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Jdm fish tank haha for fun

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Sounds fun, it's really easy to get caught up in fish for sure. I also just got a huge pleco a few days ago, he scares the crap out of my other fish.


They are kinda boring fish, they only come out at night unless they have no where to hide, they don't move either, unless they are hungry and you drop an algae tablet into the tank, they will also eat sliced cucumber, but you need a lot of them to eat it, otherwise it just rots in the tank.

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Haha there's some really cool crap you can put in your fish tank. Like you can get a blue fresh water lobster, or a fresh water clam (very high skill to keep). Or the glow fish which are genetically altered danios that glow in black light and were originally developed to test water systems. The more you learn the more you get drawn in

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And Wayno....yeah, you got issues buddy. My local Pet Smart has half as much as you :rofl:


I don't do that anymore, the city caught me and decided that I was going to have to have monthly inspections, and they absolutely did not like how I was heating the fish room and told me to stop, and I wasn't really making any money, so I shut it down.

When I showed up at one of the local pet stores I was selling to at that time with several thousand fish, there jaws dropped to the floor.

They also said later that they had never seen so many fish come into any shop without any deaths.

I had a 500 gallon insulated tank/reservoir outside that had hundreds of angelfish in it, when ever I put food in the tank, it sounded like a bunch of starved piranha, the surface of the water got real turbulent, like when they feed the baby trout at a fish hatchery.

The guy that bought the fish out of that outside tank sold fish on the side for years, when I put food in that tank, I watched his face, he had never seen tropical fish do anything like that before.

This is all I have for fish now, my pets.


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Wayno that the shit... I have two nano reefs , 1-29 gallon and 1- 14. I have one planted fresh water tank that's 125. And I have had two other large reef tanks that are currently down do the cost of them to run..... 1 - 320 gallon and a 280 gallon...... Both those tanks might be for sale ...... The 280 is starfire glass ...... Imagine bluebird equievelant in glass..... I'm it hung for my next large reef tank to be a cube tank..... Neighbor hood of 600 gallons..... I love my aquariums so much I house two of them innmy shop....u can see the planted tank and my 29 nano in my shop pics....


Freshwater is pretty easy so I say this for saltwater people u gotta be careful what u out in the tank l..... If this was a reef tank then u wouldn't wanna put the plane in there but since its fresh and most fish are pretty hardy it should be find.....



Two things I'm looking for..... One a very small chevron tang and secondly a new controller for my lights..... I recently switched all my reef tanks from halide lighting to led lighting.... The only thing my controller now wot do is lightening...... If u haven seen the tanks that simulate lightening I suggest u google it.... It's really one of the coolest things they have come up with since led became popular.....corals have proven to respond well to the simulation..... I was amazed how they grew under LEDs to begin within..... I will dig up some pics to contribute....

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29 nano cube







some corals i propogated and are breaking them into led lights....




my daughters 14 gallon nano cube very early on.....




picture of my 125 tall when it was a reef tank ...... that yellow corry wrasse u see jumped out of the tank about 8 times and experienced the garage sop floor and survived and was electracuted and survived for 3 more years...the blue montepora n the centerof the tank was larger then a mens basket ball when i finally fragged it into about 60 frags at 15 bux each....if u ever get into salt water i can only offer one thing ..... stay away from star polyps.....that pink wavey mat on the left side of this tank.....as cool as i thought it was and would be in the end i hated it,   i lost a few stoney corals from it just growing right the fuck over it ....i had it growing on glass... on pvc ....on snails .....in about 9 monthes and the 1200watts of lighting it was out of control....i ended up taking the rocks it was on out and removing the hard corals...(propogating to another rock ...)and scrubbed the polyps off.....what a fucking nightmare...the fish people didnt like that approach but i had tried everything else...now any polyps or zoas colonys i have are alone on rock in the middle of my sand bed... it wont grow on sand and if it starts,   its very slow and easly trimmable ....i loved the zoas colonys in this tank ....had some amazing specimens .. but thanks to a rio 2200gallon a hour pump letting go its all dead ....imagine coming home to all your corals bleached white and any soft coral a cloud of ooze....it was heart breaking ...but u learn in aquariums that there will be bumps in the road....learn from it move on ....u cant plan for disaster ......your tiny piece of the ocean only takes very small amounts to throw your water chemsitrty out of whack...and then the times a ticking to address the issue ....this was a massive change and in the mater of hours it was destroyed ....theres some reefers who cctv there tanks from home to work and theres controller u can pc interface it to do almost anythingn ..... shit with auto feeders u can feed yor tank from a beach in constananopalous





