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Is anyone here a doctor?

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Not sure if there are any datsun owning medical professionals on here but I'm sure someone will have advice for this.


My girlfriend has been getting Into skateboarding with me lately and today we were bombing down a hill when she hit a patch of gravel and wrecked. Aside from a scuffed elbow shoulder and knee (all ok, as ok a road rash can get anyways) but she also hit her head and wasn't wearing a helmet. When she first got up her nose was a bit runny clear fluid no blood pr anything but stopped after a second. From my experience that's just something that happens as a reaction to pain or a big adrenaline rush but I wanted to note it none the less. Immediately after she said her hearing was a bit foggy but it cleared up in under a minute I checked her vision, pupils and memory and all was fine. There was some blood in her hair line where she hit the cement but over all just kinda looks like a small scratch or split about an inch long. Not much bleeding and it scabbed over quickly. I tried to get a picture but it's hard to tell. She has no symptoms hearing and vision are ok and no head or ear ache. Because we are uninsured she doesn't want to go to a doctor and says she feels fine (happened about a half hour ago)


Now I may be over reacting and have had my share of concussions and stitches on my skull but this is her first head trauma. I was unable to see the wreck itself so I don't know if she bashed her head or just kinda slid and scratched it and I can't tell by looking at the wound itself as it's a little tender where the pavement took off some skin. She doesn't know if it was a slamming impact or a slide (which concerns me) and keeps insisting that she is fine and doesn't want to go to a hospital and that the road rash elsewhere hurts more.


From my experience with concussions (3) every time I was either puking or had an unbelievable headache or both. Since she is feeling fine I am continuing to keep a close eye on her and just trying to stay cool but I'm worrying what if she did suffer from a serious impact and needs medical attention but is unable to feel pain or something? Now I don't know about any community members being doctors but I got a feeling a lot of you have been bumped in the head lol. Can anyone relate to these symptoms?


Hit head/scuffed slight nose run clear fluid one or two drips from nose. Hearing effected for a few seconds and a minute later everything fine and no symptoms no headache or nausea. Her only complaint is slight tenderness from the road rash. I have searched google multiple times and gotten a lot of mixed results. She is refusing to get it checked out so I am asking for advice on what I should do next. I asked a couple friends and they said shes probably fine but i really dont put much faith in the medical knowledge of any of the 20 year olds asked. I have a lot more confidence in first had experiences and it's not like anyone I asked had ever had anything similar happen. Most likely I'm just being overly worried but some reassurance would be much appreciated. Thanks for the help


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i have had manny concussions both football and skateboarding. Get her to a hospital. also sit her in good light and look into her eyes if they are dialating and reversing whatever thats called she has a bad one like level three of three. When i was 13-14 07 while my mom was deployed, during football practice i was hit so hard in the helmet i literally threw up immediately then once off field, and once again at home. no one thought anything of it and a week later i passed out in class, ive been slightly slower ever since. Also on the same deployment my mothers humvee was totaled not a week after fuck head cheney  said all dead lock seatbelts where fixed, they werent and as a result she was left in her hooch for two weeks her CO would bring her food and her hoochmate would throw it away. till she was eventualy was brought to a hospital in a coma for another two-three weeks. Everyone thought she had the Iraqi Flu. She will often ask me the same question five times in the span of like 10 min and doesnt remember to pick my sister up from classes when her college is like 10 sec away from the VA shes at almost every day. This isnt ment as a sob story only to inform people as to the severity of head injurys. If treated promptly the effects can be minimal and full recoveries are fairly common. again if treated promptly  

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She has a helmet and all pads gloves everything but didn't put it on first. We were just riding along on the moped and passed a hill and she wanted to jump off and try it. Hill was smaller and she was only going 15 mph or so. Currently she seems fine but I read that symptoms can develop up to six weeks later unexpectedly like randomly passing out.

