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i cannot beleve cops today

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to get it to work you need to quickly mark today's date on it while they are pulling you over... ;)



ive done that before when my dad was driving. there was an expired one in the window but he had a new one in the glove box. i quickly wrote the date on it and he told the officer he was in such a hurry to get out of town, he forgot to put the new one up.:fu:

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hey, has anybody else had something like this happen?


i was pulled over for being ...


the cop pulled me out, sat me down, interrogated me, accused me of nefarious activities, said i was assuming a fake identity, demanded i confess, kept me from my date for a firgg'n hour :mad:


unfortunately, MANY times :cursing:

i got tackeled by 3 santa monica cops while getting off my MC(no helmet law days) cuz they thought i was a bank robber, AFTER they realized i was not the guy they were after, they uncuffed me got in their cars and sped away.

no sorry - NOTHING! :cursing: :fu:

even the witnesses were :eek:


for some reason, once i turned 25 it stopped happening. probably happened 2X since, VS 2X a month.

drove the same vehicles too.



maybe when they run your registration/DL its flagged for harassment???

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i got tackeled by 3 santa monica cops while getting off my MC(no helmet law days) cuz they thought i was a bank robber, AFTER they realized i was not the guy they were after, they uncuffed me got in their cars and sped away.



that's crazy, may have sucked at the time but man that makes one hell of a story :D

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This thread is bad luck.


I got pulled over yesterday, the cop and his friends were straight out assholes.

I was pulling out of the shops parking lot in the companie's truck(lifted Avalanch), I know this cops usually hides behind the building so I don't speed or do anything wrong, but also though he was cool, since he pretty much sees us everyday and knows all of our lifted trucks are on the legal limit.

Even though he has seen the truck a few times already, he decides to pull me over. He tells me that the tags are expired, I told him that it's been already paid for but he havent picked them up. I told him that I didn't have a license, so he starts checking my record, comes back telling me that I have a suspended license, I told him that I never had one, he just tells me "you can tell that to the judge".

Then he brings out his measure tape and starts measuring the height of the truck, tires, headlights. Everything was on the legal limit, he starts looking at the truck, trying to find something else after 30 seconds he says "oh, you don't have any mudguards!, that's one more infraction".

Then he tells me that he has to impound the truck for 30 days, I asked him to give me a break, my boss didn't know I didn't have a license, the registrant owner of the truck is a cop and he's serving in Iraq. He says he didn't care, I even told him that the address on the registration is the same one as the Gardena PD.

Then my boss shows up, the cop just asked him for his DL, went into his vehicle and comes out with a ticket for letting me drive. My boss starts raging.The cop calls him irresponsible and he shouldn't be able to run bussiness.Then one of the cops says "What if he kills 3 people right now on that big truck?", my boss replies "What if a that semi fucks up and runs us over? what if? If you live in the what if? world, then you are a big pussy".

We just walked away back to the shop after that.

I got a ticket for.

Driving w/o a DL

Registration expired (even though it's good until may 09)

Mudguards (will get it sign off soon)

Suspended license (i don't know how this works, I never had one).


3 hours later we got the truck back, I wanna see his face when he sees the truck again.

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that's crazy, may have sucked at the time but man that makes one hell of a story :D

imagine a cops episode where the guy complies w/all their screaming commands(hands up, etc...) and you still go down...ridiculous LA fun :rollseyes:

if video camera were commonplace like today, im sure w/all the witnesses it woulda made TV and id be a gazillionaire






and another, almost oops...

when i had a suspended lic and got stopped, the cop was cool at first and while i wasnt looking he walked up behind me and grabbed me(to cuff me) well it startled me and i turned around swinging...luckily for him(&me) i whiffed, but he was pissed!!! no charges for assault tacked on :mellow:

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This thread is bad luck.


I got pulled over yesterday, the cop and his friends were straight out assholes.

I was pulling out of the shops parking lot in the companie's truck(lifted Avalanch), I know this cops usually hides behind the building so I don't speed or do anything wrong, but also though he was cool, since he pretty much sees us everyday and knows all of our lifted trucks are on the legal limit.

