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Well, today started out as a normal ok day. Went to work and got off at a decent time. Hurrie home to use the rest of the daylight in the garage. I had only a few things to do to get the 521 out on its first test run. Got home, tightened the drive line bolts, swaped out the fuel pump, and fired lil bastard up. Drove it down the driveway and tinkered a lil working the bugs out of it. Finally got to take it around the block...it was fun but loud and stinky with just the down pipe but hey its progress and put a BF mile on my face. I was also stoked that soon I will have a daily so my 510 can go back into hibernation for the winter and come out next summer with some new toys added to the beast. My 510 had been sitting outside for weeks and daily driving it for months and yes thats what they are for to be driven but if you saw my work parking lot you wouldnt want your out there either. Anyways cleaned up the garage a bit and backed the dime back into its spot in the garage. Started putting away all the tools I had placed all over the weeks I was working on the 521. Well, almost done I tossed a couple wrenches in the rollaway box and turned around.....just then all 16 MOTHER #%$#%$ING DRWAWERS of THAT GIGANTIC PILE OF F^&% SH$T crashed down onto what????? MY F&^%&ING CAR!!!!!

Quarter panel paint job is messed up bad......looks like my painter is hired again!!!! I hate it when shit happes!!!!!!!!!!!!@&^%#*(&@($*&@^$*)(&^$)*(@(*$&)(&*$^*(@^(*%&^@%$#^%$#^%!@^

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Yes I agree....thats why I didnt really freak out. Right after I painted it last summer I was taking the neighbor for a test rally and the batter came loose in the truck and beat that same panel up a little. So atleast it happened to the same panel...now I have to fix it and make it better than it was. Still sucks though :(

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You know you did that just to get a carbon fiber hood. LOL!



That sucks man. Shit happens all the time... Good luck man..


It was the passenger quarter :( But the deck lid had sanding scratches in it and yes I want a CF hood too so Im just gonna look at it as a winter make over

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Deep ass scratches to the primer....two minor dings and a fat chip on my trunk lid. The good news is that sticker was hiding a crack in the paint from the battery and the trunk lid had 320 scratches so the Datsun gods did something to make me have to fix it I suppose...atleast thats how Im gonna think so I dont cry

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