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computer fail

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I started having a few problems with the computer this afternoon, so I shut it down a couple of times and restarted, still was having issues. Shut it down and walked away for about ten minutes. I restarted and I got to welcome, it sat there for a long time saying welcome, it did not seem to be welcoming to me at all, then it said something about not being able to load windows and it was going to set something up temporarily that I would lose on shutdown, then I was treated to a screen that I have never seen before, lot of orange with compaq in the center. The start menu finaly showed itself on the bottom left, so I got this idea, RESTORE!!! I found the restore system icon, picked last sunday and told it to go, then I sat there thinking about how much I may have lost, I have a lot of pictures, my OICS. All my paswords, geez, what am I going to do? The computer shut itself down automaticly as it said it would, and then, I WAS BACK, i'm so freaking lucky. I think I am going to call a computer guy and figure out whats going on, I am so freaking lucky. wayno

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The computer is really slow sometimes, it seems like I delete the cookies 3 or 4 times over a evening, I don't recall what I was doing when I started having problems, I wasn't looking at porn though, the hard drive was freaking out like it was turbocharging full time and the computer was almost locked, I was able to shut down, then on startup the harddrive was freaking out again, so I shut down again and walked away for ten minutes, then my little story began. I am so lucky. wayno

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Sounds like your windows install is sick (old) and in need of refreshing. I would buy a external hard drive immediately (costco or Best Buy) and start moving all of your documents, pics, & vids to it. That way if your PC does go tits up you can put them back on after a good re-install. Don't call Jo-Shmo computer guy or any big corp. If you are able to get everything off you want to save it most likely just needs a fresh windows install and will work like new! If I was closer I would do it for you :) hell bring it to the may 1'st meet!

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I got a 1 terra external HD ($70) and downloaded all my priceless tranny pictures collected over 5-6? years. As well as everything else. Took almost 10 min. to download it all. Actually I'm due for a data dump to save the ones I've added in the last month.

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Sometimes I have had to wait almost a minute for a ratsun page to load, and when it is slow, everything is slow. When it is really bad, I delete the cookies and restart, which can take longer than 5 minutes total, but it usually is better after doing that. I can type hole words and wait for them to appear when it is bad, the problem here is I don't know much about computers, and the task manager is running an average of 40 to 50 procceses all the time, and I havn't a clue which ones don't need to be running, right now 46 of them are running.

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You have infect


Go to: Https://Www.malwarebytes.org


Download and install free version, update and run full scan

I have microsoft essentials running all the time and it scans every sunday automaticly, and it also does something everytime I startup or restart. Will this viris program above effect microsoft essentials? I wonder if the 46 things(processes) running all the time effects the speed of the computer. But this has nothing to do with what happened today, I was very lucky that I was able to get to the restore software/hardware/program/what ever it is, when windows would not load.... I was unsure if the restore was even going to work when I used it, but it gave me several dates to pick from and I used last sundays restore point. I just looked at the microsoft essentials history, and it did somekind of check at 6:03, that is after I restored the computer and the fail. I will make an appointment with this guy I found thru one of my customers.

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I have microsoft essentials running all the time and it scans every sunday automaticly, and it also does something everytime I startup or restart. Will this viris program above effect microsoft essentials? I wonder if the 46 things(processes) running all the time effects the speed of the computer. But this has nothing to do with what happened today, I was very lucky that I was able to get to the restore software/hardware/program/what ever it is, when windows would not load.... I was unsure if the restore was even going to work when I used it, but it gave me several dates to pick from and I used last sundays restore point. I just looked at the microsoft essentials history, and it did somekind of check at 6:03, that is after I restored the computer and the fail. I will make an appointment with this guy I found thru one of my customers.


It will not affect it. 46 processes you say? sounds like you are running XP, this is actually a very good low number for XP. I do suggest using malwarebytes. I also suggest downloading and running CCleaner after. (here)

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It will not affect it. 46 processes you say? sounds like you are running XP, this is actually a very good low number for XP. I do suggest using malwarebytes. I also suggest downloading and running CCleaner after. (here)

Yes, I have microsoft windows XP, at least that's what it says on the front of the computer. :lol: I called the computer fixer guy, left a message. I just went to that malwarebytes place, most of the stuff was for sale except the free one, I clicked on that one and started getting hit with cookie promps, and all the usual flickering lights, ect. I don't usually go to places like that, I don't know what I am doing, I get in trouble, I think i'll wait for the computer guy.

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. I restarted , it sat there for a long time saying welcome, it did not seem to be welcoming to me at all,




This sounds just like our 280zxt. laugh.gif but i think it just doesn`t like me.And i think i heard it say



" your lights are on "..................." Hal "dry.gif

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Yes, I have microsoft windows XP, at least that's what it says on the front of the computer. :lol: I called the computer fixer guy, left a message. I just went to that malwarebytes place, most of the stuff was for sale except the free one, I clicked on that one and started getting hit with cookie promps, and all the usual flickering lights, ect. I don't usually go to places like that, I don't know what I am doing, I get in trouble, I think i'll wait for the computer guy.


If you want to roll up to the Tacoma mall to my house I will take care of it, It would take about 2 maybe 3 hours tops.

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I used to think you was cool...... Say it aint so Skib, say it aint so!!! :lol:



lolz Iv owned nothing but macs for the last 8 years :lol: just got my first PC since then.


I just use it for Office, Quickbooks, and Photoshop

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  • 1 month later...

The computer crashed bigtime, hard drive is shot, it froze and then wouldn't boot up for a couple hours, took the side off the computer and while the harddrive was clicking i tapped it at the same time and it all of a sudden booted up, i don't think this will post, but I am going to give it a try. I really don't want a new computer, as I am attached to outlook express, but I guess times do change, I am fairly sure this computer will not be working in the morning, if it is great, otherwise I'll see you ratsun folks at canby. wayno 3, 2, 1.......

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