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Oklahoma Tornado

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My dad just headed back to northeast Okie for a high school reunion  ,, class of 1614 i believe :w00t: ,,,  he was talking about the hot weather being ripe for a tornado.. But he says " hell it`s no big deal those things used to happen 300 times a year,, and not one a them god damn things has hit me yet "..  in his weird southern twang that seems to develop when he talks about vacationing in Okilahomo ..


FYI ,, i was the only person in my family not born there ..... I used to be put in speech therapy to stop me from talking like them in grade school because we spent part of our summer in Ok ..no joke



I have made 100s of dollars on the Sooners loses over the years.... and being the " baby" i only count the wins.. :rofl:

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Tragic stuff. One of my biggest customers is in OKLA. I've been back there in May and that's tornado season. My last trip back there they had a pretty big one a few miles away. I don't want to be anywhere near that shit. Scary stuff.

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What happened in that elementary school is gonna give me nightmares...


Luckily all my family in that area is safe and the storms down here just did a bit of tree damage, although the Moore tornado came too damn close to my wife's grandmother's place (Again). And my mother-in-law is an insurance agent for the OKC Metro so she's gonna be busy for a while, but that's the worst any of mine will have to deal with.


BUT Ratsuners A.D_510_n_ok and OkieRA29 are from that area SO CHECK IN WHEN YOU GET A CHANCE GUYS SO WE KNOW YOU'RE SAFE!!!

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he was talking about the hot weather being ripe for a tornado.. But he says " hell it`s no big deal those things used to happen 300 times a year,, and not one a them god damn things has hit me yet "..

That's what's fucked up about a tornado, they can level one side of the street and the other side looks like nothing happened. Or drop down and pick back up for a bit and drop back down so it looks like little bombs went off every mile or so. That's why Joplin and Mississippi (i think) and now Moore are so crazy. A mile-wide path of destruction is just fucking crazy. You could take a map of a town and draw a normal tornado path with a ball-point pen. For these big bastards like in Moore you'd need one of those huge-ass permanent markers that they only sell at Staples.

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I went and helped out with clean up and recovery when that big one came through Tuscaloosa back in 2011. It looked like the ground was literally scraped clean and it was roughly the same size as the one that hit Moore. It will take them years to recover as Tuscaloosa still isn't the same. My heart and prayers go out to them.

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What a horrible tragedy! My wife had mentioned it to me yesterday but I had no idea it was this bad. I was once forced to hide in our basement when I was a teenager a long with my family as winds ripped through our town. It was terrifying and that was a baby compared to the monster that swept into Moore, Oklahoma. My prayers go out to the families and friends of the deceased. Rest in peace.

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these are pics I lifted from a bud/co-worker's facebook. yesterday I was parked next to the little blue Honda CRX at work and it was gut-slick! the white Yukon was lowered, had sweet rims and a kickin' stereo system. this is what was left this morning. He lives in Cement, OK btw and is a good, solid 45 minutes south of Moore. turns out the wind picked up the firecracker stand in his yard and slammed it into the hoopties and the house :sick:  :crying:  :crying:  :crying: .




this tornado started north of me in Chickasha and went to Moore. my buds were at safety meeting in Marlow, OK yesterday when the tornado sirens sounded for Bray, OK (I was home sick). fuckin' bosses refused to cancel a SAFETY MEETING for a second TORNADO that touched down 13 miles away!!!

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That's what's fucked up about a tornado, they can level one side of the street and the other side looks like nothing happened. Or drop down and pick back up for a bit and drop back down so it looks like little bombs went off every mile or so. That's why Joplin and Mississippi (i think) and now Moore are so crazy. A mile-wide path of destruction is just fucking crazy. You could take a map of a town and draw a normal tornado path with a ball-point pen. For these big bastards like in Moore you'd need one of those huge-ass permanent markers that they only sell at Staples.



