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Buyer beware- erichwaslike


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Buyer beware- everyone.


I can see that if you pm someone and see theyve logged on a couple times without giving a response can make you feal like your being putoff. Ive had my fair share of excuses coming and going, but ive treid to keep open dialog, that doesnt allways work tho.

I hope both parties here get what they want good luck to both.

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Why should this be a public matter though? It's between buyer and seller, both have given their story, no one else should have anything to say about it. I just don't see any good coming from this...


Because it became a public matter due to a breakdown in comunication. The fact that it is out in the open now protects both parties as long as the transaction moves along.


I would like to know where the OP ran off to though.... :unsure:


Thanks for updating erichwaslike. :)

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2eDeYe' date='21 September 2011 - 10:10 AM' timestamp='1316625047' post='550566']

Why should this be a public matter though? It's between buyer and seller, both have given their story, no one else should have anything to say about it. I just don't see any good coming from this...




Because it became a public matter due to a breakdown in comunication. The fact that it is out in the open now protects both parties as long as the transaction moves along.


I would like to know where the OP ran off to though.... :unsure:


Thanks for updating erichwaslike. :)


I might add that there is also the deterrent factor. Most would prefer that things like this NOT be aired in public. Might even compel them to get the lead out when doing business. Of course a total douchebag won't care one way or the other.

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I might add that there is also the deterrent factor. Most would prefer that things like this NOT be aired in public. Might even compel them to get the lead out when doing business. Of course a total douchebag won't care one way or the other.


I can see as a last resort posting, but it shouldnt be left open for public debate and opinions. The thread name itself is derogatory to erich, it is supposed to have been taken care of, so it should be deleted.


That's just my opinion though. Deleted or locked, its done with.

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Every bit of this is unfortunate.


OP waiting for parts.

Lack of communication.

Erich being on blast.


If things are square, that is good news.

My .02 about this, and others have pointed it out, that things like this keep in perspective that we are a community.

Something like this happening shows all of us to stay in check.


Unfortunately, someone got called out.

BUT-that happened to have been the push to correct it.


From the interactions that I have had with Erich,

I would have zero problem dealing with the guy.

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eric has always been a good seller with me, made me a killer airbox



I think it's a great thread. Shows the standupness of Erich to actually come in and apologize for it. Yea, he was in the wrong but yea, he apologized for it. Apples to handjobs really.


just so u know i was a little mad at u for writing this..... until my gf pointed something out when i read it to her.... standupness, not stupidness as i had read it everytime b4 that. shows how dyslexic i really am.



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