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Nerf war

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I think kids today should explore just like we used to. Tennis ball bombs with match heads inside, sparkler bombs wrapped with 3m strapping tape, potato guns. Shit, used to be growing up in the country was fun, now they equate it with a terrorist plot! I made all sorts of things that would get me imprisoned back in the day. Hell, still do from time to time! Who didn't borrow some of dad's black powder to make things go boom?

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I think kids today should explore just like we used to. Tennis ball bombs with match heads inside, sparkler bombs wrapped with 3m strapping tape, potato guns. Shit, used to be growing up in the country was fun, now they equate it with a terrorist plot! I made all sorts of things that would get me imprisoned back in the day. Hell, still do from time to time! Who didn't borrow some of dad's black powder to make things go boom?


I know nothing of which you speak.


I grew up I'm the country, and all we did was tell ghost stories and bake brownies.

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come on man, what is wrong with that video?... its pretty cool. heck, dave chappelle did one about venerial disease.





i have a kid and i get sensitive about certain things but when i was a kid, it was pure anarchy. laws today and the way technology is these days, kids get in trouble too quick and everyone is quick to make an opinion, throw a "oh, i wouldnt do that for my child", and prejudge the parent. especially if it makes the news. kids are kids, theyre going to get in trouble, and theyre going to learn just like we all did at some point.


we cant shelter our children from everything because when they grow up how can they fend for themselves? we are a society too quick to come to a conclusion about how we raise our children but then in other parts of the world you have kids being trained to kill.



let me ask you this. how bad is this video in comparison to the cartoons i watched as a kid or growing up. "looneytoons", "itchy and scratchy", and "ren and stimpy,, they're super hella violent, its not real, and it was fun to watch.



oh, and dave chappelles skit?!,,,,,, funny. ;)

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My paternal instinct took control when I first saw the video.

So since that's what coming into question, I'll defend it.


I think the video is great. But kids are vulnerable.

Playtime or not, instilling thoughts that can be perceived differently in a child's future should never be placed within their grasp.

That's my take on it. Monkey see, monkey do.

Nicely put! This kind of crap is what we have stooped to as a nation.People dont value the things that really matter,its all about who has the nice clothes and drives the nice car.Look at that goddam video again,and then tell me why kids today are so fucked-up!

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It has nothing to do with what you expose your kids to, it has everything to do with the morals you instill in them and the way you raise them. As a kid I was not sheltered. My siblings and I were allowed to watch r rated movies, play video games, and blow shit up, but we knew the difference between real life and the stuff we saw on tv, and I'm not running around acting like children of the corn or running a drug ring. Just because it happens in a video or movie or video game doesn't mean a kid is going to think its ok in real life, it is your job as a parent to teach them what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. Sheltering a child is not always the best way to raise them, they need to see the world for what it really is to be able to make the right decisions to make it a better place.

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Sheltering a child is not always the best way to raise them


lol sheltered kids are socially awkward pussys and are going to end up having the figurative shit kicked out of them for the rest of their life.


this is also how ignorance is promoted. let them know what the world is like, let them be cultured.

because it is about the values you instill, not what they see in a movie.



if movies and video games ect are teaching your kids how to act and whats ok and not ok. thats bad parenting.

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skib the parenting counselor



:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:




I always say if I won the lottery and never have to work again, I'm going to volunteer to be a high school career counselor :rofl:



"Have you ever considered exotic dancing?"

"Well, I think you'd be a fantastic Waste Transfer Technician"

"Some people say suicide is the cowards way out, I'm not one of those people"

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This is how me and ashli have decided to raise our son. Im tired of seeing kids act like lil shits, or lil pussies constanlty because A. their parents dont disipline them, or B. shelter them way to much. We dont want our kid to be one of these freakish kids you see nowadays. Hell my mom came out as a lesbian at the age of 9, my grandparents raised me, and alot of other fucked up things in my childhood yet i came out pretty normal, i have a wife, a house, a kid, and my cars. I plan on actually teaching my son about stuff, and how to be responsible with what he knows, instead of sheltering him. Hell kids are having sex at the age of 10 now, i wasnt even thinking about that till like 13, i was still playing with hotwheels when i was 12 lol. Theirs a difference between sheltering, and teaching. If you dont teach kids to be responsible with what they know and learn, then when they do learn about it...well you do the math, drugs, sex, murder, if they never learned the do's and donts, and whats correct and whats not, their goign to develop a taste for something that they were prevented from knowing, just because they were PREVENTED from KNOWING.


And i know thats a long rant, but seriously, theirs something fucked up with parents nowadays. Well...what i should say is witha good half of parents nowadays, some do it right, but alot are doing it wrong.

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You know the great things about having kids, especially lil boys. IS you get to play with nerf guns, and the swords all over again. Have u seen the swords they have now from nerf? Makes me think of that simpsons episode where their seeing doctor monrow (however u spell it) and pull the foam off the lil bats and beat the shit out of eachother. Ive told the wife i cant wait to buy him nerf guns, water guns, swords, and then ambush her when she comes home from upstairs. I dont mind him shooting a water gun in the house, ONLY if its directed at mommy when she walks through the door :). I cant wait till hes older and into paintball, hopefully my back is back to shape enough by then to where i can play again.


And that poor bear.

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IS you get to play with nerf guns, and the swords all over again.


lol what do you mean again, you dont have to have kids to play with Nerf shit ya know :lol:






And that poor bear.


fuck that bear. he was a snitch.

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i was still playing with hotwheels when i was 12 lol.


Hey now...I still play with hotwheels WTF???





fuck that bear. he was a snitch.



Snitches get stitches :lol:


Musta missed that part of the plot

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