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who has dogs?

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Post pics of your dogs!!


I have 2 welsh corgi's. One male (Ein or Einstein, I like Bebop, lol) and a female (Foxy). I think Ein might be retarded a bit, but their both fun and full of energy.


Even my dogs are slammed :P.



Ein layin' frame







I tried to eat her, but she realized what I was doing and got away :(

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They are awesome! The funny thing is that your blond and white one looks alot like my dog, except mine is the size of a lab. We think she is a smooth colie lab mix, but who knows? Might have a little corgie in there too!

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Heres my two dogs:) The male on the left is a German Shepard/Labrador mix, And the female on the right is a Long heared labrador.........



Thought I'd take a picture of my Pygmy Goat(She thinks shes a dog!)......



And another picture Of My 2 Afican Geese(Theyre like Guard Dogs!)..........



Sorry, I know all of them Arent dogs, But they think they are:lol:!!!!!!!! Oh yeah, I also have fish......But they refused to have they're picture taken:D!

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heres my dog, I don't have the nevre to tell him his a cat. He follows me EVERYWHERE in my neighbor hood. He is named Winston because we like watching NASCAR racing (when it was called Winston), he's 5 years old borned on Apirl 15 -- tax day thats how we rember. He doesn't roll over, doesnt speak, he wont fetch sticks, wont sit up, shit hes a lazy cat opps I mean dog. I guess I should have trained him when he was younger, wellpu - thats it- here boy come here---- stupid retarded dog *******


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:DHera are some pics of my Shiba Inu named Zip or Zippy, Zippo, Notorious Z-I-P, Zippediah........you get the gist.:D




Zip and my sisters dog Lance




Japanese dog with his Scottish blanket:blink:




See, even my dog is Japanese! Maybe I can get a rising sun coat for him?

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All these dogs are cool!! I like zippo :D, never heard of that breed before, looks like a small shorter haired husky or something.


Your blond and white one looks alot like my dog, except mine is the size of a lab. We think she is a smooth colie lab mix, but who knows?


My dogs are about the size of small collies now, with basset hound's short legs. Anice and I couldn't decide if we wanted big dogs or little dogs, so we found a breed that was a little of each, lol. They look alot like collies though, that's for sure!

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German shepherds are good dogs. I wanted one really bad, but Anice wanted something little :(. Both very nice looking dogs, sorry to hear about Billybob.


We recently had to put my brother's shepherd/basset hound mix to sleep :(. It's tough losing a family member, even a furry one :(.

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This is our dog Rusty...after Rusty Wallace cause my girlfriend wouldnt let me call him Stew or Stewy after Tony Stewart, He is longhair/wirehair Jackrussle mix got him for free from a couple at my work we have had him for about 6 months and is a good dog but WOW full of ENERGY



one picture of Rusty and our parrot Rocky when we first got him....




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Here is my old girl Nadja (12 yrs). And the puppy she never had. Though to be honest, 'Mew' the cat simply adores NAdja, (even licks out her ears), and NAdja just tollerates it.


We've always thought Nadja was a Collie/lab mix? But after seeing Shane's corgie female above, who knows what is in there!


Nadja got her name cause I wanted to call her Nausia, as she got car sick on the way home from the pound as a puppy and puked on me! Alas the wife wanted something prettier sounding, thus the compromise was Nadja. She is still not a car dog. Hates riding actually. Too bad as I always wanted a truck dog and now have the perfect truck for one!


But I am dreading the day... well I will stop right there before I get all misty, and go give my dog a hug.



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guess i'll throw mine up too...i have min pins, there fun as shit, i LOVE them, lol :cool: i speak a little Korean as my ex fiance' was half Korean, so there names are Pbo Pbo (kinda sounds like po po) and it means kiss...she's the bigger one, and his name is pepido (sounds like pep-ado) its a asian snack thing, lol






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... some pics of my Shiba Inu ...


had never heard of this breed before either.

my GF just got a resuce, jack russell / shiba inu mix.

