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August Fasting

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Yeah that's right, fasting. Not going fast, no fast cars. I'm drinking water for three days followed by a liquid organic fruit/veggie diet fo nutrients yo. All about weightloss and detox. 30 Days of starving with all my focus on Zen. Gonna keep doing my Yoga to keep it toned.

Current status: 243 Pounds, weezy breathing, skin ate up by hydrentis.

Goal is lose 43 pounds and increase my overall health. I've been eating a lot of processed foods and that's got to change.

Following my fast will be protien and p90x.


Final Goal-




Anyways. No one can force me to do this except myself. Kind words and motivation are much appreciated.

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Hmm fasting isn't a permanent solution to weight loss. Basically the body wastes away on stored fat but eventually it begins eating muscle mass. Eating and exercise patterns have to change for long lasting results. I like the detox part of fasting though. I would suggest a several day fast and build up to a week or two. 30 days is a bit extreme. The guy? in the picture didn't get that way by fasting but by exercise and genetics. Just go easy.

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HIIT Training. (than wean off into weight lifting)


Eats lots of protein and lift weights slowy up & slowly down.


Eat correct carbs.


Eat 3-5 times a day if possible in small meals.


Cut out alcohol/caffeine/cigarette's/and get 7+hours of sleep before 12pm each night.


Change routine every few weeks.


Eat more protein.


If done right ^^^ you should be able to eat what you want (within reason)

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I could never fast. I like to eat. I've been on a bit of a diet. Last year I was at 217 went on a diet and lost 17, But got burned out and went back up.

Now I exercise eery day and watch what I eat and I'm down to 194 Goal is 185. I'm 6'1"


Good luck with your fasting I hope you get where you want too be.


How old are you and how tall???


I don't ever plan on looking like Fabio but a little less gut would work for me. I'm 57 so I know I'll never be 21 again

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I could never fast. I like to eat. I've been on a bit of a diet. Last year I was at 217 went on a diet and lost 17, But got burned out and went back up.

Now I exercise eery day and watch what I eat and I'm down to 194 Goal is 185. I'm 6'1"


Good luck with your fasting I hope you get where you want too be.


Thanks man. I love food as much as I love cooking. At 6'4" I think I'd be a slim 200. I know when I start weight training I'll shoot back up. I gain muscle mass abnormally fast. I want to get to a great starting point before I work on muscle and tone.

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HIIT Training. (than wean off into weight lifting)


Eats lots of protein and lift weights slowy up & slowly down.


Eat correct carbs.


Eat 3-5 times a day if possible in small meals.


Cut out alcohol/caffeine/cigarette's/and get 7+hours of sleep before 12pm each night.


Change routine every few weeks.


Eat more protein.


If done right ^^^ you should be able to eat what you want (within reason)


^all that.

i coupled hiit training with super low carb intake and lost a lot of 'stubborn' fat that i had been trying to lose for years.

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hey man, good luck. just remember exercise is really important. fasting... not so healthy.

i'm 37 and i'm cut like bruce lee (haha not quite), i eat mostly meat and potatoes (the good kind, not processed mcdonalds shit) but i am on my feet 12 hours a day doing stuff. i ride my bike everyday, the only time i don't is if i'm too exhausted from working. and i don't play video games anymore. i used to play x-box. one time i watched all of my muscles turn into flab while playing "fallout 3" for two months.

yoga, protein, and p-90x sounds like a good plan. besides, you've posted this in a public forum, now you have to lose weight or everybody will call you out on it!

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yoga, protein, and p-90x sounds like a good plan. besides, you've posted this in a public forum, now you have to lose weight or everybody will call you out on it!


Damn Straight!

Day 2:

237 pounds. Hunger hasn't set in yet. I had a spoonful of fresh honey yesterday and it gave me a massive energy boost.

Today I'm doing midsection and breathing yoga exercises

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Good luck man!



A little bit of advice...


I used to weight 210 until I developed allergies to Wheat, at which point I stopped eating it and lost 60lbs involuntarily. I cut out Milk after developing that allergy, and can't GAIN wait no matter what I eat. Pretty wicked fun pigging out on all the food you can eat and never gaining weight.



Try cutting wheat and dairy products and see what your results are. There are a lot of good substitutions.

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raw fruits, veggies, light weight fish, and water!!


cheese is the number one killer!! cut cheese


my oldest brother weighed close to 500lbs, and in a little bit under two years is now down to 185


its not just a diet its a entire re-wire of the brain. and a lifestyle!


good luck my friend!

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i think you guys are leaving out the quickest and easiest way to drop a ton of weight. METH!! and just think of the time you will save not having to brush your teeth anymore. all that extra energy to take apart your datsun and clean it with a toothbrush. you can rewire your stereo over and over!

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i think you guys are leaving out the quickest and easiest way to drop a ton of weight. METH!! and just think of the time you will save not having to brush your teeth anymore. all that extra energy to take apart your datsun and clean it with a toothbrush. you can rewire your stereo over and over!


I lived with a meth addict once. Ever seen a playstation, computer, dvd player, car stereo, and blender working as one entity?

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A horrible idea, but if you can break the habit, it sure does lead to weight loss! ;)


In all seriousness, running is about the best damn way to shed pounds. However, in your current state, that may not be possible. Good luck with the fasting, afterwards I would definitely suggest starting jogging.

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Plans change. Fasting was going well till about an hour ago when my stomach started cramping violently. I blended up a mix of plum, carrots, grape tomatoes and a spoonful of honey. Downed It and it filled me up like I ate a full dinner. More than 40 hours of no food. A full day fast is a Victory as stated by the Bible.

So here goes Plan B.

One meal a day of liquid fresh fruit and veggies with good vitamin and mineral content combined with fat burning exercises and body manipulating mind over matter meditation.

Goal: Weight loss and fat reduction.

Maybe try this for 2 weeks before moving on to protein and moderate exercises.

Next diet- Maintaining fresh fruit and vegetable juice. Adding a can of "Bear and Wolf Salmon" to my lunch. Ever had it? It's freaking awesome, find it at costco. One can has 23 grams of protein with GOOD fats and a shit ton of Omega 3. It should be enough to feed my muscles before i move on to

Strength and Mass-

At this point (end of the month) I should be in much better health (already feeling it) and ready to start building muscle.

Start off small and build up into daily routines alternating between legs, torso, and arms. Begin and end workouts with bloodflow/breathing Yoga and moderate Pilates. Diet will maintain fresh fruits and veggie juice while gradually increasing protein to 100+ grams. Possibly include mineral supplements good for body building. Zinc, magnesium, calcium and other metals.

It's plan as I go. final goal is what matters.

Anyways, me and a bud are gonna go hike for a couple hours.

Peace and love

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A horrible idea, but if you can break the habit, it sure does lead to weight loss! ;)


In all seriousness, running is about the best damn way to shed pounds. However, in your current state, that may not be possible. Good luck with the fasting, afterwards I would definitely suggest starting jogging.


I love running, breathing is the only hard part. That and my bad ankle. I'm overweight but I'm definitely not Obese. Should have mentioned I'm 6'4".

Leaving now to hit the trails!

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