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Anyone like Abandoned buildings??

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This thread reminded me of some abandoned under-ground military bunkers (I think it might have been Fort Worden) that I vaguely remember running around in as a little kid in Port Townsend while visiting family friends. I have really fuzzy memories of it, but what I do recall still disturbs me a bit..... it's just a creepy feeling in a long, pitch black maze of hallways.



There used to be some of those by Astoria somewheres that my parents took us to every summer when we were little ( cuz we begged ) and it was the same type of thing ..The government has probably welded the doors shut by now though..

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Holy shit, wtf were those guys thinking of when they did that? :confused:


Idk... o think like all good artists and singers ... they were on acid themselves



This still maked moar sense then posting hemiroid oics on the interwebs ... hrh ....



Bahahaha :lol:

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There used to be some of those by Astoria somewheres that my parents took us to every summer when we were little ( cuz we begged ) and it was the same type of thing ..The government has probably welded the doors shut by now though..

I remember that place!!!! Do you know the name? That place was bad ass. We would always go climb the Astoria tower and throw gliders off it then afterwards go to the bunkers. They are kinda down by the water right? When I was little you were still allowed to walk through all of it. Place was super spooky and cool though. I though it was so cool to walk into the concrete rooms and stuff.


There are a few old abandoned military bunkers here on Maui I'll have to take pictures. There Is a bunker half sunk into the sand where we go skimboarding but its full of busted glass And garbage

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This was at the end of one of those days that are the best days of your life. It make ya crazy to wonder why every day isn't like that... or at least more of them. When I was in the 6th Army Band stationed at the Presido of San Francisco, I use to cross the Golden Gate Bridge and climb the Marin Headlands to practice my saxophone and flute in the concrete tunnels and bunkers the honeycomb the hills up there. There are the remains of giant navel gun and anti-aircraft emplacements that guarded the coast during WWll. That was in '73/74. There was never anybody up there. It was a trip to play flute in the tunnels and be able to change the delay in the echo by where you walked. A virtual natural echoplex.


This was in February. I walked through the tunnel took a shot of a giant eye-hook recessed into the wall, lit by the setting sun... a shot of the front of the tunnel. a gun used to be where I was standing and a the big one on top of the bunker, you can see the round part of the turret. Shot of the sunset over the Pacific... the the party continues in the City.















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That's Amazing.

They always seem like they were used yesterday and just an hour ago were abandoned.

It's amazing looking at things knowing that someone worked there ass off on it, and you standing there 70 years later, there always seems to be a connection.

I can't explain the feeling I get visiting places like this, Maybe it's just me imagining it in it's heyday, all the activity it once got and now forgotten.

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This is a building that was an electrical supply business . About five years ago it burned in a spectacular fashion and was breaking news on TV for hours. I'm not sure what is going on with the property. At first, they put fences around it and patrolled it after the site was cleaned up.




After a few years, kids began to tag it and the grafietti enforcment guys would paint it out and the cops would chase people out of there.




It seems like now people are always in there doing fashion of skate shoots. The murals aren't getting covered either.




Lately a bunch of people have been in there shooting this site with expensive equipment. The camera I have now I found in a dumpster and the flash doesn't work. I am a photographer in the sense that I am one who records images... not like I know what I'm doing.




I started shooting black and white with a Pentax Spotmatic way back when you had focus, set the shutter speed, apppature and fire the shot off. That is a different discipline. This digital crap is cool because you can take thousands of images and maybe one of two will be really good... apples an oranges... different mind set for me. Now I don't care if the shots suck because it doesn't cost anything to see the images and you can save under or over exposed material, etc.




Trippy, no? Different days different times, changing light, backgrounds and the grafitti is changing faster now.




A rusty garage door spring. There was a guy with a nice Leica shooting B&W yesterday. He never saw the place before and was asking me if it was OK to Go inside the fence. I said, I see the cops chasing people out of there all the time. If they didn't the homeless would set up in there in a heart beat.


I ain't feeling particularly lucky at this juncture in my life. You could go down there and what would the cop say? GTFO! Me he would run me for wants and give me cop attitude. I'll take all my shots for out here... It'a more of a challenge!!!




The guy burned through a few rolls and lenses. He said it's cool to see entropy starting to reclaim the place.










I'm going to try and remember to come over here in June at like sunrise and get some shots as it gets lit up. We had record rain in March and only a couple days with sun at all. I think you see them here!

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For me it's the fact that at one time it was occupied, busy and full of life.

Years put into construction, years and hundreds(or more) of people have entered and left that building in it's prime, but now it's been forgotten. Fenced off, closed up and left to rot away.

Plus there's a secret beauty in rust. Like a new life feeding off the past. There are few things better than that.

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For me it's the fact that at one time it was occupied, busy and full of life.

Years put into construction, years and hundreds(or more) of people have entered and left that building in it's prime, but now it's been forgotten. Fenced off, closed up and left to rot away.

Plus there's a secret beauty in rust. Like a new life feeding off the past. There are few things better than that.

Then you'd LOVE Detroit. That describes the whole city.

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There used to be some of those by Astoria somewheres that my parents took us to every summer when we were little ( cuz we begged ) and it was the same type of thing ..The government has probably welded the doors shut by now though..


The underground city of astoria is still there. And there is still access, if you know where :lol: If you walk around town, look at the ground. There are purple glass squares in the ground. Probably 4"x4" squares. Some are broken out, and you can see down in there. It was a mere ~100 years ago, where the city was alive under ground. The city was dangerous underground then, as people were shanghaied. You got drunk or they would get you drunk, and you'd wake up on a ship out in the ocean. Either work, and not know when you would go home (could be months or years) Or go into the sea and die. Now its just ruins pretty much. But dangerous, no light, huge pits you can fall in, needles etc... I was only a little ways in there once, years ago. Was pretty cool.

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Then you'd LOVE Detroit. That describes the whole city.

I don't remember what show it was, but there was an episode on Detroit, an industrial part that is completely abandoned, and has been for years. It was on the History channel, but I can't recall the show.

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Found this on that UER website. Byron Hot Springs. Too bad the bastard is facing the camera down most of the time, instead of at the eerie interior.






lol that's not even haunted, and its close by....



that would be sick to climb like he is doing..

Dat510, am I on the right track?




You can't be off track lol, I mean it's a abandoned building!! :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys for sharing all these photos. I work too much to go anywhere, and we are kinda lacking in awesome abandoned buildings. The coolest thing we have around here is the old fort at St. Augustine. It's been opened as a touristy thing for a while. They won't let you do automotive photo shoots there either. So thanks again.

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