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Ricer Sightings

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I don't know, maybe someone got a honda sticker kit, or a Jr. Do-it-yourself sticker kit.



Either way I couldn't count how many gold play boy bunnies there were. L.E.D. running lights, gold thing on the antennae. Dig the H on the mirrors too.

And as always, it's better in person



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This guy would be a hero in Michigan...


Not exactly rice, but just as WTF'ish.


Wood 4x4 bumper with some shit carved into it. Gigantic moth wing mud flaps that were completely useless since the dude kept flinging rocks. And if you look closely, you can see that he has two different sizes of tires front vs back. Oh, and his lift mods were, well, questionable engineering are best.



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Followed this guy into downtown today:




Gay lenses^^^ ( the pic doesn't show it but they were carbon fiber on the inside :rofl: ) and a really bad tint job on the back window - bubbles everywhere :no:




Fart can muffler on stock exhaust ^^^




Rims (that were missing at least 1 center cap) that probably cost more than the car itself before they mutilated it


and i got an all in one vvv






Oh the lolz that can be had in traffic :thumbup:

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I got a new neighbor today...












I already dont like him.






Can anyone identify the cars on the top left of the last picture? I know 2 are BMW's, but I dont know the years or models. Ive been thinking of asking the old man if he wants to sell any, one would look bad ass slammed with some wheels and left how it is

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Not exactly rice, but just as WTF'ish.


Wood 4x4 bumper with some shit carved into it. Gigantic moth wing mud flaps that were completely useless since the dude kept flinging rocks. And if you look closely, you can see that he has two different sizes of tires front vs back. Oh, and his lift mods were, well, questionable engineering are best.





OHHHH MY FAWKING GODD!!!!!! That looks like somethin my stupid azz brother would drive. If only he had a license!!



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Followed this guy on some work errands last Friday - carbon fiber body kit/hood/truck lid - euro lenses and a sub that was rattling everything apart - i almost had a hard time hearing his fart can over the rattle of the half assed body kit assembly being torn to shreds by his sub.

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I had Chinese food delivered for lunch today and i got "rice" with my rice!!!! Oh the loz!!!!


1st my rice



then the delivery guys "rice" - stuck to the bottom of the bag




he actually came back about 5 min later looking for it !!!!!!!!!!! - i pulled it outta my trash can and handed it to him while choking down an outburt of laughter - he seemed so worried!!! Walmart must have discontinued it :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I ended yp getting cought taking pics of this girls car, huge fast furius4 decal front and back, decepticon badges and LOUD, def trans"contanintalrice"am . We ended up at the light together and my picture taking realy goosed her up, but when the light changed I dumped it and swerved at her she slammed on the brakes and I had her for three gears ollz2011-08-01145452.jpgthe above actions were exagerated for my own lulz deal with it

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Dipshits shouldnt own datsuns, or we get people like you. Ive had people like you swerve at me before and when my kids not in the car, i would let you hit me and explain your reckless driving to the police and laugh as your license is taken away and your datsun sits in the driveway. No respect for people that do that shit, drive a honda.

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Okay I was fin around, chick took off spinning tires and stairing right at me so i jerked the wheel a little but exagerated my movements, I never left my lane but it apeared to her that I was going to, I never broke the speed limit and I never spun a tire, good clean spookout. As for driveing like an asshole I go out of my way to be polite on the road only two exeptions, passing me on the shoulder will not happen,

Scrappers running around with loose loads wont get any politeness either. Maybe I didnt explain the situation.

I got cought taking pics.

Driver took it as a challenge and burned out,

I faked her out and brought it safely up to speed.

If that couses you distress..... well..... Your vag must be broke :P

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Dipshits shouldnt own datsuns, or we get people like you. Ive had people like you swerve at me before and when my kids not in the car, i would let you hit me and explain your reckless driving to the police and laugh as your license is taken away and your datsun sits in the driveway. No respect for people that do that shit, drive a honda.

this is the third time youve reffered to me as people like me, people like me? People like you have a valid point but I think you exagerated my actions thinking about some guy who endangered you and you kids. As for drive a honda tnats the dirtiest thing you could have said and I demand a retraction
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