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I am going to try and talk her into a doctor visit. She is currently acting like everything is perfectly normal and insisted on keeping a meeting with her friend for coffee at Starbucks, since she is acting fine and exhibiting no symptoms she doesn't want to go to the emergency room. There is a small clinic just down the road from here is it normal to walk in and just ask for a quick glance at a clinic or should I have her taken to the emergency room or someplace better suited for an exam. I don't think it is brain scan serious and I know that has got to be in the multiple thousand dollar range. She comes first over any amount of money but if it is nothing to be too worried over we would both prefer to not spend the couple grand

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Only way to know is have it checked out, but they'll want to do a CAT scan and that's gonna run over a thousand dollars.  You can elect not to have the CAT scan, of course.


Symptoms sound similar to what I got when I faceplanted off a moving golf cart a couple years ago.  In my case I have no idea how I didn't crack a cheekbone, because I broke a tooth and required 5 stitches above my eye.   Even with no concussion, it took over a month until I felt normal again.  Mostly though I'd tweaked every muscle in my neck and a few in my back.  Made driving a chore.  And I'd gotten hurt 200 miles from home and had to drive back.

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That was why I decided to ask on here first. I know it's not webmd but I knew enough people have had similar things happen. Aside from a cat scan all a doctor will do is check everything I just checked. It is just not setting right with me that she doesn't have a headache and feels fine. She responds quickly and doesn't stumble over her words. Should I give her an ibuprofen incase of swelling or just wait and see if anything develops? And is it safe to let her sleep later on tonight? Currently she feels awake no drowsiness and she isn't tired at all


Thanks for all the help so far

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You shouldn't have to have a cat scan in order to see what's going on. Most doctors (from my experience) will take into account the fact that she isn't exhibiting any physical symptoms, and will check her out visually. 


IMO, I would look for an urgent care center (cheaper then the ER with the same care) and have her checked out. They may prescribe some anti-inflammatory meds as precaution. I'd hit the ibuprofen, and if you're really that concerned she needs to see a doc. 

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I think a good sign is if the bump site does not swell up like a goose egg. A quick recovery and no loss of consciousness is also a plus. The brain has it's own liquid 'air bag' cushioning that absorbs most normal bumps. That said there are always exceptions that prove the rule and the 'hit' wasn't seen, so, hard to say how bad it really was. 

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No swelling but a minute or so after she said her vision did black a bit and had to sit down. This also happens to her if she gets too excited or stands up really fast. Not like pass out or anything. She was instantly on her feet and walking too. By looking at how her other road rash lines up it could be a slide. She left a stripe on the pavement from her shoes where her toes drug and thankfully all wounds were pretty clean. Said she wasn't worried until she saw me rush over and start making sure everything was alright. It was good that she fell where she did because there was sand and gravel all over the road elsewhere and that sucks to clean out.


For now I am going to wait and see how she is feeling for the next few hours and if anything comes up. My roommate has had six concussions from highschool football but all were just impacts. I'm worried because of the blood but again it could just be more road rash.


If it sounds safe to sleep on I believe we will wait and see what happens over night and get her in first thing in the morning. Getting to any real hospital is a bitch on Maui without a car.

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a few things coffe ie caffeine is bad will exacerbate any concussion i believe ibuprofen or acetimitophin is as well (wrong spelling idk) one or both, and again if shes sleeping you should be awake to monitor her and wake her up about every hour to be safe. no matter the level of brain trama people have slipped into comas.    +1 for mike call a friend do whatever it takes to get her their

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I really appreciate the stories and advice from everyone on here, this is an excellent community and i am glad to be a member on here.

There is no swelling on her head and I am hoping it is just a scratch, she said she has hit her head harder many times over. Thanks for all the stories and info. Saved me a taxi ride to the ER and a bunch of worrying. I will still make an appointment in the morning at a local clinic and post what I find out.

Thanks again for everything ratsun is the best!


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Ditto on going to the clinic when you can.  No headache or swelling is a good sign.


