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Warning! Warning! Danger Will Robinson!

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I don't know if this is the right place but I don't have any other place to go with this.

Back on Nov.6th,'12, I came across several items for sale on Craig's in Las Vegas. All for a 620. One was a full dash with cluster and tach. I was assured the glove box hinge was intact and there were only 1-2 cracks on the dash. After texting back and forth, Sean and I came to an agreement of $460 that included shipping. I Sent The Money By PayPal. Sean was going to ship by Greyhound. By Nov.12th or so, no word. I started re-texting and on the 16th got the responce that Greyhound was not going to work out due to insurance and no tracking (lie) and FexEx would be used. That was the last word. I've sent 42 texts to Sean at 702-596-9595 plus left messages. I've left voice messages at "Hi this is Sean, leave a message" I'm in Ky. I've got all the above saved in my phone and i-pad. Don't trust this guy. This is the first time anyone has pulled this on me after many,many Craig's and eBay's. He also runs an online company "Dimmak Herbs" What a jerk. Oh Yeah, he's also trying to sell an aftermarket wood gran steering wheel and a couple of other things. If he is a member here, he should be cast out of this community.

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Anyone selling a dash with a few cracks and a tach for $460 is a crook. If you agreed, he knew he had you hooked. Probably reading this and laughing.


File a dispute with PayPal immediately before your time to do so runs out!!!

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Anyone selling a dash with a few cracks and a tach for $460 is a crook. If you agreed, he knew he had you hooked. Probably reading this and laughing.


File a dispute with PayPal immediately before your time to do so runs out!!!


It might be too late - I think PayPal has a 45 day window to file a claim.

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im sorry you lost your money, but i was thinking the same thing as datzenmitch.   paying that much for a busted up 620 dash makes you look gullible.  apart from z cars, 620s are probably one of the easiest datsuns to find parts for.  no reason to pay that much

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Full dash, not just the cap.  I assume that means the entire dash.  Would be a bitch to ship, you're probably looking at $50-$100 freight due to odd sizing large box depending on how he packaged it, if he did.  Either way, $460 is way too much.  Definitely file a claim with paypal.  If you want a 620 dash, I can easily yank you one at our local pull and save, and it will probably have a few cracks.  I'd only charge you a couple hours labor ($100, up from my usual rate because it's fucking cold) plus part (think full dashes aren't much over $50 here, depending on if you want all the switches associated with it.)  Then shipping.  Total would probably be around $250 plus or minus.


From what I've heard Datsuns are a rare commodity for junkyard fodder in the south, whereas they're pretty prevalent up north.


Tach is a hard option, that is rare.  However, you can mount an aftermarket tach anywhere you'd like for about $40 at a local parts store.  Factory tach is cool, but not that cool.

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 Don't get me wrong. The dash was/is in good shape in the pic. I don't like the dash rug cover- up look. I may 

have paid too much but I'm not the crook here. I'm just trying to give our community a heads- up on this guy and hope if

 somebody out there knows him, they might apply some peer pressure.  The dash does have a tach, a full blaze and a complete

 glove box, all the knobs, heater control, etc. I thought it would be a plug-an- play, saving me a lot of time and hassle which is worth

 something too.

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This brings up a question I've been wondering about.  Is everyone in agreement that Paypal is the best way to go, when buying used items from a private seller?  Are there any safer ways of buying/selling? I don't really have an opinion, since I haven't made many of these transactions.  Although I'm sure I will, someday when I begin a Datsun build.  It's a shame that we don't have an affordable solution to this all-to-common problem, like a low cost escrow service.

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Thats shitty I've gotten burned making long distance deals before. Recently just bought a moped and guy failed to mention it would NEVER be able to be registered legally without massive fines. Guy new it but left with my cash and quit answering the phone etc. It's a shitty situation but on the bright side you can buy another dash from someone on here for 460 bucks and I bet they will throw in the rest of the truck at that price. Welcome to ratsun your in good hands now lol

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I've shipped whole dashboards before all packaged up(what a birch) they weigh around 35# s seems to be if I remember right. They are an over size package. I want to say it was close to $80 back before shipping rates went up. I was getting almost $300 for non cracked pads, a crack can knock the value down to less than $50 for just the pad. But beings he ended up buying everything with shipping and tack, things ad up. I don't think total price is that far off, $25-40 for harness, $125-150 for tach, $25-75 dash bezel, $10 for every switch, $15-20 glove boxx liner, $15 glovebox door, $10-15 vents, $10-50 gauges, $10-50 radio, all adds up real quick.


Sucks you got banged for it though, is be ready to chop heads off.

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im sorry you lost your money, but i was thinking the same thing as datzenmitch.   paying that much for a busted up 620 dash makes you look gullible.  apart from z cars, 620s are probably one of the easiest datsuns to find parts for.  no reason to pay that much

AHAHHAHHAHHHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHHA  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl: 


A datsun that its easy to find parts for?!?!?!?    Thats fucking hilarious.   I havent even ever seen another datsun in my neck of the woods.   Hell I cant even find many parts on here.

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i hate to say this but spammers and scammers on cl are pretty easy to spot ..... this one would have been too..its the part where his add said cracked dash with tach ....400+ DOLLARS...


RULE ONE IF U CANT MEET IN PERSON ON CL YOU BETTER DAMN WELL KNOW THE GUY AND HAVE DONE STUFF WITH HIM BEFORE...(oops sorry fat fingers not screaming..)as scary as meeting a stranger to exchange goods ...its practically a no brainer since cl really offers no protection for long distance buyers...and always file claims with paypal immediately ... cl are famous for dragging things out past the statute of limitation payapl offers...... the minute stalling is apparent in a transaction just file .. its easier to close the case then be left holding the proverbial sack of turds

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Really feel for you man. I've been screwed over a couple of times myself. A ton of low life creeps out there. PayPal can be tough to work with sometimes also. But maybe the best option in many cases.

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  • 3 months later...

Paypal is kinda lame from what ive heard, i sold my car to a guy in a different state using escrow.com worked out well also protection for both parties, just watch out for fake escrow companies i used escrow.com. I drove 160 miles to check out their office in orange county just to be safe lol

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