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Status Updates posted by robslow

  1. SOPA

    1. paradoxx


      that law was rejected today right? Only PIPA is still alive.

  2. fuck christmas

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Eagle_Adam


      x3 - i hate what its become

    3. paradoxx


      thise days its all about how can spend the more money in material things.

    4. bananahamuck
  3. at least i know my floor pans are good . holds water like a bucket

    1. paradoxx


      hahaha what about the drain holes?

  4. Occupy Ratsun we are the 1%

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. RedBanner


      Ollz, I am the 85%

      Employed washington resident.



      My friend Cory woke up in the Vancouver VA parkinglot with a pants full....

      Later found out he was struck by lighting

    3. RedBanner


      Could have ben white lightning, I wasnt there.

    4. jon521
  5. just lost a bolt to brake caliper, anyone know the size,

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. robslow


      71 510. come on im stuck at work and almost crashed the car. funny guy

    3. MicroMachinery


      A handy dandy tip: I use blue loctite on caliper bolts. Far too serious of a part to trust friction alone.

    4. robslow


      I did but the pot holes down here suck


  6. I love cracked ribs. every breath freakin hurtttssssss

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Laecaon


      Just get short ribs next time, less chance for cracking.

    3. Radim


      If it hurts when you breathe theres an obvious solution.... :D

    4. Zeusimo


      Stop Breathing?

  7. fruckin pot holes are tearing my car apart. think i will lift up the dime and make it a baja

    1. oldschool90
    2. FoxyRoadster


      buy a vw man, drive that shit in the potholes and keep your datto clean.

  8. I love drivin in the rain with no wipers or defroster

    1. PurePontiacKid


      that's the best shit ever

    2. Braden


      thast what towels are for.

  9. my dime is like a bucket. when it rains my feet get wet

    1. Pumpkn210


      Poke Holes In The Floor!

    2. INDY510


      Post pics of The Floor!

    3. lil89ram50


      like a lot of datsun, there prolly is no floor

  10. need to stop drinkin, or never stop . one of the 2

    1. Braden


      i had a friend 38 years old , drank alot, mostly beer, some liquor, he had blood pressure problems, he took seizure meds, blood pressure meds, and xanax, i saw him eat 6 xanax and drink a 30 pack once, needless to say it caught up with him, woke up one night and he was on the couch cold blue dead. it will catch up with you

    2. nismo dr
  11. dats runnin so well I pegged the spedo at 120

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. oldschool90


      oh shoot, didnt catch that

    3. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      I'm telling !!!



    4. robslow


      well the tires were doin it . i wasnt movin


  12. tired of people calling my car a BMW

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. INDY510


      I like when they try to tell you that you're wrong and they had a BMW just like that ten years ago

    3. Stupid_fast


      This is why you get a wagon. :3

    4. skunk


      someone tryed telling me that the bmws beat the 510s on the track every time..........

  13. least I know my floor is good. still filled with water after 12 hrs of no rain.. LAKE DATSUN

    1. Pumpkn210


      Doesnt leak in the wrong place!

  14. my dimes retaing water

    1. Pumpkn210


      Drill holes in the floor!

    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      lloz ^ First 2 !!!


      Bloated Datsun ? Cha-Cha CHIA !!!



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