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Rattles gone! thanks to all that helped out!

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Adjusted the valves recently?


KA-e has hydraulic lash adjusters. you can't adjust them manually. also my lifters tick every now and then I know that sound and that's not what this sounds like


Possibly check your motor mounts, one might have broken? Im sure it would rattle more but you never know. Maybe also the dust shield between the trans an the engine if your trans wasn't tightened all the way. If there ls no boot on the clutch fork can you shine a light in there and see if there's something in there??

actually I was having a loud chirping sound before because of the mounts being loose so I cranked em down and fixed that so not that either. I'm gonna try a flashlight and/or a mirror to see if I can see into the front case at all


Flywheel ring gear come loose?

If this were the car wouldn't the starter just spin the ring gear and this not be able to start the car? because I can still start and drive the car just fine.



FYI cars home safe. still tryna figure out what's wrong with it though

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do you drive it hard ?

any hard shifts lately?

broken clutch springs is my thought 

I don't drive it like a Prius but I don't race everywhere I go...I guess I'll know if I find broken spring pieces if I can find a way to see into the front case.


try pulling plug wires one by one. sounds like a dead cyl or even exhaust leak. kinda sounds like my motor when it blew ring land off a piston. 

I'll check for a dead cyl tomorrow if the front case of the tranny reveals nothing. but upon closer listening it really sounds like something in the front case. I'm praying its a foreign object not something that broke...

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Video is hard to hear.


How hard have you drivin the engine since you've had it ? (honest.. List top few events)


It does sound like an exhaust heat-shield bouncing off the pipe (on mobile) Or a washer or a tool rattling against something that can't be seen. Is there a thin metal trans plate cover loose or hitting something ? (relates to recent clutch job).


Idk. Don't work on KA stuff.


Jrock did you by chance grease the throwout bearing like datzenmike suggests ?

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i always lube my shaft but like the last one it sounds like its chattering more than a bearing noise because it can come and go unlike most bad throw outs which areconstan when thee in use .......mine will do it but seems like at higher speeds is when i hear it like gettingoff the freeway when its engaged

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i always lube my shaft but like the last one it sounds like its chattering more than a bearing noise because it can come and go unlike most bad throw outs which areconstan when thee in use .......mine will do it but seems like at higher speeds is when i hear it like gettingoff the freeway when its engaged


Are we all talking about the same thing here???  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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lol you guys.... anyway chattering is actually a much better way to describe it. I don't think it's a heat shield...because there aren't any heat shields on my car. it was a problem so we added a heat shield but it's a flexible mat not solid metal. still not ruling it out yet though until I can get more into it.


as far as driving it hard. the most I put it through is dropping to 3rd in tunnels (lol I can't help it :D ) at about 60-65 and I did do a hard accel out of 1st -3rd yesterday coming off the gg bridge so I could get to the 19th ave exit. but I didn't hear anything sound like it was breaking. idk, related?

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Have you grabbed the exhaust system yet and shaken the shit out of it to make sure it is not hitting anything, and to check to see if there is anything loose inside it?


If you have not already, you need to get a clean bucket, and drain the transmission to see what you find, what color is the fluid, is there any metal on the magnet, you will need to do this anyway to drop the transmission, as you are not likely going to be able to see much threw the clutch fork hole.

If you do have a lower dust cover that is removable for the lower front transmission you should remove that and look to see if anything is loose in there.


What have you tried so far today?

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I'll go shake the shit out the exhaust after I post this. as I have not yet (didnt really think of that)


I'll take a look at the tranny fluid as well. 


as far as what I've done, I just tried to see through the clutch fork hole to see if anything was visible but no luck. as for the dust plate its a full circle on the KA that goes on the engine before the flywheel does so to get it off the flywheel has to come off first....at which point I would clearly be able to see anything in there lol. 


I don't want to get too into it because I can still tow it to SLO and tear it apart/fix it down there at the shop at my school. we have twin post lifts and a metric fuck ton of diagnostic equipment and tools so I don't want to take it apart and get stuck up here in the bay and end up missing school (classes start in 6 days)

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I didn't read all the replies so someone might of beat me to this advice


When listening for noises you can use a short piece 2-3' of a broom handle or a 1" diameter dowel, it works like a stethoscope, Hold one end to your ear and put the other to what you want to listen to. This might help.


Good luck

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So is that the sound it makes while running, that metallic sound?

I see there is no way to take the exhaust apart, can you start the car and with thick gloves on, grab the exhaust system and pull or push on it hard, the point being to take all the engine vibration out of the exhaust system, and see if the noise changes, stops, or maybe helps in figuring out where it is coming from.

You can also push with your foot, but this can melt the sole of your shoes if the pipe is hot.

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