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Front license plate warning

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A couple of days ago my son got a street sweeping(maybe he forgot how to read or something). That's cool we have all done it. But to top it off the parking control checker cited him for no front license plate. Bam another $25 for the city of Wilmington CA. I know the state is broke but this is F'in petty.



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thats nothin you should see the cops here in vacaville ca there just idiots ontop of being greedy i got a ticket at 3 in the morning in front of my house i was inside fucking sleeping the cop wrote me up for improper display of reg (my sticker wasent perfectly straight) and lack of a front plate it was in the fucking window where its been for 20+ years fucking idiots

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A couple of days ago my son got a street sweeping(maybe he forgot how to read or something). That's cool we have all done it. But to top it off the parking control checker cited him for no front license plate. Bam another $25 for the city of Wilmington CA. I know the state is broke but this is F'in petty.




Yeah... faggots. City of Carson got me and my Z32 before I sold it. :fu: I have been seeing them pull people over left and right. they are out for blood...

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Denver hands out 35 dollar ticket all day long to people with no front plate. I went in and talked to the judge and she dropped it to 10 just for going in and talking to her. It may have helped that the truck had it's front plate stuck on immeditately. I suppose it really doesnt look that bad.:blink:

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The last time I got pulled over "for cause" was for no front plate on my '80 Citation... the State Trooper did a U-turn on a busy 2-lane highway to nab me (just got a warning).


Silly part was I was out junkyard hopping looking for a license plate bracket. Prior owner had removed the bracket completely and it was long gone. I ended up zip-tying the stupid thing to the grille and got rid of the car before ever finding a proper bracket.

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One of these days I am going to get pulled over, then it will get interesting.


I get to smile at the nice Police Officer and advise him My License is Signed w/o prejudice UCC 1-207.

Then I get to tell him pursuant to the Constitution he can only pull me over for 3 reasons. Criminal, Investigative, Interview....then we run through what that means. After which once we determine he can't pull me over for criminal or investigative leaving just Interview (which I can terminate at any time)..I leave. If he gets insistent about the Civil Stop, I refuse to sign the Presentment. No Law exist that requires me to sign a ticket, THEN if it goes to court, I ensure its under a Licensed Judge complete with Court Recorder and say "In Propria Persona" which means I have shown up representing myself. Not having a Lawyer and failure to follow Due Process of Law means the Court being a General Court has no Authority. Only a Special Court based upon Warrant or Summons is Valid, which requires a Victim and a Crime. No Victime No Crime, No Crime NO Warrant, No Warrant No Court Appearance.


I may win I may lose.....who knows. But I will be damned If I am going to continue to let Offices which operate on Delegated Authority from the People continue to be used to Abuse the People.


Wish me luck on this one.

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Jesus christ listen to you guys. Its a well known and legit law, follow it or pay and stfu.


Thats like saying....

I punched this idiot in the mouth the other day who's I.Q. was so low he could only come up with the word "faggot" as an insult. Do you believe the cops put me in jail for it? Those bastards how dare they.....

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You Cali guys are getting off light. About 10 years ago my dad got the no-front-plate ticket...$519. Not sure what the fine is now but I highly doubt that they made it less. Most vehicle related fines are about revenue - not "public safety".

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so are you claiming that the infraction does not warrant a criminal investigation = traffic stop?

many serious criminals are caught having a simple issue, like a broken tail light (t. mcvey)


The last time I got pulled over "for cause" was for no front plate on my '80 Citation... the State Trooper did a U-turn on a busy 2-lane highway to nab me


james got stopped in the bluebird and ticketed (many complained there was a crazy driver swerving) on the way to canby for no front plate, but didnt look twice at the 4runner following him and doing 80+ :P

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lol except not having a front plate doesn't hurt anyone, and punching someone in the mouth is wrong and clearly warants punishment...


lol I know, I just don't like the word faggot, putting down an entire people inadvertently to insult one person is retarded.

Seriously though there is a legit reason to have front plates, and its the law. Not like its an overly stupid one people just don't like the way it looks, boohoo.


As for the revenue bit everyone's mentioning I say so what? You got something like 30 states loosing money per year, budget crisis out the ass. Why? One reason would be taxes haven't been raised as much as they should be because people bitch and moan too much. Then they try and make it up and fines for people breaking the law and then people bitch some more. Get over it, the money has to come from somewhere, don't break the law and it won't be from you......

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on the way to canby for no front plate, but didnt look twice at the 4runner following him and doing 80+ :P


No one suspects a slowrunner with a 3.slow!!!!!


Seriously I think its a great idea. My brother is driving his car with out insurance and registration. He just wont listen. I really hope he does not get caught or get into an accident. AND his front license plate is not on... It wont be long before he gets pulled over. :mellow:

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I got this 95 with faulty head gaskets, horrible MPG and power... :(


2002 sport 2WD (dont tell it though-it keeps up!), 185K, avg to canby was 20.3MPG and i should have originally said that there isnt a front plate on it...disguised by the useless brush guard :lol:

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I was driving my RX-7 in the L.A. area about 5 years back, and even though it was totally obvious that I had an ARIZONA plate, the cops still pulled me over for no front plate. The cop asked how come I didn't have one on the front, and my response was....."I'm from Arizona, I don't need one." He looked very disgruntled that he wasn't able to give me a ticket.

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lol I know, I just don't like the word faggot, putting down an entire people inadvertently to insult one person is retarded.

Seriously though there is a legit reason to have front plates, and its the law. Not like its an overly stupid one people just don't like the way it looks, boohoo.


you made all the retards of the world cry... you're going to hell!





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