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Guest kamakazi620



He sas "That Skib dude is like the action hero from any movie you've seen. Always has a sweet line to say just before he shoots you."



No oics of tires on fire EPIC FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest kamakazi620

I can't, in good conscience, set another Datto's tires on fire. I, will, however, be willing to burn that Camry to the fucking ground.

Fuck That Paint honda on the hood and lite it up with the other half of his bottle!!!!!!!!! And say "Fuck your honda civic"!!!!!!!!!!! i've got your Dauhter outside!!!!! or pour the half a bottle on him and lite it and say "Your a flamer YO!!!!"

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Guest kamakazi620

Best part is, he drives a Datsun 610... and a Camry. But that's his wife's car. This bottle is over half empty and it has a bow on it. I'm sure he's been busy.

Always KNEW 610 owners Were Fucking Weirdos!!

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I'm going to set his truck on fire now.

lite his FORD on fire

He has his laptop on the hood of his truck.

Best part is, he drives a Datsun 610... and a Camry. But that's his wife's car.

I can't, in good conscience, set another Datto's tires on fire. I, will, however, be willing to burn that Camry to the fucking ground.

Always KNEW 610 owners Were Fucking Weirdos!!



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"Weirdo" doesn't begin to explain it. He's wearing a tank top and shorts in like 34 degree weather with flip flops.


"You high?"


"Also high?"





This is how most conversations go.


Hardwyre should kick himself in the nuts for knowing him, and then move away. <_< :angry: :lol:



I like the odd thread like this. It bonds us closer together against the rest of the world. True it was only a honduh owner but good practice.

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Hardwyre should kick himself in the nuts for knowing him, and then move away. <_< :angry: :lol:



I like the odd thread like this. It bonds us closer together against the rest of the world. True it was only a honduh owner but good practice.

I read it twice, he owns a camary, and a ford, and a 610, why he haz 610? oics noaw?

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That was just some kid, he searched a photo of some car and posted it to get a rise out of someone, odds are if Bob3 could have seen this before he was banned, Bob3 could have told him who owned the car(more than likely a company), and the guy would have been exposed for the loser he is, the title of this thread was a self discription, whether he knew it or not.

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The guys just jealous he cant get anyone to trade or sell him a nice datsun because hes got a hondah fag tattoo on his forehead. He probally suffers from pre-mature, and cant get it up unless its a fat bitch rolled in bacon and jerky. Seriously come on to this forum and make fun of cars that are worth more than anything ever made by honda, and to post a pos track car as it is. Such a joke, kid must be in highschool cuz he got schooled on here.

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