Even though he has seen the truck a few times already, he decides to pull me over. He tells me that the tags are expired, I told him that it's been already paid for but he havent picked them up. I told him that I didn't have a license, so he starts checking my record, comes back telling me that I have a suspended license, I told him that I never had one, he just tells me "you can tell that to the judge".

Then he brings out his measure tape and starts measuring the height of the truck, tires, headlights. Everything was on the legal limit, he starts looking at the truck, trying to find something else after 30 seconds he says "oh, you don't have any mudguards!, that's one more infraction".

Then he tells me that he has to impound the truck for 30 days, I asked him to give me a break, my boss didn't know I didn't have a license, the registrant owner of the truck is a cop and he's serving in Iraq. He says he didn't care, I even told him that the address on the registration is the same one as the Gardena PD.

Then my boss shows up, the cop just asked him for his DL, went into his vehicle and comes out with a ticket for letting me drive. My boss starts raging.The cop calls him irresponsible and he shouldn't be able to run bussiness.Then one of the cops says "What if he kills 3 people right now on that big truck?", my boss replies "What if a that semi fucks up and runs us over? what if? If you live in the what if? world, then you are a big pussy".

We just walked away back to the shop after that.

I got a ticket for.

Driving w/o a DL

Registration expired (even though it's good until may 09)

Mudguards (will get it sign off soon)

Suspended license (i don't know how this works, I never had one).


3 hours later we got the truck back, I wanna see his face when he sees the truck again.

Dude, no offense...okay, maybe some offense...you're a douchebag for driving without a license. I'm guessing you don't have insurance, either, eh? You say 'I never had one' as though that's any better...wtf. Why should the cop give you a break for not having a license?
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Dude, no offense...okay, maybe some offense...you're a douchebag for driving without a license. I'm guessing you don't have insurance, either, eh? You say 'I never had one' as though that's any better...wtf. Why should the cop give you a break for not having a license?

I know I deserve the ticket for driving w/o a license. but giving me a lot of infractions, impounding the truck knowing that the registered owner is a cop and is serving in Iraq that is probably coming back in 6 months if he makes it, and on top of that giving my boss a ticket.

It's all cool now, we got the truck back, signed off a few infractions. All I need to pay for is driving w/o a license.

But that cop is a real asshole, I bet you he pulls over over 30 vehicles a day on the same street, he gave one of my friends a ticket for going 28 on a 25mph zone, and an overweight ticket, even tought the truck is a 1 ton.

Also a long time ago, I remember he towed a lunch truck away.

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Cops are human. He pulls over someone without license or insurance and he's likely to load a few more on for good measure. Think of this as extra punnishment. This is all about YOU, and is nothing personal against the truck owner, your boss. If you respected your boss's contribution in Iraq you would have made a better choice than driving it. Shit happens?? Yes if it's unforeseen. Hey, get a license and try to stay within the law as much as you can. Learn from this and move on. You'll do fine.

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I have had a couple run-ins with police. I have even been in the wrong a couple of times, sometimes doing something wrong sometimes in the wrong place at the right/wrong time. If you are doing something wrong why be an asshole yourself, you should expect to be treated like someone doing something wrong, that may mean a little additude. My point is, wheather the police are jerks or not, you better know who you are and own your mistakes, you made em. Just think about watching an episode of COPS and think, I hope I didn't look/sound as dumb as someone on that show!

