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Posting Fail

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Has anyone noticed, recently we (Ratsun) have been getting a lot of new people who do NOT know how to post up pictures? I understand we (Ratsun) is a growing community and everything and i don't mind. For gods sake there is a locked and pinned thread about posting pictures. I really do not understand why people can't read. Maybe its out of laziness or maybe that is their excuse for not wanting to post pictures. It seriously takes maybe five minutes to read that PINNED thread..

Oh boy sorry fellas just thought i would bring it up..


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Some people cant figure out computers, just like some people cant figure out cars. Its mainly the older generations that cant post pictures and dont get the whole photobucket concept. Its not their fault, some people just cant do some things.


"I resemble that remark!" I am an old fart and I, unlike many of the "younger" generation know how to read AND write! And spell, not f**k around like it's twitter! We old farts read the whole entry for content and then do the right thing, we don't shoot off our mouths and the other end without cause. This constitutes cause. Your apology is anticipated although I doubt you know what "apology" means.

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I understand that im a noob and all but at least I have knowledge to read and post correctly.... And to MikeRL411 I will apologize to you sir. You and few others of your age (sorry again if its mean) actually know whats going on. Like i said i know I am a noob and all but it just gets annoying when all i see is people say I don't know how to post pictures when it is right in front of you.

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For any reeetards who can read this, the pinned thread we are referring to is this... How to post online pictures and albums


No one has to post pictures, but they are an invaluable tool for describing something. They are almost mandatory in the for sale classifieds. Sometimes a picture shows that the seller doesn't know what he has and this can be pointed out. People will only ask for them anyway. Who would buy something sight unseen? Every reeetard in the world has a goddamn cell phone that takes pictures. The last few years the picture quality has been getting very good.


BTW I'm not referring to the mentally handicapped. Since they are no longer referred to as reetards, then this name is now freed up and can be applied to otherwise normal people who insist on being mentally lazy. Big difference.


Yes people want things handed to them, sometimes. If you have a problem time may be critical. If someone asks nicely and has a problem, I have no problem sharing what I know, directing them to someone or some other place for the answer and sometimes I research to find the answer and the both of us learn from it. BUT. If someone posts " Whats the best way to lower my car for cheap?" or " My cars overheating what do I do?" They haven't even tried to help themselves or even helped anyone here with enough info to risk an answer.

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I'm young and this is the first forum like this I have ever been on. The whole posting pictures this is weird until you get used to it. Has nothing to do with age. I'm good with spelling and crap, most my mistakes are typos not spelling errors. But posting pictures is confusing. I'm taking a HTML writing class that makes it make sense. I understand why it needs to link it from another source now. But at first I was just as confused as anyone else, I'm just lucky and have Kelly to help me not be tarded...he does what he can

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I dont like it much when someone puts parts up for sale without pictures,makes no sense to me. Im 47 years old so I did'nt grow up with computers. Took me a while to figure out the pics thing,so I guess im just trying to say be patient with the old farts like me,and point them to the tutorial,oh and spellcheck :D

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Since they are no longer referred to as reetards, then this name is now freed up and can be applied to otherwise normal people who insist on being mentally lazy.

I'm not trying to be a jackass and hijack the thread, but I thought it was funny that you mentioned this. Retard is still actually a very common term used for the mentally handicap. We got a door hanger thing a few years ago when we lived in California that was looking for donations and it was for an organization with "Retarded" in the title. I just about fell over laughing because I had no idea they actually still used it, but it's true.

Here are a few examples of organizations with "Retard(ed)" in their name that came up when googling "donations for the retarded" :D

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Back on NWDE I avoided it for as long as I could, even opened a Photobucket account and just didn't want to try and fail. Everyone else was posting these great pictures so one day I followed the directions and bingo got it on the first try. Fuck if I can do it any reeetard should be able to.

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When I read that thread I was like, I hate photobucket, this thread does not apply to me, I will stop reading it. I did then appreciate the value of it for others. I have been using sites like photobucket since the mighty days of myspace. It taught me a decent amount about html and css.



What I dislike is people saying: "I dont know how to post pictures". This makes them look ignorant. If they were to ask "how do I post pictures?" it would be a lot better. So I ignore them. Its not a problem really.

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I still havent figured out how to post pictures,i had to have my daughter help me out.I am able to rebuild an L series motor and keep it running properly does that count for anything ? All that copy, paste,img code stuff baffles me and im actually a pretty smart guy.I just dont get enough practice on computers to figure it out.I guess if i really tried it would be possible.Its amazing what kids can do on computers,they make it look so easy but a lot of them dont know jack about the car they drive,or how to fix it when it breaks.

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"I resemble that remark!" I am an old fart and I, unlike many of the "younger" generation know how to read AND write! And spell, not f**k around like it's twitter! We old farts read the whole entry for content and then do the right thing, we don't shoot off our mouths and the other end without cause. This constitutes cause. Your apology is anticipated although I doubt you know what "apology" means.



Relax pal. I was actually trying to defend the people who cant figure it out. Your reply had no constitution for cause at all. I simply meant that like most kids my age, we have been around fuel injected cars our whole lives, and throw a carb at us and some are clueless. The same rule applies to some of the older generation and computers. The younger generation grew up with computers and technology, so most of them are quite good at using them. I dont apologize for anything. And if you "know how to read AND write", you would know that the correct word for your first sentence should have been resent, not resemble.

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