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Datto down.....620 carnage

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good call! I actually know about this one, but forgot about it. lol I'm gonna try to score the bumper






yup, I was planning on sanding it down and repairing the rust. Just not this soon. I didn't want the truck to look ratty for a few months while I put it together and tried to put money together for paint.


He will not sell the bumper, I'm thinking about the wheels. I looked at this truck, the bed is real clean and would be good for someone who needs a longbed.

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MM, without a witness, all the woman has to say is, "I was stopped and he was following to close to stop, and swerved to the right".. Save your money, you've been had. You should celebrate if she does not sue you for whiplash. Good luck.

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ouch dude! that blows, but i ahve been there. not a fun one. especially when you MOM backs into you and screws the whole front end. or your kid rips the front bumper away and trashes the fender. surprisingly my grille survived 3 hits on teh front without damage.

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That shit sucks man, but in the mean time, you arent really that bad off. My brother rearended somebody hard enough to push his core support into the valve cover and I was able to pull the front end out enough that everything lined up VERY damn close with nothing but a ratchet strap, a small 5 lb sledge hammer, some 2x4's and a harbor freight hammer and dolly set.


Take your fender, grille, bumper, light bucket and radiator off and make a "sandwich" with the 2x4s across the core support. wrap the tie down strap (Ive got a 5000 lb rated one but a come along will work just as good) around the closest point you can find to the center of the impact and put a good amount of tension on it. It looks like pulling through the head light opening in the core support will work like a champ for you. Once you get tension on it take the little sledge hammer and use a piece of 2x4 as a dolly and smack the "high spots" on the inner fender well area until the tie down (or come along) goes slack then tighten it up and do it again. Then just repeat till its square (your hood edge is a great way to line it all up) Once its square, take the hammer and dolly set and smooth out the wrinkles/creases. If you dont know how to use a hammer and dolly, check out some youtube vids and look for the ones with the highest ratings and most favorable comments... its not rocket science but its easier to see how its done than it is to tell you...

After you get the core support and inner fender back to where it looks decent you should have no trouble with that fender... pull it back as close as possible by hand though, you might not even have to use a hammer and dolly on it. Dont go for "perfect" just go for close enough to bolt it back in the original holes and "finish" it after its bolted in place. You can probably get that fender to look and fit better than a repop with half the effort.

Try fixing it first before you buy the parts truck, it might take you a weekend if you go slow :cool:


Youre going to want to buy a good tap and some new hardware for the fender too :)


You will need a bumper and a grille though, but you might be able to tweak them back into somewhat of a presentable shape in the mean time.


Good luck on fighting her insurance. Definitely look for that cop who helped you out... he is your best witness; youve got his picture he shouldnt be that hard to track down.


One other thing, that Scion looks EXACTLY like the one that some stupid broad was driving when she put it in reverse backed up about 5-10 feet into the front bumper of my Tacoma as we were in line to leave a parking lot... and then bitched me out for being so close behind her. I had backed up as far as I could without hitting the guy behind me and I flashed my brights and layed on the horn... The cops wouldnt even show because it was on private property. Now I watch out for scion drivers as well as the 5mph under the speed limit and nail the brakes when youre two car lengths behind them subaru wagon drivers...


Whoever posted about moving to the northwest didnt have a bad idea, the only real downside is bikini season is shorter. A plethora of datsuns more than makes up for it though :lol:

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So I've been told that fighting this should be a cakewalk. Consulted a few people including 'Lex' whose works for Geico as an insurance adjuster and will be fighting it.


Glad to hear you guys think this is fixable. And Mike, glad to hear your brothers truck was sorted out.




Good news is at my Autozone, one of the commercial accounts we have is with a collision repair place. Not just any, but the guys a Trans Am lover and owns as many as most of you own Datsuns. He's told me if I source out the parts (fender, bumper, valence) that he can have it ready for paint in under 24 hours. Said it looks like a cakewalk so I will have her looking better then ever very soon cool.gif


Until then, I'll stick to crawling out the passenger side. ollz.

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:lol: .... to each his own .... :lol:


Monkey ... glad its on track ... my friend taught me ( insurance agent) ... never take the first offer ... and very closely inspect body work ;) ... just common sense, but not always ( like seams that are just filled with tar rather than repaired correctly)

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  • 2 weeks later...



I figured this was overdue for an update... I got a call from my insurance agent yesterday to interview me regarding the accident.


I gave him the basic rundown, told him where I was and where she was relative to me before changing into my lane and he told me that based on my description of the accident, he's denying the claim and listing her at fault. He's filing a claim with her insurance company on my behalf and is going to fight with them to make sure that I can try and get something back in terms of repairs.


I have to go get a copy of the police report and look it over, but he said that it seems pretty obvious what happened and mentioned that with his experience in similar cases, I have a fair chance of getting some kind of pay out. I'm pretty happy, since some chance is better then no chance.


I got a call yesterday from the ladies husband wanting to settle the claim, which seemed kind of odd considering they filed a claim with my insurance, which means they should have had no reason to call me.




Until I get Progressive (her insurance company) to come look over the truck, I was advised to refrain from ANY alterations to the physical state, in order to keep them from finding excuses to deny my claim or not pay out fully for damages (IF it gets to that point.)




I'm just keeping my fingers crossed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is overdue for a bump.


Lots been going on, but no repairs :(



My insurance company denied her claim, but now that they've done that, she filed a lawsuit against me and my policy and claiming injuries (come at me bro!) and the only thing they're going off of as a basis is the police report. Unfortunately, the police report was written with minor details and doesn't reflect correct information. I was advised to speak with the officer about getting it revised, and I've been all over the officer about it. In the report, is lists that the lady I hit claimed we were into the turn when I hit her which isn't consistent with the damages to our vehicles. The damage indicates she was to my right and the collision was in a straight line, and not into a turn.


I was going over the accident report and noticed that the officer listed our direction of travel incorrectly. He listed her traveling West, and me traveling East, which are polar opposites and will hopefully invalidate the current police report and catch the officers attention. It WILL be revised no matter who I have to piss off. I'm trying to be nice about it, but the lack of investigating done is really screwing me so I'm pushing for a revision.

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Shitttttt man, if only. lol


I talked to insurance again today, and the female agent (who sounds SMOKING HOT by the way) told me that the people were being very difficult to get a hold of and seem only interested in the $$$ aspect of it. Apparently, they never even tried to file a claim with their own insurance and at this point, we aren't even sure if they have a lawyer or not because the people they claimed were representing them claimed they were not doing so.


On another note, she also gave me her personal phone number and told me to call her if I *ever need anything.* She must have been trolling through my photobucket albums outside of the accident album. She wants muh diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick :rofl:


In all seriousness, I'll have this worked out soon. I'm tired of climbing through the truck to get in it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Went to court today. I've been putting off repairs until I get through stage one and insurance looks at the truck.


I plead NOT guilty and spoke to the assistant DA and prosecutor who both shook my hand and told me that in their 15 years with the state court, they have never seen someone with such a well presented case. I have another court date on the 30th of may however I'll be meeting with the judge, officer, and prosecutor before then to speak more on the matter.


The lady has filed injuries after having her claim denied and told my adjuster over the phone (recorded) that she's filing injuries since her claim was denied. That's insurance fraud, so it's really not looking too good for her right now.




As for the truck, she's doing okay. I got on partstrain.com to order a reproduction fender and found it was discontinued. so FUUUUCKKK my life... She's not too bad looking as is though.After Import Alliance next weekend. I'm starting the rest of the finishing body work and I'm painting her. I've picked up a ton of body hammers and dolly's.


As she sits after two days of long, hard work:



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