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I have had a couple run-ins with police. I have even been in the wrong a couple of times, sometimes doing something wrong sometimes in the wrong place at the right/wrong time. If you are doing something wrong why be an asshole yourself, you should expect to be treated like someone doing something wrong, that may mean a little additude. My point is, wheather the police are jerks or not, you better know who you are and own your mistakes, you made em. Just think about watching an episode of COPS and think, I hope I didn't look/sound as dumb as someone on that show!
Yup, can't complain when I've done something wrong, but I've been pulled over for bs as well. Tried to fight it, but a lying cop trumps an honest civilian every time.
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I have stories to about chicken S pull overs. hmm how about the time where I visited the liquor store and was pulled over hours later in town taken out of my truck and everything searched......not cool, yes a waste of my time but I would rather them do that then sit and wait for something to happen. Maybe the time I was driving my extremely nice VW baja at 1:30 in the morn and was pulled over just feet from my driveway, cop says pulled me over for no license plate light???? went home got out and license plate light was on....no ticket but again a waste of my time....still rather have them make sure, I was young and probably didn't look like I should have that kind of money in a car. Or how about the time where I was pulled over in my nice fixed up willys pickup for no mirrors, mud flaps and fender flares. After the cop fully checked out the truck (probebly pulled me over to look at it) he let me go....no ticket but I really didn't want to stop for those stupid reasons. Still there are many things I would love them to do like not devote Thousands of dollars to make sure I don't fly out of my car when I hit a telephone pole (click it or ticket). I'm not kissing ass, and I am MOST definitely not standing up for Chicken Shit tickets, which I too have no liking for. But don't hate the bunch for a couple ass hats who abuse there power.

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  • 1 month later...

i had a cop piss me off today. ive been having problems with the lights in the back of my 320 so ive been stickin to hand signals the past couple days. i had a cop behind me this morning when i turned a corner and signaled right. then i switched lanes and signaled left. then when i came to a stop light i signaled for brakes. then when i went at green the cop immediately flipped on his lights. she pulled me over for no brake lights. she said she saw me doing hand signals but said it looked like i was resting my arm when i was coming to a stop instead of signaling. i was damn near hanging out the window of my truck to make it obvious that i was signaling. she then noticed i didnt have a seatbelt on and asked if the truck even had seatbelts in it. then started going on about how illegal and unsafe it is to not have seatbelts in a vehicle. i then started arguing with her about how the truck didnt come with seatbelts from the factory and i intended on keeping it that way due to originality. finally she realized that i was in the right and everything that i was doing was legal and then sent me on my way. what pissed me off real bad is that it made me a half hour late for work.:mad:


at least she was smokin hot:lol:

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  • 1 month later...

A buddy of mine was on his Suzuki TL1000R on highway 520 at three in the morning last week. Absolutely no traffic + a really fast bike means a tendancy to speed, and so he got pulled over doing 20 over the speed limit. The cop thanked him for pulling over, and said that most sportbike riders wouldn't have done that, and it really wasn't worth his time to give chase if he ran. Then the cop wrote him a ticket for the full 20 over. A twist of the throttle and he wouldn't ever have seen that cop again. I'll bet next time he wont pull over...

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Never let a cop tell you this is just a routine traffic stop. There's no such thing. He has to have a reason like a driving offense, tail light out, suspicion of DUI, something. What's next a knock at your door... hi we're just doing a routine search of your house??? It's bull shit. Sometimes in the winter if I drive into town in the evening there are road blocks checking for drunk drivers. I dislike drunk drivers worse than the road blocks. They ask if I've had anything to drink to-night. I hand them my license and I say I don't drink. (it's true, and besides who would say that who was?) They ask where I'm going and I have to bite my tongue because actually, it's none of their fuckin' business... but there's a lot of them and they have Tazers. I point through the wind shield and say that way. I realize they have to ask something to illicit a response from me so they can judge my sobriety.


On the way back home, if it's the same cop he waves me through 'cause he recognizes my 620. If I get a different cop the first usually tells him to let me through. It's all good.

