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my sons in a coma

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I really hope everything turns around for you guys. I can't say I know how you feel, but I've been in a similar situation with a friend before. I won't get into particulars, but it sounds a lot like what you're dealing with.



You and your family are in my prayers. I'll donate as soon as my pay check comes in mate.







Please keep us updated.

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once again, THANK YOU all, i just can not explain how thru you all the Lord GOD has and is answering my prayers and will answer all of yours also, thank you again for the Love i and my family are feeling from our ratsun family, you all have been such a blessing to us and it is now possible for me to go, i will have to wait til later tonite or sunday morning to get a flight as the other cheap one has expired, but will are still cking the schedules, once again THANK YOU all, tom

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Wow, I can't say I'm not impressed by the Ratsun community for raising that much money in under 8 hours.

That's awesome. What other forum will ever do that? NONE.

Ratsun is way more than a forum, we are indeed a Family. a very tight Family. I'm proud to say I'm part of this Family.

Good Job guys!



Im proud to be a part of the community and family that Ratsun has become since its inception in 2007

its much more than just a forum.






and were all more than happy to help out with what we can in a time like this Tom,

whether it be a prayer or a small donation

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when I read this thread this morning right before leaving the house I just knew I had to do something, The power of prayer can be and IS an amazing thing I know there are people from all back grounds on this forum and from different religious back grounds as well but in times like this we as a community come together and make things happen, I may have made the first move but to be honest I know that it would have only been a matter of time before somebody else started sending donations Toms way...


Tom rest assured I know donations will continue to come in as well as people praying for you and your son I am sure its not an easy thing to go through but we are here to help however we can.


to the Ratsun peeps that cant afford to send donations PLEASE no matter your beliefs say a prayer for this man and his son you may be surprised at what can happen



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I have sent you a small help. We all know that you didnt came here asking for money,but,as ratsuners, we all help each other, no matter where no matter what. Ratsun also is a place were we can discharge ourselves, thats the point of a community.

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just got a text from tom(dat620) he told me that his son has made a miraculous recovery, they moved him from ICU on monday afternoon to a regular room with talks of tomorrow going home praise GOD thx 2 every1 for their prayers

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just got another update. he says that he was hit from behind with a bat, then kicked in the face a few times whoever dit it left him for dead, he thankx GOD for who ever called 911 he was close to dead when police found him they think it sounded like a couple of black guys not sure though that when he passed out some one did steal his leather coat he had on

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Just saw this thread, Tom. I am glad that your son is recovering and we will keep him in our prayers that he may return to normal quickly.


And Clayton, I am so glad that you listened to the feeling that you got to start the donation process. What a great way to show our support as a community and to feel a little closer to Tom and his family.

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