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How I broke down driving to Canby THREAD

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I lol'd very heavily watching this Bill! I have a funny one too of you all in the back of the truck when we went for KFC. I'm going to take a shower and hit the sack though. I'll upload all the other worthwhile stuff later. :D

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Indeed it did. I made it back with no issues as well.

For an under $150 engine swap, it does pretty damn well. Only thing leaking was your truck bed. And we'll blame that on that POS up against the cab, lol.

By the end of the week we'll have that one nice and cleaned up and running like a champ.

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Yeah, pretty much. It won't let me login under my old ass name. So maybe if I can get that fixed, I can use my old profile. Lamesauce for the time being. So I just made a new account and called it good.

Somebody good with SQL should delete my old profile and merge with contents with this one. Or the easy way - fix my old one and change my username. Or something. Blah.

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Yeah, pretty much. It won't let me login under my old ass name. So maybe if I can get that fixed, I can use my old profile. Lamesauce for the time being. So I just made a new account and called it good.

Somebody good with SQL should delete my old profile and merge with contents with this one. Or the easy way - fix my old one and change my username. Or something. Blah.



What was ur old username?

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It was with a bunch of random characters that spelled out mr.nismo. I'd have to go find somewhere I posted before and copy pasta it back in.


I'm not really concerned with it. But hey what is up with the lack of a picture next to my name? Lol I should be promoted up, been on here forever. Just mainly a lurker though...

I kind of got out of the forum thing and went about doing my own thing, lost a lot of motivation with the Datsun scene, but it's coming back to me now. So I think I'll be here to stay this time. This year's Canby adventure was pretty much awesome, I now have a few buddies locally here that are into Datsuns and such so I'm not going to be the black sheep of southern Oregon. :)




That was my old username. Pretty sure that is the right one. I went through a phase where I used special char's to throw people off, but I found just how annoying it can be. My account was likely deleted, lol - I couldn't find anything in a search.

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It was with a bunch of random characters that spelled out mr.nismo. I'd have to go find somewhere I posted before and copy pasta it back in.


I'm not really concerned with it. But hey what is up with the lack of a picture next to my name? Lol I should be promoted up, been on here forever. Just mainly a lurker though...

I kind of got out of the forum thing and went about doing my own thing, lost a lot of motivation with the Datsun scene, but it's coming back to me now. So I think I'll be here to stay this time. This year's Canby adventure was pretty much awesome, I now have a few buddies locally here that are into Datsuns and such so I'm not going to be the black sheep of southern Oregon. :)




That was my old username. Pretty sure that is the right one. I went through a phase where I used special char's to throw people off, but I found just how annoying it can be. My account was likely deleted, lol - I couldn't find anything in a search.


Looks like your profile is still up to me.

joined july 14th 2008



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  • 11 months later...

Thought it's getting close to time to resurrect this thread for people making a longer trek than most of us. I wish you all the best of luck and safe driving this year. Be safe, and do your maintenance before you make the trip! See you at Canby 2012!

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