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im beginning to like oregon

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i went in for a job interview at the local truck stop i was in there for 10 minutes he told me i cant have my earrings in and that sexual harassment was not tolerated and then asked if i could meet these guide lines i said yes and we shook hands and i left as soon as i pull in the drive way at my house i get a call back and he asks if i can start tomorrow at 8 i said hell yes


long story short what took me a year to do in california i did in 2 months here (only 1 month of actually trying)i am now employed

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Damn man! Another employed Ratsunner! Nice! We're coming less a band of unemployed ruffians by the minute.


I wonder why he was so anal about the sexual harassment issue. I bet you're going to find out that the receptionist looks like Jenna Jameson or something and is dude's daughter/neice/etc.

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ive already seen most of the employees there is one good looking chick the rest are eather all dudes or old chicks im hoping i get some shifts with he hottie but no hitting on her for one dont wanna loose the job i just got for 2 im happily taken

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ive already seen most of the employees there is one good looking chick the rest are eather all dudes or old chicks im hoping i get some shifts with he hottie but no hitting on her for one dont wanna loose the job i just got for 2 im happily taken



Well then Mr. Selfish, did you ever consider that maybe you're lady would like to visit the softer side of Sears now and then? :P


Ahh.. I remember all the super cheesy early 90's sexual harassment training videos at had to watch at the Veteran's medical center in Portland when I worked there.


I felt gypped though; they didn't teach me shit about how to sexually harass someone. devil.png

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well first day of work knocked out i dont think i could find an easier job pumping gas aint much but with today s earnings i have enough to pay my expences for the month so i will have some play money soon datto will be getting some work done this winter thats for sure if anyone is in LaPine and stops at gordys truck stop i might just be the one pumping your fuel

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