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SR 510 crushed by cops in CA

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Hey I Just helped keep anther 610 on the road or should I say dirt road haha. Dude needed a weber adaptor so he can run 4 cylinder class tomorrow in Salem. Well I helped a 610 meet it's maker haha

thats my brother, +1 i see youve already got alittle feed back on that. Bring ya back up to 0.

And honestly, if its a datsun its grand, unless of course its rhd, jk :rofl:

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thats my brother, +1 i see youve already got alittle feed back on that. Bring ya back up to 0.

And honestly, if its a datsun its grand, unless of course its rhd, jk :rofl:

Really!!!? Now I feel bad I'm supposed to help a brother out. Should have said something :( it's in my gas tank now

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Hey I Just helped keep anther 610 on the road or should I say dirt road haha. Dude needed a weber adaptor so he can run 4 cylinder class tomorrow in Salem. Well I helped a 610 meet it's maker haha

thats my brother, +1 i see youve already got alittle feed back on that. Bring ya back up to 0.

And honestly, if its a datsun its grand, unless of course its rhd, jk :rofl:

He was runing this one but ut started dumping gas.




Know what kind? Havnt seen a webber luke this one before, electric choke .... Well it was now its smashed off choke.

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thats my brother, +1 i see youve already got alittle feed back on that. Bring ya back up to 0.

And honestly, if its a datsun its grand, unless of course its rhd, jk :rofl:

He was runing this one but ut started dumping gas.




Know what kind? Havnt seen a webber luke this one before, electric choke .... Well it was now its smashed off choke.

Yeah that is funky.Nope. Should have a model stamp on it.

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The joke the dime saying comes from is 510s always nickel and dime u. As in cost u money lol.


Ya therapy sucks, what sucks worse is getting told Thursday after neurological testing that my legs nerve damage and random severe pain spikes are permanent. Nerve is not healing......really sucked to hear, I already knew it though but for the doc to say it it was like the final door being shut. I just had a freaky ass datsun nightmare and woke up, first time on my new sleep meds I haven't slept a full night. If I didn't have my wife and son is probally of spiraled into a deep depresion. Well upside is I can get ssd, and instead of my temp disability parking permit I get the permanent one lol I love no door sings in my 510 with my handicap permit.

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Wow, there sure are a lot of guys who dont live in california that know all about it.First we dont have Disneyworld-we have Disneyland.They dont just take cars and crush them.Where that BS comes from who knows.You will get impounded if caught racing on the street.You may not get the car back for 30 days which leads to ridiculous impound fees,then you wont want your'e car back.It might end up at the crusher if no one comes and gets it and the towing company doesnt want it.Yes california is fucked up with some of the smog laws but ive been driving the same illegal Datsun 510 for 25 years and never had a problem.Act like an idiot and trouble will find you.

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Smoke a bowl dude and relax. they don't crush your car no questions asked. your friend is full of shit. most guys with SR 510's drive like Fucking morons. they blow tire leaving every meet. i see it all of the time. don't be one of those 510 drivers and you wont have a problems with the police! remember this math 610>510. Peace!!!


dude you need to get over it. we drive datsuns,were not a bunch of prude old men in rolls royce . stop talking crap about sr510's . for at least 3 years i have been reading all these forums and videos and its always you talking shit. and im sick of it. your the douche bag. ka510 rotary 510 and L series 510 do big burnouts too. i like datsuns because they have always been in our family and when i went to the street races back in 1991, 510's and Z were just killing it!! geeez. go to a VW meet or musclecar meet those guys are crazy. its just part of the car culture. thats another reason why i love it.

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Well This thead when crazy haha. I feel better about my choise to spend a stupid amount of money and i can sleep a little better know it most likely won't get scrapped for simply existing. I'll try not to be to my of a d bag driver but with over 350 who it will be hard hahah


dont worry your already labeled a douche once you decided to go sr. lol. no matter what engine choice you would have gone someone will always hate on you. even if you stayed stock. most on here will agree on that. we'll get that beast running!!!

