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Ethanol free gas . . ..

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aha hahahaha   Obama, the epa, and the tree huggers wont let us have much ethanol free gas.   Especially since the farmers get subsidized loans at little to NO interest. To make one gallon of ethanol it takes an amount of corn that could feed someone for a month.  Good luck finding ethanol free gas, its as rare as, well, a datsun! too bad we cant get leaded 100% gas

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It is EASY to find ethanol free gasoline. Issaquah grange sells it, same price as other local stations that are selling E10.


I wouldnt call that easy GG... you named one place for the entire country. Maybe its easy for you, but not others that dont live close to fill up regularly. I had this problem with E85 when I was running it. I had to fill up gas cans of it to use once I moved away from the East Coast. The stations were anywhere near once I came here to Silverdale. Its what made me switch to track use only. 

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There is a web site in the first post that lists *thousands* of stations, which makes it EASY to find the station.


Ethanol-free gasoline is not restricted nor illegal -- so all the ignorant posts above are just plain stupid.

Whats ignorant about stating the facts?   I personally don't live near any ethanol free gas.  The benefit from getting 100% gas would not outweigh the cost of driving to get it. Obama and the EPA are making all kinds of good legislations regarding fuels and energy usage in general.  I am current paying a 50$ per month "environmental surcharge"  because the power I use comes from a coal fired plant.  The plant HAD to invest millions just in scrubbers for the exhaust stacks. Of course they are passing the charge on to me.  


Any gasoline with ethanol in it sucks.  I have noticed a constant decrease in fuel mileage as the ethanol percentage has risen in the last few years. Of course the price has risen too.  If you will notice the stickers on the fuel pumps state "this fuel contains ATLEAST 10% ethanol,   more than likely alot more.   

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There is a web site in the first post that lists *thousands* of stations, which makes it EASY to find the station.


Ethanol-free gasoline is not restricted nor illegal -- so all the ignorant posts above are just plain stupid


I saw the link... but you didnt reference that in your post. You just said it was easy to find... its in Issaquah. Like everyone knew that and could get there.



Any gasoline with ethanol in it sucks.  I have noticed a constant decrease in fuel mileage as the ethanol percentage has risen in the last few years. Of course the price has risen too.  If you will notice the stickers on the fuel pumps state "this fuel contains ATLEAST 10% ethanol,   more than likely alot more.   


Yeah, my MPG decreased running E85, but I may substantially more power with it... only reason I ran it. It wasnt good for everyday use. 

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There are a few stations that sell it in Spokane and CDA.  If you go through gas on a regular basis, (ie filling up each week) ethanol free gas won't do much.  If you're going for power and/or using it boats or other equipment that sits a long time, then definitely use it.  Ethanol additive in gas is NOT a cost-effective option for us, don't get me wrong, but it's also not a problem for 90% of average vehicles.


High performance and Subarus in particular certainly benefit from non-ethanol gas.  And anything driven just occasionally.

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It may be a long list, and I could be wrong, but a lot of the stations in WA are not for the public, "pacific pride" is a card lock commercial network, so scratch about 46 stations off that list, "CFN" is also a commercial network, scratch another 24 stations, I am not sure about "Cenex"(11 of them), as when I search it, not much useful info comes up.

So out of about 197 stations in Washington, only 140 or less are left, out of the 3 in Vancouver WA(165,000 people), only one is for the public, and it is not easy to find.

Of the 5 stations in Portland OR, one is not public(CFN), 3 are marinas, which I am not sure if you can get your car to the pump, and one is public, with a population of 600,000, unless you can get your car to the marina pumps.

This doesn't sound easy to me, but I can drive all the way across town(15 miles) and get it if I want to.

Out of the 6346 stations listed, it would not surprise me if at least 2000 of them are NOT for the public,  it is a lot easier to get biodiesel.

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Nice, There is not a ethanol free pump within 40 miles of me that is actually public use. Easy lols.


Eh Ill stick with Chevron. Proven power over others in the butt dyno. Also, the Jetta gets better MPDs (Miles per dollar) with Chevron over an econobrand gas.

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                                           OK - I'm really confused.

Our local gas placed advertised "clear" gas at the

pumps,but when I took my MGB GT down to where

they sell it,I was told that "You can't put that in a-

vehicle",& that by law,you can't buy gasoline with

less than 10% ethanol in it.

        What's the truth?


                                       - Doug

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                                           OK - I'm really confused.

