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Benefit Rock show everyone should attend

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Any chance of someone video'ing this show? I know there are people on here with mad editing skills. Then we could all see Jeff, and sales could continue on even after the event...


I hung out in the Combat Zone in Boston in the mid-80's, if I had any hair left I'd go find my Doc Marten's and be there. I'm too old for the noise now, and I've got kids who've never seen that side of my life. Probably best to keep it that way. I'd love to see a vid regardless...


I worked at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston for awhile, and I learned that action, however small, means much more than words. The idea of bravery, and courage is so distorted in our society that I think we sometimes overlook what it really means. The fact that you are putting the band together with this cause in mind speaks volumes about your character. It doesn't just magically happen, it requires commitment and follow through. Good luck with the show.


My wife is a big fan of PUSA (Presidents of the United States of America), she knows the band members personally and has been to several shows nationwide. We've received several autographed items from Chris Ballew, a couple of back stage passes, etc. She's been to several after-parties also and knows all three band members. Andrew (McKeag) is currently working heavily with his projects 'The Black Panties' & '70 proof', Chris has a couple of children's music CD's under the name 'Caspar Babypants'. Not sure what Jason (Finn) is up to. We're not tight with them, but the band members are very active in the Seattle music scene, and approachable. I'll ask her to bring this concert to their attention. My wife is also friends with the gal who does most of the merch stuff for PUSA, she's currently doing merch for Hells Belles, and a couple of other bands.


I hate name dropping, and I can't pretend to set a course of action for any of these very busy people. We'll pass this on to them, who knows what might happen...

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I could, I got a sony camcorder and a SLR for the stills. who do I got to talk to for permision?, I can dump the vid and stills to DVD and he could sell them.


I dont have a camcorder but anyone who shoots vid should send me a copy and I can edit/set that up.


lol gotta put my half finished degrees to use at some point :lol:

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Don't you hate when you type a big ass reply then you lose the wireless connection then hit post and it all disappears....... Well lets see how much I remember.


I just want to thank everyone. I really can't believe how many generous datto guys are on this board. Wow!!! Thanks to everyone that has donated! I really just thought this thread might get a few more people to the show. It's awesome what you guys did! I really appreciate it and thank you guys! Lately with everything that has happened in the last 2 months don't even feel like doing any car related stuff. It's tough to get the motivation that was once never ending.


My bro is in treatment right now and it's just depressing, he turned 18 on sunday. Talk about a shitty birthday, watching your hair fall out and basically being stuck at home feeling like shit. He lives about 2 hours south of me on an average commute time but I make it down as much as I can to cheer him up. He sent me this pic a when his treatment first started. From what I understand which isn't much it aligns his head so they can pinpoint the cancer and zap it.





It's just crazy what the cure is doing to him. He is a bit taller than me and was just as thin. With all the steriods they gave him he looks so much different. I just hope everything goes well, some of the texts he sends me are depressing!


Thank you everyone!

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I don't think I will be able to make it up there but I'll donate some $ to your paypal soon. Recently one of my friend's brothers just fully recovered from surviving cancer at the children's hospital there. The treatment there and everyone keeping there hopes up saved his life. My thoughts go out to you and your family.

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Keep your chin up buddy!!! My very close friend was diagnosed with cancer and told that it was in his bloodstream and imbedding everywhere and if he is LUCKY, he had absolutely at the most 6 months. well, going on just over 8 years now and he is still kicking just fine!:eek: he tried the pills for awhile but they made him so sick that he didn't want to take them anymore and the lack of healthcare didn't help much. He literally says what is keeping it at bay is the fact that he gets radiation from welding all the time! not sure if that really works, but whatever makes him happy is cool. Another thing he told me is he had 4 cars that he wanted to finish before his time and I really think him having a goal has really helped. Tell your brother to stay positive and just go a day at a time. My thoughts are with you and your family. wish I could make it to the concert, but gonna pp ya here when I get some money...

Take care buddy,


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Guest DatsuNoob

I'll be there on Saturday. Trying to round up a few more too. This shit's gotta be tough bro, wishing you and your family the best through these hard times. I hope your brother is able to pull through.

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