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What a piece of fucing shit. Sue the crap out of him, theirs trespassing, theft, all sorts of charges you can bring up on him, and theirs video evidence of him scraping it. Also how did he scrap it without a title, i know in washington and oregon you have to cut a car up in tiny pieces if you dont have a title. I say find where he lives, and when the police take him to jail, you load up his pos truck and take it to the scrapyard.


Also check your local laws, if it WAS required for him to have a title, also sue the scrap yard or threaten to turn them in unless they take care of you, because thats horse shit.

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What a piece of fucing shit. Sue the crap out of him, theirs trespassing, theft, all sorts of charges you can bring up on him, and theirs video evidence of him scraping it. Also how did he scrap it without a title, i know in washington and oregon you have to cut a car up in tiny pieces if you dont have a title. I say find where he lives, and when the police take him to jail, you load up his pos truck and take it to the scrapyard.


Also check your local laws, if it WAS required for him to have a title, also sue the scrap yard or threaten to turn them in unless they take care of you, because thats horse shit.


The way the officer talked this guy is a local low life peice of shit, I have pictures of his face and his drivers liscence with an address!!!! lmao!!!!!! ha ha ahhahhaha god damn this dude is sitting at home eating meth right now!!!! HOW FUCKING FUNNY WOULD IT BE IF I KICKED HIS DOOR IN WITH A SKI MASK ON AND CUT HIS BALLS OFF WHILE YELLING DATSUN MURDERS ARE GONNA DIE!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: NOT THAT I WOULD DO THAT BUT SHIT THIS GUY HAS NO IDEA WHATS COMING TO HIM!!!!


finally some asshole getting what he deserves.



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That's so fucked up. I think I'd cry, and then want to beat some ass if someone did that with either of ours. No matter their current state, the car is still a valued possession. Fuck that dude. I hope he gets what's coming to him...... straight up the ass.

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Man that sucks....so gettin the guy for trespassing and theft...and the yard goes down for?


as far as i know in kentucky these damn hicks dont require a title to scrap a car, I guess because we have so many shitty scrap cars that if there were a titled required for each one then they would have to start recycling paper too!!! :lol:

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I would go to his house, knock on his door then walk to the sidewalk off his property and when he opens the door look at him and go. So your the piece of shit that stole and crushed my car huh? Well the police are on their way, and when your gone im taking all your shit mother fucker. See that truck, its going tot he scrap yard, as well as anything and everything in your house for murdering my project and the parts inside. Then i hope your ready for the lawsuit for trespassing, theft, and destruction of my personal property since i have video of you crushing the car you dipshit. Then be ready for the datsun mafia thats going to come rape your skull with the grills of 510's everywhere so all thats left on your face is the indent of the datsun logo.

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