Our local gas placed advertised "clear" gas at the

pumps,but when I took my MGB GT down to where

they sell it,I was told that "You can't put that in a-

vehicle",& that by law,you can't buy gasoline with

less than 10% ethanol in it.

        What's the truth?


                                       - Doug


It likely is in California, take a couple gas cans down there and fill them, say it's for your riding lawn mower.

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GG stop reading further into my posts.


(2001 2.0L Jetta automatic)

I used to Run 180 miles every other week, between home and college. I liked my friends at home better... I could put $20 Chevron in and do the trip no sweat, ac or not, just me or car loaded, it didnt matter. $20 Arco, and I would have to put more gas in the car (but wait its cheaper and therefore I should have had more gallons...). Also with Arco, the Jetta was noticeably less responsive. I tried the same thing with Fred Meyer gas. While I could do the trip with $20 of gas, I did not have as much wiggle room.  Sure its nothing official. But the car ran very consistent, it was repeatable and I did repeat it.


My Mercedes(300SE auto) I owned had bad power issues in low rpms. I exclusively ran Chevron in that car, and magically the power issues went away...


My 510 seems to have a few more horsies with Chevron (and shell) over Arco or Fredmeyer. It definitely accelerates smoother. I dont care to calculate my MPGs in this as I romp on it everywhere.  I remember having ran arco in the 510 for like 3 months straight as I didnt think it mattered. I then on a whim put in Chevron (after I discovered the Jetta hates Arco), and all of a sudden the car woke up. It could actually chirp the right tire! I have also noticed I can run about a degree more advance on the dizzy with Chevron over Arco using the same octane rating.



Do as you wish. Im gonna keep buying Chevron. I know it makes my car run better.

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In California according to CARBS website it's up to the producer on how to get the fuel to the mandated percentage of oxygenate required.

Alcohol itself is not mandated however there is a mandate for renewable fuel percentage which is most easily met by using guess what ? Alcohol.

MTBE was a mandated oxygenate and got us an environmental disaster.

 It could be that the name brands are using some other product instead of alcohol.

Webpage is a few years old.




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Fact of the matter is that the government has absolutely NO business telling me what type of fuel I can use in my vehicle.  100% gas is no more or less harmful to the "atmosphere" than gas with crapanol added.  One average sized volcanic eruption adds more greenhouses gases to the atmosphere than human kind has in all of history. The government has been overstepping its boundaries for awhile now. Bunch of socialist liberal tree hugging greedy, and now more than ever MUSLIM bastards.

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It is we the people, not ME the president, but he doesn't have to buy his own gas to put in a vehicle that he has to maintain personally, pay utility bills, etc. Thats why we have all of these rediculous laws in place.


Now as far as ethanol goes, it actually lowers combustion chamber temps, and increases power, at the disadvantage of using something like 20% more fuel. But that is pure ethanol. But i have heard horror stories of what ethanol can do to carb seals, and it is hydrophilic so it seems to go bad quicker in my cars if they sit.


Oh, and HUGE noticeable difference when i put Chevron in my cars. Just sayin

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I've found that the MPG penalty is about equal to the percentage of ethanol posted at the pump. Actual gasoline gets me consistent 50mpg on my bike. E10 gets 45mpg. E15 gets me 42mpg. I've also found that newer cars also respond best to the manufacturer's recommended octane rating. My wagon runs noticeably better on plus than regular but I can't feel a difference going to super. The knock sensor detects any detonation and retards timing = power reduction.

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This has been and always will be a heated issues. It ticks me off that there are few options esp because E(insert whatever number you want) seems to be pretty harsh on carbs. However, this is like beating a dead horse. Sadly unless there is a demand we will continue to see 100% pumps decrease and more and more ethanol in our fuel. I'm not one to believe the whole eco freindly part because you are burning more fuel (as driven said, about the percentage of E more) so it is still burning the same amount of actual fuel but with better performance (somewhat) and more cost.


The only reason I say more cost is the only 100% pump near me charges the same for 100% as others do for ~E15 (they don't say how much exactly). The only thing that can be done is write to government and make requests at local stations (mom and pops if you have any around). If enough intrest is generated we might get a few more stations before they are all pushed out.

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On a bit of a side note, I was on another forum yesterday and a couple guys were insisting that stations in their area were intentionally "watering down their fuel". When pressed for details all they could come up with was, "Well, all I know is that when I get gas there my car runs like crap and my buddy had a friend who got gas there and later found water in his tank so his car wouldn't run." This article was referenced as a response - http://www.popularmechanics.com/cars/alternative-fuel/biofuels/e15-gasoline-damage-engine . Thoughts?

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