One thing to check for, although unlikely, but since you mentioned clear fluid running from her nose is to see if her nose starts running again when she bends over.  ONLY If it does and is repeatable anytime she bends over, make sure you mention this when you go to the clinic and have them check for a CSF leak.

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Just a little update she is doing fine still has an appetite and is drawing. She usually paints but soon as she got home was dying to draw pictures and has been doodling ever since. Completely different style than her usual too. It's a little weird but everything seems fine otherwise. Could be unrelated I just thought it was interesting to note. Still getting checked in the morning and I am going to stay awake and moniter her sleeping/ wake her up every so often to make sure things are all right. I'm begining to think this is a minor head injury on the scale of head injuries. She can recal everything going through her mind before after and during the wreck and says she remembers thinking 'weird did I just hit my head? I didn't think that would happen longboarding' as soon as she hit the ground.


No fluid leaking from nose. That is a good thing to note though. I have taken plenty of headers body boarding/ surfing really aggressive shore breaks on a finless short board And had tons of fluid drain from my nose. Tricky parts is it's just salt water and your sinus cavity usually fills up after a few times tumbling around in the surf so it's hard to tell. First time I bent over after surfing and that happened it freaked me out though lol.


Everything is still normal after 5 hours

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I stayed awake all night and woke her up every hour which I think probably just annoyed her. Call every hospital on the island and only place she could get in was at the emergency room. I think I am coming down with the flu and when I went to start the moped it was running like total shit. Her grandpa is visiting from Washington tomorrow and staying in our house so let's add clean entire house buy shit keep 2 pre existing appointments and tune up moped which is hopefully just new spark plug adjust the valves and idle. This week is ____. luckily we were able to her insured under a school employee policy from washington so bill will hopefully be at a minimal. Off to see what we find out now. Hopefully everything is alright as it can be thanks again


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Well here is the result from our trip to the ER

After just tuning the carb and re Gapping the plug moped ran fine. Made it almost all the way there and got a flat from a staple Seriously just added to the fun. Shot a half can of fix a flat and went in a made an appointment. We waited around for an hour or so then after we were admitted I told the doctors and nurses I wanted a complete check just to make sure everything was ok. She felt fine this morning but her elbow was swollen and bruised pretty bad. Brain scan showed no damage and she didn't need stitches for the gash on her head. (I tied her hair together to cinch the wound closed after cleaning it and adding antibiotic. pro tip if anyone is ever cut on their head do this and apply pressure. Was something I read in a surfing survival book before I moved to Maui and they said that probably made the difference between getting a couple staples and just letting it heal)

Thankfully no head injury or internal trauma and she was cleared a couple hours later



Buttttttt.... The x ray showed she had fractured her Radius head In her elbow. So now she is in a cast and has to go to a osteopathic specialist to make sure it set correctly in a few weeks.


Moral of the story head was fine= good and good thing we went in because they found she broke her arm.

She usually wears full pads and I wear a helmet to skate vert or park or when I am bmxing or mountain biking.


And for the record people on tiny boards are the speed bumps. Having been skateboarding since I was 8 on a nearly every day basis for the last 2 years I wouldn't go back to a lame ass kid deck if they paid me. Tiny wheels slow bearings and looking like a 13 year old are out in my book. I can still rip park and skate harder street lines than any regular old skateboard. If you hate body boarding or longboarders I doubt you really 'get it' it's all about having fun. This was a serious reality check about what could have happened and what did happen. I've gotten hurt plenty of times and that's how it goes. But from now on I'm going to start being more cautious. In a sense it was a good wake up call to action and I wish my girlfriend hadn't been hurt but because of it I know we will both be a lot safer wear all the safety gear even just cruising down routine spots and learn from this whole thing. My girlfriend is a hard ass and not giving up just because of that and wanted to go skate right when we got home arm in a cast and all, I am not letting her but I must say it's either impressive or crazy.

Thanks again for the input just goes to show nobody is expecting this kinda thing to happen until it does and we will be better equipped from now on out. I appreciate the support


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