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This morning as I was waiting for the school bus with my son, a second grader, and a neighbor girl who is in kindergarten, this motherfucking young cunt in a reddish Mitsubishi Lancer passed the school bus with lights flashing. If i ever see her on my street again I am going to break her fucking car. This pisses me off so much more than you can believe, my brother was KILLED by a fucking jerk off doing the exact same thing. Are you really in that fucking important hurry?! I am so angry right now I'm shaking

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Calm down, but I agree that there is nothing that can excuse a stupid and irresponsible behavior. You can go to yell the hell out of that person and I promise you that will never forget. Or you can leave a note on the sidedoor with a icepick. Good that you vented it here.

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For the sake of being that guy, readying your rant and then seeing your title made me have to point something out.



You're forgetting that she's late for work and hasn't had coffee yet and getting coffee is going to make her more late for work. Nothing is more important to her than that coffee and the hopes that she doesn't get reprimanded for being late for the third time in the past two weeks. The safety of others (especially children) be damned! Fucking kids should just learn to drive already! Or at least have a bus schedule that doesn't impede her ability to get her morning coffee.



But seriously, you should try to get her license plate number if you didn't already get it and you see her vehicle again. Chances are this isn't the first time she's done it. Most you can do is report it and hope that she gets caught eventually. What are the conditions in which somebody can place another person under citizen's arrest?


As an aside, I don't mind waiting for the buses. What I do mind is all the soccer moms parked in their SUVs/minivans/luxury cars in the middle of the god damn street waiting for their kids at the bus stop. Pull the fuck over if you aren't going to continue with traffic when the bus has let the kids off and has gone on its merry way. Everyday when school lets out there is a flock of vehicles waiting for kids. Whatever happened to walking to and from the bus stop from home?

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Thank god someone else who gets as pissed on this as me. The other day the bus was ahead of me, and this vw that recently showed up in my neighborhood, a white r32 with cali plates, goes flying around the buss, so i swerved at him and got on the gas, scared the living shit out of the guy. I later wrote a note saying if i ever saw him fucking drive by a bus with the reds on like that again, his car would be shot to hell. Love a kind neighbor that worrys about the children. I left it on his windshield. hes no longer pakring his car on the street either. You never put a kids life in danger like that, you never know if some lil kid is goign to come running out because they are late for the bus or something.


I fucking hate people that cant take 5 mins to wait for the bus.

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a camera at the ready in your pocket will provide all the evidence you need mang, a secondary thought would be to ask the bus company if they record anything on the bus. Plate # might have gotten caught in the action ;)


The busses here (and in most states...) have cameras at least on the side to catch these drivers. A lot have several inside too. I know this first hand because there was an incident, invovling my 11 yr old son, on his bus recently that I went to the school's transportation dept. to review several hours of video for. Unfortunately the hour or so footage that would have allowed me to press charges againt the driver and possible 2 other student's parents was "missing"... Go figure.dry.gif


I'd say to just report it to the police, then call the school's transportation dept. to see if they will pull the video for this morning and get the plate #'s

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Oh Boy a rant thread... I'm so fuckin' terminally angry... there is still shit I want scream about from thirty years ago!


Somehow I seem to get out the door, turn the corner and see the school bus every day. If I left a minute or ten earlier I wouldn't see it. It's about that simple.


It seems like there is always two factors in play as a ratio; Ignorance and Stupidity. They are not the same thing. Ignorance is lack of knowledge. It could be somehow defensible... "I didn't know... How could I have know that... Who knew? But, Stupidity is is like self inflicted and aggressive ignorance like the girl in question. It is a shocking and most disturbing trend.


I learned to drive in California and the SF Bay Area before most of the Freeways and Interstates even existed. I came up commuting an hour each way every day from the late seventies until the Loma Preita Quake destroyed some of the freeways I drove home on that day in'89.


From that point on, the freeway commute traffic went from a difficult but entertaining video game, to a full contact sport like NASCAR with out roll bars or helmets. When I moved to Portland it was like a switch got flipped and I was in a fantasy world. I'm sitting in the approach to a shopping center, behind the sidewalk, waiting for traffic so I could pull out onto the Blvd. A lady in an SUV stops in the middle of a four land road and motions me to go. I'm incredulous! WTF lady!! You got the right of way... it's the pedal on the right!!! Gas it and get out of my way or I''ll put tire marks on your windshield!!!!


My wife FiddleLuck goes... Oh she is just waiting for you. :D


That kept happening all the time until it began to irritate me. Come up to a four way stop... the guy on the right stopped first and even if it was a tie, he has the right of way! No, they sit there then motion you on.




People drive so defensively in Oregon that it is as irritating as aggressiveness. When I first started driving regularly in Oregon in 1984, the first thing I noticed was that every mile on the freeways and interstates is a sign that says; SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT, left lanes for passing only. Nobody really traveled in the fast lane... except for cars going over the speed limit with California plates. :lol:


In the last ten years that I have lived in Oregon, I have watched the driving deteriorate so badly. But it is still not worth bitching about.


