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KA-Kait's 2dr. First Time Dime.


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Her power has been out since yesterday. She's hoping to get some work done tonight. It's been raining, so this will give her a good idea of where the car leaks. The idea is to clean out the intake/exhaust ports, as well as rotate the cam to open valves and vaccuum out just in case. Then we're going to clean some things up and possibly get the motor pulled before the swap meet.


We're not going to remove the head to start. We'd be spending extra money, and possibly duplicating effort which is not what we want to do with a temporary motor. The motor stopped running because of fire, not because of a bad headgasket or valve.


Once the motor's out, pressure washer and solvents go in. She needs a new clutch master cylinder (which we totally forgot about up until now), clutch slave cylinder, oil cap (poor elephant cap destroyed by fire...) and some paint for the bay.


Motor mounts will be here next week, the main thing we're waiting on is a transmission. On the car right now is a busted up 200sx Dogleg 5 speed (Missing 1st, 3rd and Reverse), but we do have a spare 4 speed. Again, for the sake of saving money, we might just slap the 4 speed in it for now. Otherwise, drive shaft, crossmember, etc would need to be changed, too.


Maybe we can try our luck at pick n pull... I doubt there will be any 5 speed 200sx's, but you never know! Transmission isn't necessary until the motor's going back in anyway, right?!


I'm excited to see Kait on the road in something besides mom and dad's Saturn Wagon!

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My power was out for over 12 hours. >.< Needless to say there wasn't a whole lot i could do while it was out so I spent the night hanging with a friend and thinking about what my plan of attack would be next. fortunately this morning around 10am it got turned back on so while the power was on and there was a break in the cloud I figured I'd power wash the eff out of the inside/engine bay. I got as far as the inside before it started POURING rain so here's a quick before/after of what i did.








me after running in and out of the rain. yuucky



it doesnt look like a whole lot, but I can tell you tons of dirt was washed out. Tonight once I get off work I'm going to go inside and get a couple towels and make sure it's all as dry as can be before I do anything else inside. So I couldn't really do much to the car, so I figured I'd clean up the value covor a bit. I didn't take a before and I wish i did. this thing was CAKED in oil/dirt/random crap from sitting in a feild for 6 years. It was nasty as could be. and this is as far as I got into it. I'll probably scrub some more tonight once it gets too dark out. Also, cleaned up my seats a bit. not really beautiful, but they smell like... well like clean and I can touch them without getting dirt on my hand. so Hey! it's clean in my book.




Looks like Sean and I have plans for monday. Pick n Pull run/pull out the motor. I'll be picking up my Weber Rebuild kit on friday(hopefully) and I ordered up a new Clutch Mastery Cylinder from my local parts store. The guys there already recognize me because I've been in... well i think every single day since I got this thing. 'You're the girl with the 510, right?' 'haha. yep. ' 'What did you forget this time?' eh.. could be worse. they could not like me? then where would I be? either way, I agree with sean, I want out of that nasty Saturn Wagon! Before I went inside for the finale time I snapped a couple more pictures of the car, here ya go :P It's at my house safe and sound




Cat guard!! :D





on a side note, i picked up a sweet set of craftsmen tools for cheap :D i finally have my OWN tools. i feel so proud

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My power was out for over 12 hours. >.< Needless to say there wasn't a whole lot i could do while it was out so I spent the night hanging with a friend and thinking about what my plan of attack would be next.


With a friend? Just any old friend? Or was it ME?! IT WAS ME, KAIT!! KAIT SPENT TIME HANGING OUT WITH MEEEEE!


Glad that furry padding got blasted off the tranny tunnel. Looks better! Next interior step: Floor board patch panels and POR15!! We should get the wheel wells cleaned and coated, too. Keep that rust out!

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yeah rust sucks strip that roof as soon as possible to remember the white dime that was for sale back in febuary at the first meet? you dont want that to happen here better kill it early lol


edit nice tool kit might i recomend adding somt things to it though my guess is that the wrenches only go up to 15 your gonna wanna get a 17 19 21 that way you should be able to take the whole damn car apart:D

Edited by bonvo
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While she bought that, I actually picked up a nice set of ratcheting wrenches (on sale, beezy!) in metric and standard. If she needs anything, I've got it. But having a standard kit is good for junk yard runs!


