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Not sure what to say about this

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Combined with this 510:




^ needs more Lambo doors


The one and only 510 with lambo doors.

Fuckin moron there is a reason for that. He is the only one dumb enough to do it. At lest you can put that one back to stock.

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Ya know if you look real close. It almost looks like that sun roof is just taped on there.

And the silly ass side grate lookin stuff. He might just be just fuckin with us. :huh:

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I wish that sunroof was fake! But if you look at the interior shot you can see the star projected onto the seats by the sun.


Wow I never even saw that on the seat. I was so into the car It slipped by me :lol: .

Good eye fisch.

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"good project car has some custom work done" You have got to love some people's viewpoint on "custom". I swear it seems like some people are in a contest to make their cars as ugly as possible by customizing it or tacking on as much crap as possible.


I remember this quote from a similar Datsun 510 bastardization from a long time ago: "I swear some people only have taste in their mouth." I think that works perfectly here.

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I love the sun roof, should have been done right. I have thought of doing a roof like that with a 2ft ratsun logo.


The best thing about lambo doors is they are easily fixable!


To me the side vents are the worst thing of all. Would be a pain to reverse that one!

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