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The Asshole Thread!


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I found this tonight while looking for the supposedly one hit wonder Timbuk3 song "Gotta wear shades." Apparently it's not a one hit wonder because this song struck a particularly wonderful chord with my frame of mind tonight. Preparing to do battle with the bank assholes in the morning, battle with asshole customers during the day, and battle with my own asshole at night. :D This song just made me laugh.


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It makes a great point. We're all assholes to someone else



that I already know..... (and so should everyone else)



I generally try to be nice to people but sometimes theres just certain conjunctures that lead people to think your an asshole.



the only real conundrum is this.... do I give a shit if 1 out of 100 people I see all day thinks..


"eh, that guy was kind of an asshole"


chances are..... probably not.



beacuse then the chances are that you met me on a morning where all I wanted to do was get some fuckin coffee and have a smoke,

and thus have no shits available for anything else at that given time. so oh well, come see me after Iv had my coffee next time.










but on the other hand....



sometimes Im an asshole on purpose.




because you deserved it.

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Guest DatsuNoob

I'm just an asshole I guess :unsure: Or am I a dick? :blink: A moron? or a douche? Apparently someone whose never met me before decided to use all these colorful descriptions of my character in another thread and PM. :lol: WOW! lolz. I have a way with strangers and people in general I guess :rofl: I try to keep my assholery to only the fuckers who show that they deserve it, as you said. Ratsun is proof that there are still a percentage of decnet folks who arent total shitheads. However, I deal with ALOT of others who are on a daily basis. Hell, there are guys who I thought were my friends who JUST gathered up balls enough to tell me otherwise. Then who's the bigger asshole me or them? I tell shit like it is, if that makes me an asshole and people cant hang with that, so be it.

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I'm just an asshole I guess :unsure: Or am I a dick? :blink: A moron? or a douche? Apparently someone whose never met me before decided to use all these colorful descriptions of my character in another thread and PM. :lol: WOW! lolz. I have a way with strangers and people in general I guess :rofl: I try to keep my assholery to only the fuckers who show that they deserve it, as you said. Ratsun is proof that there are still a percentage of decnet folks who arent total shitheads. However, I deal with ALOT of others who are on a daily basis. Hell, there are guys who I thought were my friends who JUST gathered up balls enough to tell me otherwise. Then who's the bigger asshole me or them? I tell shit like it is, if that makes me an asshole and people cant hang with that, so be it.


I think I will use some of this to add to my sig collection :lol:


Dude your not any of those c'mon :lol:

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Guest kamakazi620

I think I will use some of this to add to my sig collection :lol:


Dude your not any of those c'mon :lol:

Now YOUR being an asshole,teelin him he ain't an asshole!!!!! your Both ASSHOLES!!!

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I'm just an asshole I guess :unsure: Or am I a dick? :blink: A moron? or a douche? Apparently someone whose never met me before decided to use all these colorful descriptions of my character in another thread and PM. :lol: WOW! lolz. I have a way with strangers and people in general I guess :rofl: I try to keep my assholery to only the fuckers who show that they deserve it, as you said. Ratsun is proof that there are still a percentage of decnet folks who arent total shitheads. However, I deal with ALOT of others who are on a daily basis. Hell, there are guys who I thought were my friends who JUST gathered up balls enough to tell me otherwise. Then who's the bigger asshole me or them? I tell shit like it is, if that makes me an asshole and people cant hang with that, so be it.


Too bad Will Rogers will never meet you 'Noob. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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That's not true. He was a famous painter who would pay for meals with a scribble and a signature. I'll bet plenty of people called him an asshole. Now Ghandi!! ....Oh wait, the British hated him. They prolly called him all kinda names.. I guess EVERYONE really is an asshole to somebody. Jesus probably had a neighbor that couldn't stand always getting preached to when he said hi.

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HAHA, I have that soundtrack, and the movie on VHS! It rocks!


Best line ever at the end where he's at the yard with all the goons. "Otto, what about our relationship? What? Our relationship?! Fuck that. You shithead! I'm glad I tortured you!" :D

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