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Everything posted by motavated

  1. I did... But I also got other quotes. I went with the best tire. I worked in a tire shop... I can get tires whole sale price sometimes...
  2. Cool! Is he hyper as fuck? That is what killed mine. No matter how much we walked her. She loved to run...
  3. She dead. The pincher reminded me of mine that is all.... You cant beat this... got her ears cliped here.
  4. HAHAHAHAH! I was thinking of removing them on this head i have. Glad I didn't!
  5. I took the engines to get rebuilt yesterday. Today I called and they told me my old block was cut to short. Causing the pistons to hit the wall. Causing the pistons to shrink? What I was trying to do was use my old .50 pistons on a virgin block. But now that the pistons be out of wack. I cant do that no more? Anywho.... Let see what happens. I was quotes 535+tax on a complete assembled short block. I was hopping to cut back spending by reusing mu old pistons... Lates!
  6. DOnt tell me you own all this cool shit and no security system?!?!?!?! Were do you live again? HAHAHAHAH! NICE!
  7. motavated

    73 Lil Hustler

    I would give him no more than 600.... I paid 400 for mine + tons of hours and money.
  8. Muahahahahahah! http://community.ratsun.net/topic/7161-620-king-cab-window-gaskets/
  9. Some one already did them... I think it was 100 sets...
  10. That looks sweet! Polish her up. Fix that rear sag and BAM! I WOULD!
  11. ^ Told you... Green ones... I is a smart but lazy...
  12. There are two types of fan shrows for the 620 I think. The ones with the l20b "3 row rad" and the ones with the l18-16 "2 row rad". Just be careful... The 2 row shrows will not fit the 3 core and vice versa.
  13. I seen some green ones on ebay. I dont want to look for them...
  14. surf the Web free for 10 hours a month... I used those 10 hours when I need to make a emergency type of shit type of thing. Good luck!
  15. Netzero is only free for like 30 hours or less a month from what I remember? I used those hours less than a week.
  16. He said for sure he can get rock, some other brand and MAYBE NPR. If I get the engine rebuilt. I will make sure he gets NPR... For rings he told me I can get rock or hastings. Chrome or regular. He told me to get regular since they sit better.
  17. Today while cleaning the borrowed l20b block. I found I MEAN old scratch on the borrowed l20b block. The borrowed l20b was just going to receive a mild hone and new rings. Damn...... That was unexpected.... So now both blocks need a rebuild sort of. This is what I decided... I will Hone out my block as much as I can. Install new rings and hope it holds.... If not, I will rebuild the borrowed l20b... I was quoted 330$ to rebuild the short block on the l20b. It's just parts and prep work. No labor. They will hot tank, cut, hone the block, Order new rings and pistons, polish the crank and order the correct bearings, And install the new pistons to the rod. For 60$ Then can include the freeze plugs "installed" and paint.
  18. I dont know.... I am going to say he looks more like her mother.
  19. At least with the gay guy... You wont go to jail... HAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAH!
  20. I have never made it with the truck. I have such bad luck! I will try! Which ones did you order? I ordered the other day some head gaskets of the BECK/ARNLEY brand. They were made of asbestos!!!! I heard asbestos is cool back in the day. But that can kill me? I ordered a felpro engine rebuild gasket kit instead.... :D
  21. Nah, I have not. I wanted to check the cut on the engine before I bought anything "everything looks std". Today I am heading out to check out the stock l20b pistons this engine came with. If they still be to spec. I might just order a set of new rings, new bearings, and clean up the block and hone it. I might buy the .020 over just to have a set in case I F up. ;) Cuando queiras hombre! Right now nothing exciting is going on. Just cleaning and ordering stuff. My brother contacted you the other day? He said he did. I wonder... Uhhhhh....... I'll look into it I guess!
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