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rough three days. Quit tobacco.

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Drinking beer sure didnt help but I am holding strong


I'm living proof drinking beer (and bourbon) doesn't contribute to a smoking habit.


I've been drinking since my mid teens and never touched a cigarette :)


Hang in there, I can't even begin to think how hard it is for you to quit smoking.

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good to hear your quitting, it's hard especially if you drink. good luck.


I quit for 9 years to only start up again so remember you can get the smoking habit back. just be strong.


it just so happens last week I quit smoking and went golfing with a buddy yesterday that smokes, I almost ask if I could bum one but it stunk so bad I decide to not bother asking. Also noticed when walking up a hill I was a little short of breathed. That's more of a reason to quit.


anyways, day 5 for me also today.   :thumbup:

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I Quit the tabocco 72 hours ago, cold turkey. First 30 hours was tough and from then on it has been getting better. I Am forever done and dont care to ever go through quitting again. Found a brand new tin of cope Iin the truck today, and I threw Iit out the window. IT Iisnt easy but when your mind is set it isnt too bad.



I am in my 9th week smoke free.  I used the electronic smokes to help me.  Now I am to the point where I only pull a drag off of it a few times a week, if that.

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I'm considering a vape for an alternative but I want to do some research on them because I know a lot of peoples end up breaking and I don't want that to happen because there not cheap

I used the Blucigs, desposable's.  10 Bucks at walgreens up here, one of them last's about the same as 2 packs of smokes.  I have tried 3 different brands, did not have any break on me.  I didn't buy the rechargable set up, cause I wanted to quit all together. I figured that if I had the rechargable I would keep using them.  Good luck man 

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I used the Blucigs, desposable's.  10 Bucks at walgreens up here, one of them last's about the same as 2 packs of smokes.  I have tried 3 different brands, did not have any break on me.  I didn't buy the rechargable set up, cause I wanted to quit all together. I figured that if I had the rechargable I would keep using them.  Good luck man 

Made it through work even after a few offers :) I was looking more so into vape pens but the cheap ones are like 60 bucks so I think I'm just going cold turkey

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Congrats on quitting man, just keep on keepin on and it does nothing but get better. 

I only put bho in ecigs lol. Burning tobacco isnt the addiction, nicotine is, so long as you are taking that into your body you haven't quit anything. Man up and just end it, dragging it out with patches or vape is just prolonging the whole thing. 

Like 6 years ago I quit smoking cold turkey after 10 years. It was like a week of being pissed off and a couple years of triggered cravings. Triggers like eating, fucking, drinking etc... (mine) will bring it up for a long time after you quit but even those cravings eventually subside. I find it pretty gross now and it really annoys me when people, even friends, come inside after a smoke stinking to high hell or sit there with a disgusting cup of shit brown spit. Its kind of hard at 1st but I really dont think as bad as everyone makes it out to be. I was on paxil for a few years, that was really hard to quit. I also for a time was doing wayyyy to many hard drugs on a regular basis. Very, very hard to quit. Tobacco by comparison is like quitting candy... 

There are subsidized programs in the USA depending on the state but Idk if I agree with them. Anyone who can spend the money on tobacco products can spend the money to quit. Hard drugs take people and put them into a place where they have no means to quit. Tabacoo doesn't do that.  

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Been smoking on and off for 15 years. Now that I'm older, it's all the more reason to quit. There's enough bad shit in the food we eat as it is. I stopped smoking 35 days ago and haven't looked back- cold turkey. I've been experiencing better sleep then I have in years. No more smokers cough. Not to mention the ladies hate it for the most part. Keep going brotha!

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I think I'm on day 4, so far so good. Just hope I can keep it up when I go out boozing with my buddies

Here's a tip. Don't go boozing with your bro's..


First ones free, next one will cost you. I accept cash, card, and paypal.

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well i have been off tobacco long enough i lost track of how many days.


I think i can call this one a win! 

7 days since you quit. 


don't think you have given it enough time, it will prob take the rest of your life to say you have won. 

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