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Mars rover landing

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I think its cool, BUT its a total waste of tax payers money. Hopefully it will go farther than the last one.


I don't know about the rest of you but I too think this is a huge waste of money. As you can see NOTHING LIVES ON FUCKIN MARS!!!!!

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All those fancy multimillionaire cameras and only those ugly disposable-camera-like pictures?

I think the rover is essentially running in a "safe" mode for the landing to make the data transfer back to earth a little quicker and less complicated but that the cameras were working and storing the good stuff. Once they go through all their initial checks and tests they will start transferring all the HD oics that we all want to see. I read that they will have some HD video of the landing posted over the next couple days as well.

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I think the rover is essentially running in a "safe" mode for the landing to make the data transfer back to earth a little quicker and less complicated but that the cameras were working and storing the good stuff. Once they go through all their initial checks and tests they will start transferring all the HD oics that we all want to see. I read that they will have some HD video of the landing posted over the next couple days as well.


ok, that totally makes sense. Maybe not even the pod has been deployed. But I really like the way they managed to steer the capsule, its just genius.

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sweet!! I really like all this because my final robotics project at college was to make some sort of mars rover, autonomous, intelligent and path finder, all controlled via RF, ultrasonic distance sensors and wheel sensors, loved that project!!

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I don't know about the rest of you but I too think this is a huge waste of money. As you can see NOTHING LIVES ON FUCKIN MARS!!!!!


That's not the point. If we can find out whether Mars was suitable, we can find out a few things that have greater intrinsic value:


1. (The important one) We can figure out if there is a way to "seed" Mars' environment to kick start earth-like conditions again, in the hopes that it may be suitable for living. We could branch out and have more than one cool place to kick it in our Datsuns! Or maybe all the assholes could be sent to Mars! :D Point being, the way we've taken care of our earth, it's not a bad idea to have a plan B. Also, what happens if lets say, our sun is going out and we can detect it? If we had an escape planet, we could still save the human race. Not all, but wouldn't you like to be on the repopulation planet? Know I would! :D



2. (This is the sci-fi idea) Let's just say we actually WERE an advanced civilization previously and we killed our planet. Let's say we erased our memories and settled on earth without anything more than the shirts on our back. We wouldn't know. We would still go on to discover dinosaurs and remnants of the past. But we wouldn't have all our cool technology. HOWEVER, that shit would still be back on Mars, which at some point we might be able to find and either A. learn about our crazy past, or B. learn about some aliens' crazy past, or C. find kickass stuff that we don't have after some space junk from a different advanced civilization crashed on Mars. Thus we gain the abilities to walk through walls or something. (Insert random cool technology thought.)


It's always better to know, and besides that we don't have anywhere else to explore. Pretty much the known world has been reached by someone on this globe. So why not expand out? Why not explore where no others have gone before, or perhaps explore where others were and finally know it?


As far as taxpayer's waste of money, I think there is probably way more squandered money in a bullshit un-winnable war from the years in the Middle East, than there ever was for space exploration.

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