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at what point does your reputation go from neutral to good?

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They hold some sort of merit.


I tend to find people who are negative are new or dont post much.


People who are positive are helpful and others recognize it.


People who are extremely high (INDY) are simply funny, and maybe helpful too.


If people didnt throw around the neg rep as much it might mean something more (superficially of course).

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Nice one, now look at my profile. I am nearing 2k posts, and post nearly everyday.



Jun I am a Hall Monitor too, Be proud.



And finally I dont think I have ever posted boobs once to earn any of my rep.


Remember those pompous little douche bag teachers pet kids that were assigned hall monitors? They would patrol the halls like they were the law, correcting peoples behavior and acting like they were better than everyone else. Maybe there's some kind of assimilation between those hall monitors and the ratsun ones? Not saying you are, I've never seen a post from you anywhere near the definition of a hall monitor, maybe a mod just decided to give you that nickname as a joke. Hell, I'm pretty sure mine says Senior Member (I'm on mobile so I can't see) and I haven't even been on here for over a year.


At least yours doesn't say MAPOTM.

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Senior member seems like its for those that have more than 300 post.. and hall monitor for those that have been here from 09... im thinkin... cant wait to be up in the 300's... And as for rep... i had - for a while cuz of a honda tattoo i posted but its now at a +3... oh well.. but i guess its just a novelty... anyways i wouldnt mind having a much better one...

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They hold some sort of merit.


I tend to find people who are negative are new or dont post much.


People who are positive are helpful and others recognize it.


People who are extremely high (INDY) are simply funny, and maybe helpful too. have 20+ troll profiles.


If people didnt throw around the neg rep as much it might mean something more (superficially of course).



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No,what it really means is there are too many people with opinions that don't matter.



I don't care what you just said.



Don't be nice to me...... :blink:


Lolz my comment was an opinion that doesn't matter.

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