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They want same year, same model ads for them to count. They are being horrible about the whole thing. I have submitted tons of receipts, photos, etc. They are offering $2100. I have an estimate from Car Toys for $6400 for the stereo replacement, including labor. This is ridiculous. They asked for more stereo receipts, which I submitted this evening. I will keep escalating this until I get a fair price for the truck.



Don't you have a build thread too? You can use it to help prove times and dates not to mention if you take it to court you have more evidence of the work you done.

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  • 2 weeks later...

State Farm fucked me good on this one. I'll be shopping for a new insurance company soon. Bottom line was the overall value of the truck being less than my stereo equipment.


I'm going to get the truck back on the road, fix the little shit, put a sweet interior in it and sell it..

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I have fought them as much as I can. I have no more documentation that I can give them. The next step would mean both State Farm and I hire an independent appraiser. The appraisals go to an arbitrator. The arbitrator's value is what I get, period. If it is less, I get less. I am concerned I'll get even less. So, I'm leaning toward just signing their fucking paper and moving on.

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Sweet! Sorry to hear about your luck on this, i can only imagine if this happened to me with my poor insurance company (geico)

Ya, you get nothing! Do you even have full coverage on your Datsun? They told me after I had been with them a while that they would not insure my 1978 truck for theift due to its age. 3 months later it was stolen.

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I have full coverage. Comprehensive deductible is zero. I won't even get enough money to repair the damage, let alone replace the stereo. I am going to put a nice interior in it to show what a low(er) budget interior will look like. Once that is done, I'll put it up for sale. At that point the only thing the truck will need is a paint job.

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my cousin's nissan hardbody got stolen like a year and a half ago the guy swaped the dash in it put his dash in another truck an dtorched it and rode around in my cousins truck for over a year while my cousin thought his truck was torched then he got a call sayin his truck had been recoverd and was in a impound yard and he got it back with a better radio and speakers in it so dont give up and just for the hell of it ill be lookin while im on the road but im in louisiana unless they stole it with more than a half a tank in it i doubt they can make it here



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I dont' think yards care enough to even look at the VIN on the frame. A 620 has a riveted ID plate in the door opening. You can swap that and nobody will care. A stolen 620 could easily go through a wrecking yard without being noticed with a simple VIN plate swap.

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I have a good friend that's an adjuster for another insurance company. I followed his advice and took their offer. The lesson learned is if the truck had paint I would have gotten about three times the amount.


I get it back when I'm home next week. I'll sell it once my 521 is driving or I buy a newer truck.



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Yes, I had a $6400 estimate from Car Toys for stereo replacement that was backed up with photos and receipts. Also had all of the receipts for the complete mechanical rebuild of the truck and photos of interior work. They valued it at $1925 and there's no changing it with them. I tried everything people suggested with no success.

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Well i think you need to hire a lawyer to go after state farm. You have receipts, you pay insurance to COVER the full cost of your vehicle. They tried to pull this shit with me on my 96 200sx se-r when some idiots at work wrapped it in pallet wrap. It sat overnight in the rain, and then the cold and stripped off/polluted my clear coat. State farm wanted to give me 500 bucks, no i fought those fuckers and threatened to even sue their asses and go to a different insurance company as well. Finally after weeks of fighting i got about 900 dollars for a new paint job. Then i switched to allstate. Since being with allstate ive had a few messed up things happen, and they have never given me a issue. I will never go with state farm, geico, or any other insurance company other than allstate.

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I have AllState and for two other reasons.


They gave me a great price on homeowners/renters insurance as I've moved around

They let me insure for Comprehensive and/or Collision separately if I want to. Collision is the most expensive so I sometimes choose not to have that but I'm still covered for theift by 'comp' for very little more than paying for just basica liability. No claims so far though...

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I dont' think yards care enough to even look at the VIN on the frame. A 620 has a riveted ID plate in the door opening. You can swap that and nobody will care. A stolen 620 could easily go through a wrecking yard without being noticed with a simple VIN plate swap.



Most yards dont even bother with the vin unless they are paying for the car.



I worry about my roadster with insurance at times, the car is worth a ton according books but if anything happens to it they are gonna try to get it at what I paid for the body.

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