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Wife wants a divorce... But I get to keep my Datsun!

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She was out till midnight and bitched at me cause I texted her twice so I told her To get the fuck out and she can't traet me like that. I'mt drinking not going to put up with shit like that with what she's already been doing, She's been out drinking and smoking pot and thinks she can just come home and call the shots. I snt her packing to her moms house who will just kick her out when she gets there. She can't expect me to put up with shit all th fucking time. there has to be a limt. I love her but I am not a door mat

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sounds like she made her bed now. Good to hear you kick the bitch to the curb.


Go find another bitch and bang the shit out of her then send her out the door and then get to fucking work on your Datsun.


this thread should be locked if you bring up her again.


blah blah blah Datsun.

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Women DO get crazy after having a baby and even CRAZIER after losing one....there are few that can handle it like a woman should.


Have you seen what Emperor Penguins do when they lose a chick......it's similar.. :rofl:


My wife(at that time) and I got pregnant with our first in '06 after being together for 8 years....things started to change almost immediately. She was having a difficult pregnancy so I did as any good man would.....Did whatever made her comfortable.....


This happened over the next few years.....she asked that friends don't come as much....then it's that they don't come at all.....then, "why are you going out?", then,"can you spend less time in the garage?"(that's when the projects came to a halt), then it was "I don't want to go anywhere because I don't feel that I look good." Pretty soon, all my friends were eliminated and we wouldn't go see them, and she didn't want them over either. Few years go by and we get prego again. We lose our daughter 1 day before her due date. Held my full grown, 8lb, baby daughter before giving her to the morgue. Saddest and most depressing thing I have ever been through and can't imagine going through anything worse. I don't wish the feeling on anyone. Not even my worst enemy. This is where our relationship headed down like a scud missile. Like the husband I promised to be, I stood by her side, supporting her as much as I could possibly can. This went on for months. I couldn't take it for too much longer though cause I had NO support from her and I have no family around. Most people don't know how to deal with a loss so I lost ALL my friends in the process(except for one, that's you Skyblue). I would come home everyday to her crying, I'd just hold her. Doctors said that we should get prego soon thinking that it would help the loss. It was safe from a medical standpoint, but not the mental one. We had a son. But soon after filed for divorce. The marriage had taken a hit with the loss that we couldn't come to senses. Never thought I would be one to be Divorced with kids....and young ones at that. Kids are not the way to "HELP" a marriage. A marriage has to be VERY strong to have kids. We lasted 13 years. Now she runs around telling people lies of things I had never done. That's life.



Choose wisely. Good luck!

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Why are we still talking about this shit... Go work on your truck.



this thread should be locked if you bring up her again.


blah blah blah Datsun.


why did you even text her? You brought that on yourself. Now go work on your truck.


This is turning into a FML status update. Title says

Wife wants a divorce ....


give it to her, move on.

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Not looking for any sympathy....I made these choices in my life....just letting him know he's not the only one that shit happens to....people need support sometimes.....then, hopefully, they see that things get better and move on.


I'm not one who dumps my life out there for all to see to get a reaction....but it's nice to know you're not alone.





Ratsun has been a great support to me!!

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be honest I would hope ratsun would be more about cars and disfuntion(alot of ratsuners are disfuntional).

Now Ill tell you.

Dont get mad at her just split up and it you have no kids just call it good.

Dont get back with HER and do something like have a kid. it only gets worse!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you have a kid aleady your already fucked. If NoT your so lucky and you dont even know it.

I wouldnt want to her with a chick that smokes pot in the 1st place. To me its Low hanging fruit I try to pick up on a saturday night and the song "Closing time" is playing.


If your still young( sell the datsun) go in the service(airforce if your IQ is half way good) get your life straighten out travel the world and youll look back thinking why did i even worry about crap like this.



They say PB Plaster is good at getting metal fitting loosen.

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Maybe I'll find me a Datsun girl or a sexy country girl. My friends I grew up with are withe collar and I'm a blue collar red neck haha


Seriously dude...ALL white collar WASP women wanna score with rednecks. Find one you can tolerate, put a couple cars on blocks in your front yard, old couch on the porch, bug zapper in a tree...you will score...let the force be with you. If in doubt, put HUGE slot mags with white letter tires on your truck, and dont forget a footprint gas pedal.

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Hows thi for makin a better thread?


How I fuel up to work on m truck, steak and a can of beans on the grill. actually an awesome way to make beans



And not alot done on the truck cause i have no money so i washed it and cleaned the engine more then painted the datsun letters on the tail gate for the hell of it cause it looks awesome


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why did you even text her? You brought that on yourself. Now go work on your truck.


exactly.....wait she stayed out and got drunk and stoned.....can i have her number......





your a terrible drunk poster so i can only imagine what kinda drunk texter or caller u are...heres a idea gonna drink hide your phone from your self....it will work wonders ...... :poke:



ps that steak looks tainted.... :rofl:

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Haha i have an old mustang sittin in front of my 2 bay metal pole barn/garage and my 620 has a cb radio in it. I like to sit on my front porch next to my fire pit listening to country on a shitty radio. I have all the redneck most people can handle. oh and i have a hound haha


I dunno, might not be enough, being from WV I am well steeped in good old fashioned redneckism. The Rustang is a good start, maybe go yardsaling and see if you can find a couple of the plastic flamingos for the front lawn. A 55 gallon drum with trash burning 24/7 would add to the effect also.

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someone already cut and crimped but it leaks around a couple of the tubes so i need to pull then and put plugs in but the won't budge


If worse comes to worse, you can heat the bitch up and take things out that way. you can plug it with brass plugs, or just weld it shut.


Now this thread is going somewhere!





Sounds good but she just draned the bank so it'll have to wait till pay day




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