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Happy end of the world!

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Come on boys and girls of Ratsun.net. ARe y'all cereal?? The world is gonna end tomorrow and no boobs in the last thread ever posted on Ratsun.net?? :blink: :unsure: :poke: :confused: :crying: :no:




Fine then I'll do the honor........






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I.B.T.E.O.T.W. Lolz...

are you IN before it ends, when it ends or when it starts.

that wasnt real clear.


ill log in before 6pm and see what happens...


if i forgive myself i guess i could BIBTEOTW



























































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The Rapture is believed to be when pure Christians are spared the end days and are 'lifted up' (possibly by Christ who may or may not be visible to those who don't get to go) to heaven, while the rest of the world suffers (tribulation) until the Christ shows up (for real) in order to end the war at Armageddon


Are you Rapture Ready?

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i personally dont care if it is true or not. im a full on believer. and take this particular topic seriously. even tho people crack jokes. if it does happen then so be it. if it doesnt then think of it as another chance to double check that you and God are straight and hope that there is still beer in his heavenly fridge for you when it does happen.



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ok..first of all..jesus says no man knows the day or hour!2nd he takes people up on a instant just before tribulationwhich means a huge global war of total destruction,before that war almost destroys all of man kind!..clearly that is not present at this time...mathew chapter 24 will give u all a better understanding..

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i personally dont care if it is true or not. im a full on believer. and take this particular topic seriously. even tho people crack jokes. if it does happen then so be it. if it doesnt then think of it as another chance to double check that you and God are straight and hope that there is still beer in his heavenly fridge for you when it does happen.




if not beer there will be wine!!!!!!!!!:)

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