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my sons in a coma

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we received a call(my wife and i) this morning at 8am arizona time, some time last night the police in san antonio tx(that is where he lives) found my son derick along the side of the road barely alive with severe head trauma,they have no idea who or what happened, as he is out and there was no one around, the police received an annonamos 911 call, they rushed him to the hospital and that is where my daughter and ex-wife have been, my daughter called us from there, all i ask is that every one keep him lifted up in prayer, the doctors put him on a breathing machine and are hoping that he stabilizes later today or tomorrow, then they will move him out of trauma to the icu, we are trying to figure out how to come up with the funds for me to get to texas, please every one keep us lifted up in prayer, i will keep every one posted, GOD Blees, tom


Please forgive me for my loss of words at this time. I will be praying for your son and family

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Sorry to hear about this Tom, I don't know you or your son but you and your family will be in my prayers. I also sent you $50 through paypal, while not much I figure every little bit will help get you on a plane to get to your son.



For the rest of the Ratsun guys, if you can't donate any funds maybe I can help loosen your wallets by offering to donate ALL profits on any of the items I sell (carpet kits, stickers, etc) for this weekend to Tom.


So if you were on the fence of getting some decals/stickers or a carpet kit, this would be a great time and a great way to kill two birds with one stone and help a fellow Ratsun brother in need.

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Sorry to hear about this Tom, I don't know you or your son but you and your family will be in my prayers. I also sent you $50 through paypal, while not much I figure every little bit will help get you on a plane to get to your son.



For the rest of the Ratsun guys, if you can't donate any funds maybe I can help loosen your wallets by offering to donate ALL profits on any of the items I sell (carpet kits, stickers, etc) for this weekend to Tom.


So if you were on the fence of getting some decals/stickers or a carpet kit, this would be a great time and a great way to kill two birds with one stone and help a fellow Ratsun brother in need.


sent you a PM

Will also donate.

Hope all goes well.

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to all my ratsun brothers and sisters out there, THANK YOU, is not enough, i can not put into words the great over whelming response every one has given us, thank you for all the donations and all the support from every one, i am very greatful for all things, good wishes, prayers and donations, THANK YOU, a million times over, now for some more news, i just got off the phone with my daughter, the doctors have discovered he is bleeding internaly in the brain, not on it, but in it, they are unsure of when and what type of surgery he will need, they still need to stabilize him, they are considering waiting til sunday morning to perform the operation, i only hope and pray i can be there by then, many, many, many great thanks to every one, skib u are correct we are a community, more than that my friend we are a FAMILY, i will keep you all posted, thanks again to all, tom

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when I get paid I can send some to help out



Im choosing to go without smokes today to send the 6$ I have and my best wishes your way.

Thus is a truly sad event, I cant imagune how it,feals and I pray it works out, and the driver comes foward.


My paypal is emty , i called my mother to send a donation for me, hope it helps.



Man i wish i had some money to spare :(. Im so sorry man,i could not imagine getting a call like that.


I got you guys covered. I don't want you missing out the karma that tends to come peoples' way for doing things like this, so I'm gonna send him $10 from the three of ya. :) I should get triple karma for it, and hopefully it'll help land me the Ireland contract. :)

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again i can not say it enough, THANK YOU, i am sure that every one will be repaid in triple for all they are doin, whether you all realize it or not, you all are payin it forward, your compassion is over whelming, and i know how much this means to me and my family, i am tryin to get a round trip ticket and it is 544.00 taxes included, we have put together(my wife and i) 160.00, the ratsun family has donated 380.00, that about covers the plane trip, i will stay at my daughters house, so lodging is covered, now just need money for food and extras, tried to figure the best way to go, driving will take at least 17 hrs, and gas will cost about as much as flying, plus the wear and tear on my truck, it would not be cost effective, plus the time it would take to drive would put me there later then i wanted to be, i still can not say it enough, THANK YOU to all of you, tom

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again i can not say it enough, THANK YOU, i am sure that every one will be repaid in triple for all they are doin, whether you all realize it or not, you all are payin it forward, your compassion is over whelming, and i know how much this means to me and my family, i am tryin to get a round trip ticket and it is 544.00 taxes included, we have put together(my wife and i) 160.00, the ratsun family has donated 380.00, that about covers the plane trip, i will stay at my daughters house, so lodging is covered, now just need money for food and extras, tried to figure the best way to go, driving will take at least 17 hrs, and gas will cost about as much as flying, plus the wear and tear on my truck, it would not be cost effective, plus the time it would take to drive would put me there later then i wanted to be, i still can not say it enough, THANK YOU to all of you, tom


Don't worry about it.. there is more on the way I'm sure. Stay strong.

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Wow, I can't say I'm not impressed by the Ratsun community for raising that much money in under 8 hours.

That's awesome. What other forum will ever do that? NONE.

Ratsun is way more than a forum, we are indeed a Family. a very tight Family. I'm proud to say I'm part of this Family.

Good Job guys!

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Hey there, I'm not a car junkie, but rather an acquaintance of Hardwyre who saw his post on Facebook.


Glad to hear you have enough for the plane ticket. I sent you the 6$ that was sitting in my Paypal. It's not much, but like others have said, every little bit helps.


When I was in Highschool a friend of mine was involved in an accident one weekend in mid October. It was a housefire that destroyed his family's 3-story home in Central New Jersey and sent him (16 at the time) to St. Barnabas Medical Center with 3rd degree burns on 60% of his body and a 15% chance of living.


His parents were away at their summer home in Westport, MA at the time of the event and found out about it from a very unclear cell phone call from the Jersey police. They too were miles away from home when they heard the bad news and probably felt the same panic and distance. Patrick was their son's name. He was in a coma for about a month while they gave him skin graft surgery to cover the worst of the burns. His family reached out to all the people they could. His brother set up a website which held photographs as well as daily journals written by his father to track the recovery progress of both Patrick and the house.


So many people from all religions, countries, and walks of life offered their prayer, support, and donations.


The power of prayer and outreach is amazing. Patrick survived, and these days is going to Rutgers and studying hard for his degree.


Whether people can donate or just help pray for your son, every little bit will help in the end.


Hang in there, and best wishes to you, your son, and the rest of your family and friends dealing with this event,

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Sorry to hear about your son. I too, know all too well the feeling of such phone calls. I am sooooo proud of this group to be able to come together to help out a brother. I don't have a lot in my PP account but it's yours. Prayers to you and your family as well.

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Wow, I can't say I'm not impressed by the Ratsun community for raising that much money in under 8 hours.

That's awesome. What other forum will ever do that? NONE.

Ratsun is way more than a forum, we are indeed a Family. a very tight Family. I'm proud to say I'm part of this Family.

Good Job guys!



Indeed. :thumbup:

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