Yeah man , my parents were up in Miami ( for the same high school reunion my dad is attending this Friday) and were supposed to go to Commerce the exact day the huge tornado mowed over Picher... And there is very few people still up there and a bunch of people died... 

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At Mamaw's today and tomorrow in the Newcastle/Blanchard/Tuttle area and have seen some pretty scaryass damage. There's a big railroad bridge next to I44 that looks like it was crumbled like aluminum foil. I'll try to get oics of some stuff tomorrow. Crazy man. Crazy.

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I am fine, live about 20 miles north of where the tornado went through.  Being that I work in the 'news' business, I have been very busy for the last week or so.  I was right behind that Carney tornado on sunday and spent sunday night and some of monday morning covering the damage.  Monday I was covering a trial and didn't chase, but ended up in Moore at Plaza Towers Elementary school.  Tough situation for everyone.  I felt horrible for the first responders as they pulled the kids from the wreckage.   The 7 children were in a hallway when a wall collapsed on them.  Spent wednesday and friday with teachers and students from the other school, Briarwood Elementary, where everyone made it out alive.  The damage is indescribeable, but I will try to get some still frames from some of the video I shot.  Supposedly, tomorrow I go back to covering regular stuff. 

The tornado's track was not as long as the EF-5 from May 3rd, but it was more focused.  The tornado also travelled a lot slower than May 3rd.  It was about1/2-3/4 of a mile wide when it hit the schools, which are only about a mile apart.  I haven't done any stories on kids killed, but have done a bunch on kids that were rescued and survived.  Moore will rebuild, but it won't be the same.  A shame as they had been riding a huge rebound from the last 2 tornados that hit a couple of years apart.  The area that got hit was the newest part of Moore and was were most of the population growth was centered.  Looks like we have more severe weather headed for us this week as well.

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There`s like a thousand a year there man.






ok more like a hundred in Okie  but in the whole of that parts of the USA it has to be over 300 or 400,, or more. That`s why they made most of it Indian concentration camps   reservations in the 1800s.

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I'm back in my hospital room, and my son (who's at his great grandma's) is safe, too. Watching the news now and DAMN. We were pretty lucky. We won't know how bad it was until daylight, but there's gonna be some sad shit on the news tomorrow.

I hope my fellow Okie Rats and their families made it safe again. Looks like OkieRA29 has got another looooong week ahead of him.

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There`s like a thousand a year there man.






ok more like a hundred in Okie but in the whole of that parts of the USA it has to be over 300 or 400,, or more. That`s why they made most of it Indian concentration camps reservations in the 1800s.

Lol... I think hundreds in Oklahoma per year is right. But most are small and come and go pretty quick and in the middle of pastureland. This is the closest I've ever been and I was pretty scared. I was also not at home and in kind of a effed up situation already so that didn't help, but man... I can't wait to get back to my tiny town that only gets weather coverage on the news during commercial breaks no matter how bad it is.

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Looks like we dodged a bullet tonight.  Lots of SLC(technical weather term for Scary Looking Clouds) and some actual rotation and a few spin ups.  There were 5 reported fatalities, they were on I40 where the one tornado crossed.  Cam was right and we really won't know  how bad it is till first light.  Right now, the only thing we are dealing with is torrential rain and hail.  Flooding is really what concerns everyone.  With no garage, I was a nervous nelly out on porch watching the hail.  Luckily, nothing bigger than nickel size or so.  The 76 Celica already got hammered by golf ball sized hail a year or so ago, so no biggie on the damage.  The 85, which I am trying to sell, has not received any damage at this point.  At one time, the circulation was headed right for the house, but it took a right turn and ended up passing 7 miles south. It was about a 1 mile area of circulation that wobbled quite a bit, so a little bit hairy for a time.  510 down in rush springs should be okay and cam, your stuff in Muskogee should be okay.  Looks like we all can sleep safe tonight.  I do have an early morning, but hoping to make Cars and Coffee tomorrow morning after getting off work.

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