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I was pulled over last night. No particular reason. Cop walked up to my car, kinda checking it out before he said anything. Then he says, your missing your mirrors and your exhaust is to loud. He starts asking questions about the car, what kind of engine do I have? is it fast? Then he tells me he has an RX3:confused:. If you just wanted to shoot the shit just ask don't make me have to pull the fuck over and call over another cruiser. What a blatant waste of tax money:fu:

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:eek: seriously? mine attracts the cops


well at first they think im a field worker, (a couple of the drive 620s) then the get up next to me and see im just a hick in a pick up:lol:

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well at first they think im a field worker, (a couple of the drive 620s) then the get up next to me and see im just a hick in a pick up:lol:


LOL!!! they dont even look twice at my 620. now my ram was a different story. slightly lifted 34 ton ram V10. yeah it got noticed. not in a bad way though as i kept my nose clean when i drove that, sometimes. ;)

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I know I deserve the ticket for driving w/o a license. but giving me a lot of infractions, impounding the truck knowing that the registered owner is a cop and is serving in Iraq that is probably coming back in 6 months if he makes it, and on top of that giving my boss a ticket.

It's all cool now, we got the truck back, signed off a few infractions. All I need to pay for is driving w/o a license.

But that cop is a real asshole, I bet you he pulls over over 30 vehicles a day on the same street, he gave one of my friends a ticket for going 28 on a 25mph zone, and an overweight ticket, even tought the truck is a 1 ton.

Also a long time ago, I remember he towed a lunch truck away.



I think it's funny that you're mad at a cop for doing his job and giving you a legit ticket, but then also use a cop for your defense by saying the truck belongs to a fellow officer. Seems a bit hypocritical.



Anyway, I got pulled over when I was 16, had my license for a month. I was followed by an unmarked car for a few blocks then pulled over. 4 guys step out of the 'Police' car and surround my vehicle, none of them in uniform. The main guy starts drilling me with questions and telling me he should take me in for all sorts of infractions and laws broken. Eventually tells me to, and i quote, "take my head out of my ass and drive like the white man". I was new to driving and such and didn't question anything he said until after they left and I calmed down. I had seen the car before with a siren on it and had assumed it was a cruiser, but after asking some questions at school I found out the car belonged to a student's mother who was a security officer, and the guys that pulled me over was the kid's step-dad and his step-dad's friends. GG.



Second time I was pulled over by a REAL cop this time, and got a written warning for going 35 in a 20mph school zone(oops). I deserved a ticket but it was raining and he didnt want to sit out there and talk to me I guess.


Third time I was pulled over was because my "brake lights are out" and I got a verbal warning. I lived a block away and was actually delivering a pizza to my sister and had her and her husband double-check my lights. They worked just fine.


Fourth time was in Texas the day I moved there for the same reason. Brake lights are out. They also tried to ticket me for having out of state plates. I told them I had just arrived in town 4 hours ago and didn't even have a place to live yet. Plus the fact that it was a Saturday and the DMV was closed, even if I wanted to get plates.


To this day, no tickets, one written and 2 verbal warnings. Knock on wood o.o



I had a cop and a sherriff try and give me a ticket at 3am for fireworks. I was inside playing WoW and the people behind me had been shooting off some stuff. They're normally pretty loud(riding their dirtbikes and other loud vehicles full-open throttle up and down the street at 6am). So anyway the story. My neighbors, thinking I had shot the fireworks, knocked on my door and since I had headphones on I didn't hear them. So they decided they would come in the house and yell until I heard them. I hear someone in my house at 3am and knowing I was the only one there grabbed a knife and headed for the door. When I saw them I told them to leave the house or I'd call the police. They didn't so I started walking towards the door still telling them to leave. They eventually did and when the cops got there they told the sheriff that I was shooting fireworks at them and threatened them with a knife. I told the officers that my neighbors had pulled a B&E and I was defending my home as allowed by law. I was never closer than 15 feet to them. The cops tried to enter my house without a warrant to search for fireworks. I told them they weren't allowed in, so they then tried to get me to come outside. I refused that as well. They eventually tried to put a citation for fireworks on me, as well as assault with a deadly weapon charges. I laughed at them and said they weren't going to give me any tickets because I hadn't done anything wrong. He still tried to write me up and said I could fight it in court, and I told him without any proof he wasn't writing anything up. After about an hour they gave up and left without anything written to me. Not a car story, and really long, but confused/corrupt/bored small town cop stories are fun too, right?

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