We got T-boned by a 16 year old that ran a red light, totalled our car, broke my wife's back, broke my ribs, took a year out of our working lives, as well as getting our sphincters enlarged by Farmer's Insurance company.


You know the Ignorant, stupid little cunt that blew the bus stop has never had her car totalled... or she wouldn't be pulling that shit.


When I got my first cars and motorcycles, I took them up in the hills, got sideways the first chance I got. I was stupid dumb lucky to survive my teens and twenties. It was a different day and different time. There weren't as many people or cars. People mostly obeyed the traffic laws. Not like now where something is only illegal if you get caught.


I did learn car control, how to turn a bike, stay off the brakes and screw on the throttle! I was lucky that I got involved in Keith Codes' California Superbike School, Dennis Pegalow and Pridmore's track day programs. I learned what fast was, how to go fast, and how to think, what to think about and not to panic. I practiced those fundamentals every time I saddled up a bike for decades. It prepared me to react automatically to high speed situations that would cause street riders to panic and crash... at relatively slow speeds too. Track school training saved my life so many times!


I have to laugh at young guys or girls that you know are spending every cent they make as a bank teller or forklift driver on their new car, insurance, gas, maintenance. Just because they have a little POS car... whose marketing droids produce endless TV commercials saying ownership included them as member's of an exclusive club of above average intellectuals... who require the 'Ultimate Driving Machine' or some Fast and Furious Fantasy ride... they automatically know how to drive.


Days spent on track made me comfortable at 125 or 130MPH. Unless you have some serious schooling, skidpad and seat time in fully adjustable formula cars or Superbikes... you are going to pucker up over 130. 150MPH at the end of the drag strip at PIR get's your attention. You all know what I'm saying right... you all got lots of fast laps at PIR right?? right


So what I'm saying is that most people are driving over their heads and don't even know it. Modern POS cars have good power to weight ratio so they feel quick. Trannys are geared so that even a fucking mini-van is pretty quick off the line. They turn and have decent brakes. No top end but where can you go play at a hundred miles an hour anyway.


Huh? Come on, some of you guys labor under the delusion that your cars are fast... where can you go wring them out 10/10ths...

red line in top gear, limits of grip?


Nowhere, unless you are dumber than the little bus stop cunt, not 10/10s. You will die and hopefully don't kill anybody else. Yeah I know, I have watched my gas gauge move towards empty out in Eastern Oregon riding for hours at warp speed. But that gets boring after a while, you just start thinking about how much it is costing to scare the shit out of your self. The race track is really the only place to know how big your dick truly is.


8/10s on the street is still potentially dangerous too. Hard to control situations, unlike a track where you see the same corners every minute and a half and no doubt is left whether or not you got the power down or not.


I watch people cut in an out of traffic doing the most hairball shit and then five minutes later I pull up next to them at the light. I think, there goes another one that had never dropped a bike at speed or totaled a car before. Or even know what fast really is.


So, the last few years the driving has deteriorated alarmingly in the greater PDX. It's all the Californians coming up here IBTL.


After the car wreck I used to get so infuriated when some little 20 someting in an obnoxiously exhausted WRX or Mustang with the bulgy hood, pulled bonehead shit, that road rage seemed justified. Little fucks... I'll race your ass straight up and suck your head lights out as you get real small in my mirrors. YOU KIDZ, GET OFF MY FUCKING LAWN!! :angry:


But what is the point? I already know how big my dick is. One time I was riding a Honda F3 at Laguna. I had brand new race compound Sportmaxs, new chain and a FOX twin clicker. It was in the afternoon session and I was feeling hooked up. Nobody was really passing me and I would come up on riders, watch them for a few corners, set them up. show them a wheel to let them know I was there then pass them on the outside.


With a couple laps left in the session, I feel another engine behind me. I don't look... you can't look at speed... or they will blow by you. I tucked in, got the balls of my feet on the pegs and started to get my knee down and gas it. Corner after corner I knew we were dicing. We come out onto the pit straight and I see a GSXR 750 with slicks and primered Sharkskinz come by. We are side by side over the top of turn one at about 130. I think: I getting tired, I'm not racing for money and I don't want to fall down. I leave the inside line open so that if they have the stones to stuff me on the inside... good luck with that.


Turn two is a double apex with changing camber. The other rider got by me... but my outside line let me come back and get back by them on the exit of the second apex. And so the rest of the lap we let each other have the line and race clean. They set me up on the last corner, and got me out on the pit straight, nipped my to the checker flag and the session is over.


I get off, take a drink a go looking for the GSXR pilot. There they are, three similar Suzukis, all saftey wired, number plates, slicks and body work. I look and there are three hott chicks in skuffed up leather and boots. I ask who was on the white bike and a 45 year old MILF in a pink Dainese suit turns around. She goes were you the F3, you are pretty smooth man... thanks that was the most fun I had all day. I said, that is what I was going to say. You must club race, because you left me room and played the game really well, shit ain't that why we ride?


