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Treasures Found in my 1970 Datsun 510

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Earlier today I spend several hours working on my 1970 Datsun 510 at my friends shop. I purchased the car 3 years ago from a gentleman (late 50s, early 60s) who was the original owner of the car. The car was his baby that he cherished and loved.


Under the dash, there was a disconnected (and broken) temperature gauge that I removed. While under the dash, I accidently unsnapped the driver's side carpet from the floorboard and became very concerned when I saw a bunch of paper stuffed under the carpet. Thoughts raced through my mind...Did the PO stuff newspaper under the carpet to fill a rust hole, or prevent water from splashing up through the floor boards? I pulled the carpets back and removed the stack of paper. To my relief, the floor boards were in perfect, original shape.


What I found was a stash of vintage porn hidden under the carpeted mats. Now it really wasn't that vintage (circa 1996/97), but none the less, it was a very unexpected surprise.


Sorry, I have no pictures of the stash.

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You don't even want to know what I would find in my dad's car on Sunday when I had to wash it. :lol:


undies, bras, jewelry, money, The old man was quite the ladies man. :lol: I never did tell my mom. :o

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You don't even want to know what I would find in my dad's car on Sunday when I had to wash it. :lol:


undies, bras, jewelry, money, The old man was quite the ladies man. :lol: I never did tell my mom. :o


A friend of mine borrowed let his Don Juan'eqsue brother borrow his Mustang. Shit hit the fan about three months later when Mark's fiance took the pony for a ride and found panties stuffed in the ashtray (none of them smoked, thus why it wasn't found earlier) while looking for change.

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When I built my 510 in 1995, I found a piece of sandpaper with Japanese writing on it inside the rear 1/4 panel. I am the second owner of the car and the panel cards had never been removed.


Oh, and 96-97 were pretty decent years for porn - that was when Jenny McCarthy was in Playboy. College buddies bought me a subscription to Playboy around then. Still have them boxed in the attic.

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I purchased the car 3 years ago


Sorry, I have no pictures of the stash.

i'm calling BS! <_<


3 years ago?!?!

those were your mags!

YOU stashed them when you bought it and forgot all about it.

you told your mom you got rid of them.




I still win, finding a tab of acid next to a virgin Mary statue under the floormat on my 69... And the pics are in Nissan sport.

how did you know it was any good?

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Never found anything in a car I have bought. Found some crazy shit in used car trade ins. Be doing a once overall before they through it on the lot to be resold. Coolest thing I kept was some cool knives. I have found a few handguns as well.


Found a huge sack of Mary j once. Remember the guy coming back in all awkward saying e left "something" in the car. Well it was already in my bay on my lift. He starts digging around. I watch him freak for a bit and get all anxious before I walk over to my tool box grab the sack of wees and walk over ti him smiling. "You looking for this?" He wasn't sure how to react and I just dropped it n his hand laughed, slapped him on the back and walked away.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I built my 510 in 1995, I found a piece of sandpaper with Japanese writing on it inside the rear 1/4 panel. I am the second owner of the car and the panel cards had never been removed.


Oh, and 96-97 were pretty decent years for porn - that was when Jenny McCarthy was in Playboy. College buddies bought me a subscription to Playboy around then. Still have them boxed in the attic.


Cool find!





Under the seat of my 620 I found one of those pieces of paper they put over the floormats at the dealership folded up.

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