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What the F is wrong with this country???

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America endures an entitlement mentality...the takers(some, not all) malinger and abuse the system, leaving the makers to bear their burden and responsibility. I know two people like this, or rather knew...

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If you want to cull the herd, start with the politcal people, then wall street folk, then last but not least welfare breeders.



Influenza pandemic. At the end of WW II there was one that killed 30 million but at the time there was no way to tell. Some remote areas were unexplored and it could have been 100 million. No one knew what a virus was or how to stop it. Probably wouldn't work today.

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^ wow, +1 to that...so true. The sad/funny/more sad part of it is. You have all these people saying more or less the same thing, of overhaul the gov't, reform congress, etc. I mean, the vast majority of the people say the same thing, but it doesn't change. Only because the people in power, stay in power. That's why you see congress sitting pretty with nice retirements and benefits. I've heard the classic "no one is above the law" sure...except for the people that make the law. And that's (imo) pretty much why nothing will change, becasue they'll keep shafting the little man while excluding themselves from any "drawbacks" (for lack of a better word). Sure, they say that a "systems of checks and balances was implemented to make sure this didn't happen" and that probably worked....in the few years after it was introduced.


....Damn, I'm usually middle of the road with politics and whatnot :lol: . Just shows how bad it is nowadays, for me to get involved (which I always don't)

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THis is more dangerous than anything mentioned thus far:




I don't find this sort of thing dangerous or ridiculous at all. Not everyone celebrates Easter. A lot of people don't even agree with Easter, and if my child was in school celebrating it I would be annoyed. It is a parents job to teach their kids about religion, not a public school teacher. I remember always making Christmas, Easter, Halloween, and Valentines day cards and gifts and school and there were always a few kids who did not do them because their parents did not share the "christian" religion that most people do. How would you feel to be left out of something that all of the other kids were having a blast doing?


I'm all for removing certain phrases from society (like in god we trust on currency), but some are ridiculous. There was a small street off of the 101 around Ventura called Santa Clause Lane. A non religious group lobbied to have the name changed and won. That is one of those over the top instances.


Before anyone starts in with religious arguments, I do not believe in a religion. I was raised christian, studied the bible, and found faults that changed my beliefs. I'm not talking shit or trying to pick a fight with anyone or any religion, just stating my opinion.


Religion is like a penis. It's ok to have one, its ok to brag about it, but don't whip it out in public and don't even think about shoving it down my throat.

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I don't find this sort of thing dangerous or ridiculous at all. Not everyone celebrates Easter. A lot of people don't even agree with Easter, and if my child was in school celebrating it I would be annoyed. It is a parents job to teach their kids about religion, not a public school teacher. I remember always making Christmas, Easter, Halloween, and Valentines day cards and gifts and school and there were always a few kids who did not do them because their parents did not share the "christian" religion that most people do. How would you feel to be left out of something that all of the other kids were having a blast doing?


I'm all for removing certain phrases from society (like in god we trust on currency), but some are ridiculous. There was a small street off of the 101 around Ventura called Santa Clause Lane. A non religious group lobbied to have the name changed and won. That is one of those over the top instances.


Before anyone starts in with religious arguments, I do not believe in a religion. I was raised christian, studied the bible, and found faults that changed my beliefs. I'm not talking shit or trying to pick a fight with anyone or any religion, just stating my opinion.


Religion is like a penis. It's ok to have one, its ok to brag about it, but don't whip it out in public and don't even think about shoving it down my throat.

I don't really care about the religious symbolism of eggs. I would be pissed if I found out that the school was teaching my kid that eggs were spherical! That's just piss poor geometry. If eggs were spheres, they'd roll out of the nest and break. Evolution made them oblong and dumbass hippie school board people are trying to change that because it's offensive to their Yankee sensitivities.



And tacos rule...

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sweet...now this thread has conversations about religion too...can we start talking about something else that will piss people off? Like Mike said earlier, it might be time to cull the herd.


It is important to remember during these discussions, to find common ground. I am sure that most people out there are unique enough that they will disagree with at least 25% of another random persons political, religious, and moral beliefs. Even with those differences, most people can find some common ground.


With that said, the laws of science show that our world and universe is breaking down and falling into chaos. Things can adapt and mutate, but since the "big bang", when either pure science or a divine being flashed our universe into existence, our cosmos has been falling apart and decaying. I don't care if you think that everything evolved to this point over billions of years, or if the world is only 12 thousand years old. The point is, it is falling apart and flawed, just like humanity.


Our genes are mutating alright, mutating to the point where birth defects are climbing at staggering rates and learning disabilities and health problems are rampant. You cannot expect that humans are or can be perfect in this state. The belief that humanity is the pinnacle of evolution is bunk, cause we haven't evolved enough to try to stop killing each other or even tolerate other humans existence when it isn't directly affecting our own(see racism).


This country is one of many that is heading for chaos, and the reason for that is because humanity isn't perfect, so no government we build can be flawless. The politics here won't change until things get REALLY...REALLY bad. It will take total anarchy or a severe disaster(a serious war or natural catastrophe) to reshape the political landscape. Sorry to rain on everyone's parade and sound all doom and gloom, but it is what it is.


The world and humanity won't end any time soon, but as natural disasters and political corruption continue, things have to get worse before they can get better. This is another step in human history, and we will either become intelligent enough to put aside our flaws and learn to at least tolerate each other, or continue to blow each other up until we all go away. Best thing to do is pay off your bills, keep something for self protection, and grab a bag of popcorn and watch the drama unfold.

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With all these problems everyone still flocks over here.

I am so lucky that I was able to move here from Ukraine, 20 years ago.

This country is still by far the best place to live in!!


This is a good example why not to panic, even if we are going down. Even with things getting bad, in America we have many nice things and freedoms. Even if things get really bad here in economic, social, and government collapse...we will experience what many nations have perpetually experienced for the last 50 years. I can bitch about the state of this country, and how I don't think it will change, but notice I am not moving...its because everywhere else is pretty much in the same boat. The reason for that is because it isn't just the political system or government that is flawed, its the people that make and run it. Until I find a place where humanities problems don't exist, or this country makes a 3rd world country look like the Hilton, don't expect to see me bail any time soon. I am just going to buckle my seat belt, and hope we take the guardrail and not the cliff.

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With all these problems everyone still flocks over here.

I am so lucky that I was able to move here from Ukraine, 20 years ago.

This country is still by far the best place to live in!!

you're the 2nd ukranian that i've heard say that this week

that place is seriously fucked up still, so i hear

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Dear jeebus, i pray that i see some tittehs today




I wasn't trying to bring religion into anything, that's just the whole reason the school changed what they called the eggs, which is what I was replying to. Religion is the least of this country's problems.


Did anyone else hear about Donald Trump running for president? Just what we need, another greedy asshole running this country. What we need is someone that is not elite, not rich, and has nothing to personally gain from being in power. I vote for indy...


Actually I don't. The country will probably end up sitting in limbo next to his dimes :fu:

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