It turns out she was a two time 750 Super Sport point champion at Willow Springs MC, and and new rider instructor. She had an expert license and raced the western AMA road races. She got by me because she was running slicks... that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.


She had come up to Laguna bringing two seventeen years old girls who had started to club race. They were riding in the B session and so I never saw them in the A session. By the last session, lot's of A session guys had packed it up, so they let anybody into the last sessions. I watched the two girls ride. Man they were good, and strong enough to push the fuck outta the inside bar an turn the bikes. I was impressed. That was 15 years ago. I bet those chicks are seriously fast now.


I got stories for days about getting humbled by women or smaller displacement bikes, only because they were faster riders. Period. But back to the rant...


I was in the Bay Area last week. I started nodding off on the 505 connector and fell asleep in fucking Vacaville on I 80. I pull into the rest stop there on the top of the grade where you first see the Bay. I was out cold for hours until the din of morning freeway commute woke me up. It was still dark out so I jumped in to the truck to get going. It was only about five fifteen in the morning, but the the shit was on, and every minute it gets worse until five lanes of East Bay traffic are choked off by the bridges coming to a crawl.


I'm in the slow lane posted 55 going 60 and people are tailgating me... until they see an opening, pass me and cut back in front of me like I'm breaking their stride. Down by the 580 split by Golden Gate Fields there, the two slow lanes turning into an off ramp. You need to merge left into five or six lanes of freeway headed towards the Bay Bridge. I get over and see people cutting in and out of lanes with the jerk of a wheel. No turn signal, wait and merge. No turn signal and no wait... just get out of my way... I'm late.


There was a point where I swear on my Datsun Warranty Card... I was actually terrified driving on the road! :hyper:


I saw every car in front of me for like two rows deep maybe ten of twelve cars all change lanes at the same time. I have been driving for 45 years and have never seen that before.


I thought, fuck I'm going to pull over right now, I'm not awake yet, I must be dreaming! Driving in the Bay Area is just fucked. People are just the worst me first assholes. The more performance their cars have, the bigger holes they are too.


Oregun traffic is soo fucking tame by comparison... :rofl:

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Most of you know, I am a school bus mechanic. I also dispatch for the evening run as the kids are going home. You wouldn't believe the amount of drivers out there who pass a school bus when the red lights are flashing. It sickens me so much. All drivers are required to report red light violators, although in many situations the drivers are going so fast that getting anything other than a color and ciphering wether it was a car or a truck is about all we can do, especially during the winter months where the light is low during bus loading and unloading times. Couple that with a highly rural area and borders on each side of us that people can get to before a cop could get to them and we only end up actually nabbing 3-4 a year out of the hundred or so that are reported.


I read many pupil transportation articles and publications. The school bus is indeed the safest form of transportation on the road, however that being said the majority of the fatalaties are in the unloading/crossing zone outside the bus by careless motorists.


If you see a driver pass through red lights you CAN REPORT THEM and the school will help you, as there are places on the form for witnesses.


Keep on top of these careless assholes. I hope I never ever get a call that one of our kids has been struck by a car.....

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unfortunately, here in guatemala, the traffic is terrible, as figbuck said, here we have to drive in defense mode. The driving schools never ever teach properly, why? because the traffic police can barely understand their own law. When someone goes into a highway, the automatically move to the left lane, no matter if they are going 50km/h, the right lane is always clean and is the faster.


Motorcycles, my nightmare, they go between the cars at aprox 50-60km/h and if you move a bit to the interrupted line they hit the horn to you, morons! and if they can go thru, the go on top of the sidewalk and beep to the people to move. If you hit a bike driver, they are treated as people on foot, so the car driver has to pay the kamikaze-mode-of-driving of them.......I hate to say that here everyone drives like animals. pl521sss was here and he can confirm it.


I took a real driving exam back in 1995 and not payed for it like these days, even though, when I went to germany and drove there, suburbs streets, city streets and autobahn is a completely different story, but as I have the basics my girlfriend barely told me what to do.


When I was a kid, I was always told that when I went off the school bus, I should stay on the sidewalk and after the bus was gone, I could go across the street. I really dont know why to cross when inmediately after you get down.....dont misundestand me, I just feel that is safer to stay on the sidewalk. In the end, if you are not focused dont drive, if you are late, wake up early and dont change someones destiny with your irresponsability.

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The other dad walked out into the street, which incidentally also has a double yellow line, strike two. Bitch never even slowed he had to jump back. It's not fast street, well it's not supposed to be, 25 mph. Everyone uses it as a short cut street to haul ass. The other day I was going speed limit had my left blinker on to turn into my driveway and someone passed me on the left!! As I was turning left!!! They need to be slapped, their mother an father needs to be slapped. Also should be sterilized

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