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remember this math 610>510. Peace!!!

Been there, done that, got the T-Shirt...



As for what the police pullover can and cannot do to your reputation/510:


1) Probable cause. If the car has an SR20 AND you are out being an idiot AND your car matches the description of someone who has called you in...DING DING We have a winner! Impound and (eventually) crush. Easier to ask forgiveness than permission (or do the research...)


2) Excessive display of speed. Go ahead and go zipping around like an idiot in school zones/residential zones, etc. etc. Beg for trouble, you do...


3) Street racing. Is that SR20 the guardian angel on your shoulder? When the rice steamer Honduh next to you revving his gerbils, waiting for the light to drop like panties on prom night, is he gonna bail you out? Not likely. And he will be able to substantiate the "improvements" to his motor (that is likely stock-ish looking...) than you will with the engine that is obviously not as old as your 510. My L20B is keeping me honest, not saying that you should revert back to the stone age, but a fix-it ticket for exhaust leads to bigger and better things...

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they will only crush it if you leave it in impound if your not sn idiot and dont get it imponded there is no issue


lets put its this way having the sr in your car wont give you problems its your driving style after the sr is installed that will get you in deep shit

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Cali is as communist as a motherfucker.

a cop determines whether or not the car gets impounded for 30 days. and even when it is impounded for 30 days, the registered owner can go and get a police release before the 30 days are up and ONCE the owner has that he can pick up his car whenever even if it has a 30 day hold. some can't do that and they either have to pay the $2000 dollars in storage fees (not the same, it differs from PD to PD).

basically in Cali, it goes like this:

Cop stops ricer

towing company takes car, cop tells company to either hold car for 30 days or just impound it

depending on value of car determines how many days the towing company has to wait until the company gets the car ( 4000 and under 30 days, 4001+ 90 days bad news for our Dattos! )

towing company either auctions after lien or throws away IF the car is garbage...


i hate this system. we haven't inherited any Datsuns or worthwhile Nissans

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dude you need to get over it. we drive datsuns,were not a bunch of prude old men in rolls royce . stop talking crap about sr510's . for at least 3 years i have been reading all these forums and videos and its always you talking shit. and im sick of it. your the douche bag. ka510 rotary 510 and L series 510 do big burnouts too. i like datsuns because they have always been in our family and when i went to the street races back in 1991, 510's and Z were just killing it!! geeez. go to a VW meet or musclecar meet those guys are crazy. its just part of the car culture. thats another reason why i love it.


:mellow: :) :D :lol:

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thats my brother, +1 i see youve already got alittle feed back on that. Bring ya back up to 0.

And honestly, if its a datsun its grand, unless of course its rhd, jk :rofl:

He was runing this one but ut started dumping gas.




Know what kind? Havnt seen a webber luke this one before, electric choke .... Well it was now its smashed off choke.


God damn; I can stuff whole orphans down that thing. I didn't know they made 1200 cfm single barrels! :P


Oh ya, random hobo hipster oic.




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Cop stops ricer

towing company takes car, cop tells company to either hold car for 30 days or just impound it

depending on value of car determines how many days the towing company has to wait until the company gets the car ( 4000 and under 30 days, 4001+ 90 days bad news for our Dattos! )



So if it's the 90 day impound there is no way I can get it back? There is no fee I can pay?

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Guest kamakazi620

God damn; I can stuff whole orphans down that thing. I didn't know they made 1200 cfm single barrels! :P


Naw man thats a Air filter Adapter on the top,and it is a 2 barrel,they used that style on MG migets/opels and even seen them on air cooled VWs

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So if it's the 90 day impound there is no way I can get it back? There is no fee I can pay?

no such thing in CA, its either 30 day or just a regular impound, the 90 day refers to how long a company (or person i think) must keep a car valued over $4001 in order to take ownership of car, otherwise known as a lien sale, because those fees that are due to the towing company get paid by selling the car

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