I think she's got some larger wrenches at home that her dad already had anyway.


As far as the roof, the white car had a vinyl top on it, which trapped moisture underneath and rusted the skin out while it sat. This car used to have a vinyl top, but it was removed before it sat for too long, so there's no cancer. Only some mounting hardware holes. We'll get everything welded, sanded, primered, beaten and painted when it comes to that point...

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Yeah, just a spammer. But my information is quite useful.


I started polishing my spare L4 valve cover tonight. Got about 3.5 hours into it so far. I know I said I'd never polish anything for anybody ever again, but this is an investment. Kait can use it for a while so long as she promises to take care of it, and I'll sell it when we're done with it. No sense in not doing it, right?!


My fingertips hurt... It's gonna be sick, though! Kait saw it tonight, and is happy with the idea. Her's says Nissan on it, mine says Datsun OHC. Extra points for Datsun. Win.

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Guest DatsuNoob

Supra wheels dont look too shabby on a dime. I really dig that color too. Looks like you're motivated and having a good time. Always nice to have friends around to help out too. Keep up the good work. Oh, phosphoric acid treatment (fairly cheap too) works pretty good for rusty floorboards too btw ;)

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my father does in fact have larger sizes in sockets/wrenches, BUT he also has a complete mess of tools. some sizes are missing, etc.. It's just...dirty. ha, So i figured I'd buy a set for myself, keep it organized and together and probably in my trunk in case I'm driving somewhere and I need some tools.


Anyways, Today's update. Well I finally got a chance to pressure wash the engine bay! holy crap. it was FILTHY! I Didn't even realize My block had color on it. hahaha. Here are some before and afters.














In case you wanted to know. dont ever pressure wash your nasty dirty car in short shorts. I decided I'd do it in my cheer shorts for WHATEVER reason. not good.






as you can see, it's not 100% clean, but it's a lot better looking. For now at least. Today I'm running to a fabric store to get new material for my door panels since they need to remade. Not too hard, I hope. I can probably pull one off tonight If i can trace it correctly. I'm hoping to keep myself going at this pace. just wanting to get this thing running and have myself a cute little car!

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oooooo interesting thats alot of oil but i bet the motor liked it or is that why it caught on fire :P


LOL! I believe it caught FiAr, due to a carb/fuel related incident...


8 Qts is insane...i think i hold like 5 or 6 in my 3L maxima cause of my Rear mounted setup...stock is like 4-5...and i have to run lines to the trunk and BACK up and this includes a pretty damn big Hayden Oil cooler in the mix as well lol!! ...PO musta just had a big oil pan..

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Not an update. more of a 'oh shit' moment for me. So tonight I took all the bolts holding the tranny to the block. as well as a couple other things got unbolted. preparing for monday when the engine comes out and well... i didnt realize how dirty I got until i came in. HOLY smokes. i didnt realize that ANYTIME i work on my car i will end up filthy.





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So this weekend was the Johnson Over night Swap Meet up at their place, so I wasn't able to work on the car saturday or sunday. But While I was up there, I made out like a bandit with some parts that I needed. When I woke up on sunday, I felt the need to get behind to the wheel of a Datsun with an L Series motor. All the dime I've ridden in have been KA-Swapped, so I was unsure of how it would feel like. After asking James, I got behind a wagon he is selling and took it out for a little spin. That little 'test drive' gave me motivation to get my butt in gear and get this project going. Driving home from their house I immediately picked up an engine hoist from Phil (as well as various other parts) and Sean and I went to town on pulling this engine out.






sean underneath the car, I'd taken all the bolts off the tranny holding it to the block, and then the transmission mount brackets, but I wasn't able to wiggle it free. So it was seans job as my muscle to help me out.


quick snap shot of SOME of the stuff I got from Phil's.











IT'S OUT!!!!


this was my very first experience using Air Tools.... Sean thought it was funny, I was less amused. It was easy as sin though to loosen those flywheel bolts, definitely a good investment.







Here's the engine as it sits right now in my garage. Its dingy, but it will be purty soon enough! took the pressure washer to it AGAIN last night and tons more dirt came off, hopefully today we can move on to the engine bay!

Edited by KA-Kait
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