission over Tucson on April,22nd 2001.




My grandfather's Subchaser crew circa 1917.





My grandfather on the 75MM deck gun

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No Ohio class. Its about 2X the length of an LA class boat. We carry over 100 and less than 200 tomahawks and specialize in SEAL missions. We house mini-subs on-board and deploy SEALs (as well as foreign national special ops teams) at sea while submerged. We are also used as first strike boats... remember when the US bombed Syria a bit ago? That was my boat. 


The largest subs ever built [and deployed by the way], bigger than the Ohio class,  were the Japanese "Ii" class with the bomber hangers on the deck.  They were built to bomb Los Angeles and the Douglas plant, and the Panama Canal.  On the way to the duty station they received the Japanese surrender broadcast and were ordered to turn themselves over to the US Navy.  One big problem!  The bombers were painted in US Navy colors, a clear violation of the rules of war.  The commander opened the hanger and pushed the planes overboard, then surrendered to US Navy ships.  We promptly put Navy crews aboard to supervise the Japanese crews and sailed them to Pearl Harbor.  We scavenged all the technology we could and then sank them off Oahu before the Russians found out we had them and demanded a share in the technology.  The remains of 2 of them were recently rediscovered.

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