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Build Thread of Ed

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So at the end of February at the ripe old age of 32, I had a massive stroke. Actually 4 strokes. After waking up to my children talking to me, and me unable to respond in any sort of coherent way, we went to the nearest emergency room which was Meridian Park in Tualatin. They kept me for a few hours then sent me home saying I had a migraine. Never having ever had a migraine, took their word for it since they are the doctors. Lay in a heap for a day then go to my provider, Kaiser and determine I am suffering from multiple strokes.



Was able to get back to work (light duty) after only a month, they said the same stroke probably would have devastated a older person but its amazing how you can bouncce back when younger. Now as a small child, 19 months old, I had a leaky heart (Tetraology of Fallot) that was surgicaly repaired with a patch. Well the patch inside my heart had come loose causing a little flap that could cause blood to get stale and clot. And they found another small leak. So being beyond Kaiser's skill level, they sublet' me to OHSU and Doernbecher where, last Tuesday, they did a cardiac catherization, where they are able to go through your main arteries in your groin and perform the entire repair without surgery.







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I got a $1500 bill for that "migraine" diagnosis too



thats bullshit. Is there anything you can do about that?


I'd file a complaint for a mis diagnosis too.


I don't trust doctors at all. All they want anymore is money. I had a doctor in Eugene that was convinced all I wanted was pills and never helped me with my back. Still don't know why I hurt all the time but whatever.And my sister had something called endomitriosis. Not going into details but it's very very painful and can prevent ever being able to get pregnant, and a few doctors told her it was just bad cramps. After she had cysts removed even.

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I got a $1500 bill for that "migraine" diagnosis too

I bet if you charged $1500 for a bad diag where you work, not only would the customer not pay they'd probably be getting some free services for a while. Must be nice to be wrong and still get paid. Glad you're doing better.

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I was wondering why you where mia at the meet's around that time


At my first Red Robin Saturday meet, Nismo Dr. pulled in driving the wifes mini van and did a hard stop at the curb in front of him. When he got out I asked if he went to the Helen Keller school of driving. Now I had never met the dude in the van. Figuring that all Ratsuners are pretty thick skinned by nature. After his explanation of his condition, I suffered a bad case of foot in mount syndrome.


How did the procedure on your heart go? Wish my Dad could have recovered from his stroke last year so fast. I still miss not being able to have a conversation with him. Best wishes and many prayers for a speedy FULL recovery.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Did you request the doc suture up your heart with a Datsun stitching? ;) Glad to hear you're okay, take it easy until you're back to full strength. It takes a while. Makes me feel like a pussy with my knee hurting all this last week.

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