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Oven cleaner to remove paint?

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Hmmm never tried over cleaner to specifically remove paint, but I have accidentily gotten it on things with no ill effect. I normally use actual stripper in a can (its a compressed foam) that I get from Home Depot for small projects or I like to use aircraft stripper which comes in a larger metal can (similar to paint thinner). You can buy that last stuff at most auto parts stores... the last time I picked it up, I got it from Oreillys on 303.


Any kinf of liquid that yo apply to remove paint is going to be messy. You want have any kind of clean product to use... aircraft stripper can be a little harder to apply because you have to apply it yourself vice using a spray can, but I recommend it above anything if youre doing it on a large scale. Small scale use the canned foam. I may have a picture so you can pick it out at Home Depot by the mall.

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You know, honestly - I like Jasco. Buy it at any home improvement store, there's off-brands that works almost as well for a bit cheaper. It just takes longer to work.


I used aircraft stripper and that's fine, it's a bit expensive when you buy it in a spray can though. Jasco has always worked wonders for me, brush it on, let it sit - and you can either putty knife it off, or you can pressure wash it off if you have an area to do so. Beware, pressure washing blows the shit everywhere, including on you. And if you've never had a stripper-burn, don't get curious. Avoid it like the plague. You don't know annoying stinging pain until you get a stripper blister...

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Youre stripping paint... it can get messy. Just throw a cloth or some paper down and go to town. I might have asked you this before, but where in Silverdale are you located? I live right behind Target. If you need some help stripping paint, I can roll over in the 510 one day.

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Yeah I know that area... Just let me know if you ever need help. I would just ditch the could work methods and use ones that are known to work. None of them are really expensive and should do whatever you need them to do.

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I just stripped a rear aluminum finisher. First tried Oven cleaner and it barely worked, and it started to etch the aluminum! So went and bought aircraft stripper and voila! It worked awesome!


Oven cleaner will strip most enamels and acrylics, but good luck with lacquers. Either way you go, make sure you protect yourself with gloves and goggles when applying and scraping.

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I use oven cleaner to remove pitch and burned on material build up off of carbide saw blades and bits. Works great! But I only use a tiny bit and need to be outside to do it.


Ewwwwww! How can you ever think of using it strip paint? That shit shit is fucking nasty deadly. Breathing it is like drinking it. Brain cell meltage may occur.

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Use bolagna on a hot summer day.


We use to do that to the rich kids cars at asu in Phoenix and it totally works.


But that's just a prank for the preppies :poop:


Lol another I used to do was make a dry ice bomb full of hair dye and throw it in people's car to fuck their interior... I called it a dalmatian...


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Over Cleaner really only works well on grease, oil, and crud....


You can use that head gasket remover but that'll cost just about the same as Aircraft remover, I use either Jasco or Aircraft Stripper... both work well but make sure it's warm out and if the sun is out even better... doesn't work well in colder temps.

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