then after a return pump failed and leached somthing into the tank it crashed the tank......i had to tear it down the only thing salvagedable was the tank,  equipment the live rock and the live sand.....i lost 2500 in corals and a about 6 fish .....fish are easy to replace, a mature acroporas an varius others is the hard part.....sad day here...










but i got a wild hair to make a really cool planted fresh water tank witha co2 system and all under t-5 lighting....


planting the substrate....




shit i cant find the pics of the tank now .... i got em here somewhere...lemme check another computer.


so right now i have a set up running about 300lbs of live sand and about a additional 400 lbs of live rock curing in a large 200 gallon plastic tub at a friends house....its running a small skimmer and a recirc pump thats keeps the water pretty active....all under a 250w metal halide....and only requires a small heater...as the mh keep sthe water pretty warm.....i on a every other day cycle beings im not tryng to grow anything and more just sustaining the live portion of both sand and rock.....have a very healthy copepods and amhepods population ....theres a few fish in there i rarely see them....its setup in a dark room to limit bacteria from ambient lighting...im aquiring stuff for a large tank build .....the cube.....if your ever in issaquah go see blue seirra they have a couple of really cool cube tanks set up but there only in the 300 gallon range...one of my favorite local stores but they have gotten very spendy


funny thing im on a few fish forums and theres one that makes ratsun look like a church.......the fish and tech info is fine but its got this basically insomniacs type section that gets so out of hand and lethal it makes going to the realm and talking about cutting up a 510 way more feasable and enjoyable.....lol


anyway i love this hobby too .....i really enjoy the diy side of aquariums....i have built all kinds of shit from acylic like sumps, skimmers and calcium reactors and various led fixtures from scratch...its pretty cool to take a heat since and then make a totally controllable kelvin fixture i can dial my lights from 4500k  to well up over 15k....and it uses far less power then y conventional metal hallide set up......the 125 above in reef form ran 1280 watts of light ....it was a deep tank and to get the par ratings i needed at the bottom it took some teching....fucker kept my shop at 65 in the dead of winter....in the summer i cycled my light cuyles to nighttme hours and ran a 3/4 hp chiller during the light cycle and every other hour during the day when the lughts were off to keep temps at 79....


i got another tank im planning for .... the planted tank above will become a 8' x 24x 26 tank that i have in storage......it will be planted from one end to the other and have both discus and very large school of two typoes of neon tetras....

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102_1473.jpg102_1474.jpgThat's funny ,datsuns and fish , I also have a 4x4x8 ft 18" below ground Koi pond ( if I go to Japan it will also be a koi tour in the country) and also have a 120gal. tank in my living room , ok I challenge fellow Ratsuners I have oldest aquarium fish ! older then alot of Ratsun clan ,will post age after a few responses !it is a multipunctatus african catfish ,I may have a pic. That is Lawrences daughter ,red truck /bre on here!

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Mine are not aquarium fish, and are not that old, but I have not added any fish(Koi) since about 2001, anything new is a baby that these fish have had, so these are over 10 years old, and the sun yellow one with longer finnage and big scales on it's back is at least 14 years old.


I used to be able to feed all my fish by hand, but a retarded kid that lived next door for a while several years ago started poking them with a stick, they have never been the same since.
I also used to have goldfish also, hundreds of them at one time, they have lots of babies, but the herons found them several years ago and clean them all out.
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My cats emptied out one of m first pond attempts I started with a dozen or so small fish and the next mornin I woke up to six neighbor hood cats sitting in the shore pawig at the water..... Day later I had none..... And a lawn full of happy cats laying out wag snapping there tails

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