Sparky! hyper & fun dog though :D



my last dog was an alaskan malamute.

good musher w/me on a skatebord :w00t:

used to ride on my MC too.



dogs love trucks!

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I used to have a dog, but he had to go back where he came from. He was a bad ass Boston Terrier!




Unfortunately I live in a studio appartment kinda thing right now, so there was so room for him to run and play outside or anything, so he started destroying everything. I had him for about a year before I ended up giving him back to the people I got him from. I wish I had him still though, he was an awesome dog when he wasn't destroying things :)

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I used to have a dog, but he had to go back where he came from. He was a bad ass Boston Terrier!


Unfortunately I live in a studio appartment kinda thing right now, so there was so room for him to run and play outside or anything, so he started destroying everything. I had him for about a year before I ended up giving him back to the people I got him from. I wish I had him still though, he was an awesome dog when he wasn't destroying things :)


i love bostons, he's cute too!!!

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

hers is our Buddy.

He is a shep, lab cross,,usually one ear is Sheppard ,the other is Lab,(one up one down,No joke)




Oh and there is a datto shot aswell,Was winter here on Van Isle a year and half ago,

He is a big pain in the butt,But he is our buddy.he thinks he is a lap dog most of the time cept when strangers,Or bears(we get them alot here)he goes Postal;)

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Sorry to spoil your chat, :mad: but I hate dogs and cats. Thats all I need is something that shits on the lawn or in the garden, smells like shit, eats shit and trys to lick my crotch. I do a good job of cleaning my ass and I don't need a dog to question my technique of Chariminizing my butt.


I do love seening dogs destroy an interior of a $40K sport ute or do $7000 dollars worth of damage to a very loving and understanding homeowners house, which I did take their money to do the repairs, but it was like working on a Datsuns fuel tank, not that rewarding. Also I do love good dog fights and owners who yell at their undisiplined dogs.


So yea there is somethings I do like about your cute little shithead dogs.


Oh I forgot, my car door knocking the lights out of a chasing dog, YEA!:D

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Guest 510kamikazifreak
Sorry to spoil your chat, :mad: but I hate dogs and cats. Thats all I need is something that shits on the lawn or in the garden, smells like shit, eats shit and trys to lick my crotch. I do a good job of cleaning my ass and I don't need a dog to question my technique of Chariminizing my butt.


I do love seening dogs destroy an interior of a $40K sport ute or do $7000 dollars worth of damage to a very loving and understanding homeowners house, which I did take their money to do the repairs, but it was like working on a Datsuns fuel tank, not that rewarding. Also I do love good dog fights and owners who yell at their undisiplined dogs.


So yea there is somethings I do like about your cute little shithead dogs.


Oh I forgot, my car door knocking the lights out of a chasing dog, YEA!:D



Thats not funny,

You know you really like it when they lick your crotch right:fu::fu:

Cause you like it ruff ruff :lol::lol

Did someone step in doo doo:rolleyes:

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Sorry to spoil your chat, :mad: but I hate dogs and cats. Thats all I need is something that shits on the lawn or in the garden, smells like shit, eats shit and trys to lick my crotch. I do a good job of cleaning my ass and I don't need a dog to question my technique of Chariminizing my butt.


I do love seening dogs destroy an interior of a $40K sport ute or do $7000 dollars worth of damage to a very loving and understanding homeowners house, which I did take their money to do the repairs, but it was like working on a Datsuns fuel tank, not that rewarding. Also I do love good dog fights and owners who yell at their undisiplined dogs.


So yea there is somethings I do like about your cute little shithead dogs.


Oh I forgot, my car door knocking the lights out of a chasing dog, YEA!:D


Says a lot.


Dogs use their keen sense of smell to back up their eyesight to identify strangers, usually by sniffing crotches. Don't worry, they won't judge you. As a pet their loyalty and love is unconditional and for food and a warm place to live they guard our property, warn us of strangers, help us hunt for food and are always glad to see us when we come home. Because they are social animals they form strong bonds with their owners and family, and they with them.

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