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Happy end of the world!

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According to a christian radio brodcasting company the world will end May 21st 2011. So my question is, how are you going to spend your last days?


Im hoping to get so drunk tonight ill wish the world will end on saturday. Have to be alert for those zombies though.

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According to a christian radio brodcasting company the world will end May 21st 2011. So my question is, how are you going to spend your last days?


Im hoping to get so drunk tonight ill wish the world will end on saturday. Have to be alert for those zombies though.

You should call in to that radio station and ask if they are giving away free tickets to this event.

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Funny, if there were any people that I knew of that believed this, I'd ask for entitlement to their assets because, "hey, if the world's ending, you can't take it with you". You see right then and there what they really believe.. and if they were fool enough to comply, well, I'd have myself a nice new house and 2 car garage :)

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Lol I'm not even buying into that bs, I'm partying hard tonight and playing my best dj set yet for this kick ass party. Funny thing tho my coworkers and I have been talking about zombies all week and who's using what weapons and gaurding what post @ our safe house which would b our company building. Only once we spoke about the end of the world we'd rather prepare for zombies.

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Funny, if there were any people that I knew of that believed this, I'd ask for entitlement to their assets because, "hey, if the world's ending, you can't take it with you". You see right then and there what they really believe.. and if they were fool enough to comply, well, I'd have myself a nice new house and 2 car garage :)


ppl are pretty ridiculous..there was a bill board they had up that said " jesus is coming" and at my local supermarket, this lady handed me a business card and said "he's cooming" ...i should've asked her if i could keep her stuff. <_<

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In 1992, Camping published a book titled 1994?, in which he proclaimed that Christ's return might be on September 6, 1994. In that publication, he also mentioned that 2011 could be the end of the world. Camping's predictions use 1988 as a significant year in the events preceding the apocalypse; this was also the year he left Alameda Bible Fellowship. As a result, some individuals have criticized him for "date-setting."[28] Camping's latest publications, We are Almost There! andTo God be The Glory, refer to additional Biblical evidence which, in his opinion and that of others mentioned by him, points to May 21, 2011 as the date for the Rapture and October 21, 2011 as the date for the end of the world.

This moron has done this before, back in 1994. How stupid must he feel? He has already been wrong once. Hopefully this 89 year old quack croaks before midnight tonight so he doesn't get to see his precious "rapture"....

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

What!! the world is ending..

No one told me :w00t:

Oh great, now what.. :rofl:










Oh nevermind just go back to regularly scheduled programming :sneaky:

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I cant find my birth certificate right now but....

Matthew Pxxxxxxx, born May 21, 1988. 6:06PM. Singlehandedly brought about the end bitches! :fu:


But seriously, one of the articles I was reading about this said something along the lines of "...by using an equation of his own creation..." OK, done, stopped reading from there.

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from what i heard it has something to do with 1 day being 1000 years to god. and god told someone that the world would be cleaned in 7 days (or 7000 years) and thats tomorrow.


sounds like bull shit


It is a mathematical equation, but that's not true. According to the bible, the earth would be around 10k years old now. It has to do with numerology and numbers this guy pulled out of the bible, multiplied and divided by number of years and days in a year and other numbers. I'm taking all of my old shoes and clothes and laying them out around town to make it look like people disappeared :D


Funny, if there were any people that I knew of that believed this, I'd ask for entitlement to their assets because, "hey, if the world's ending, you can't take it with you". You see right then and there what they really believe.. and if they were fool enough to comply, well, I'd have myself a nice new house and 2 car garage :)


I actually emailed the guy making the prediction that to show good faith that he is right, that he should donate all assets to a charity of his choice, and if he doesn't then people will know he's full of shit. He never replied lol

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The "organization" behind all of this has received 100 million in donations. THAT is fucking scary. I work at a print warehouse, we do billboards, bus advertisements large vinyl/mesh banners, ext. and we've printed quite a few boards with "the end is may 21st! The bible GUARANTEES it! Listen to said radio station for more details"

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I predict Monday June 13th when all deserving souls are raised up into heaven by the rapture. The rapture is a very exclusive club and not many of these guys are getting in. So joining this group does not guarantee entrance.

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Guest DatsuNoob

Head fulla ronyay(rainier) on the endadays! Shoulda came a day earlier. Woulda been the perfect end to a shit day. I think this calls for some TOOL. Learn to swim beesh lolz

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