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Everything posted by motavated

  1. All these be 6 lug wheels. Not mine. I swear if they were a complete set. Riken mesh 6 lug. Only 2 here for 50$. http://inlandempire.craigslist.org/pts/1843723561.html Chevy 17 6 lug. for 130$? Not bad! http://inlandempire.craigslist.org/pts/1831296849.html 15x10 sloted mags? diffrent offsets? Look pretty clean. 125$ http://inlandempire.craigslist.org/pts/1847320604.html
  2. I found a l18 piston and rod. Will that help yah out? I dont need it...
  3. the cig lighter assembly and maybe the exhaust manifold?
  4. Nope! They dont make them. :( I hope to find one there! Thanks!
  5. Soooo... yeah... I got a circle port head and I am wondering if my square port manifold is not adequate... Let me know! Is it ok to use the square port? Or I am looking for a circle port... Thanks!
  6. Circle port header. I prefer a short one... Any one have one?
  7. Search ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/H5001-H5006-5-75-Bk-Projector-Headlight-adapter-/190417744766?cmd=ViewItem&pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item2c55c8337e#ht_2313wt_754 You owe me one!
  8. Overheated again. I was so sure it was the thermostat.... FUCK! I will change the head/headgasket/waterpump/check rad and see what is up.....
  9. FUUUUUUUUU! That is vicious man!!!! That is a fucen monster!
  10. Its foo sale! Not mine. Talked to the owner. He coo... You can tell I am interested in it... http://losangeles.craigslist.org/sfv/cto/1834836245.html
  11. The link here tell you of another and possibly easier way to take them off. Very simple really... http://community.ratsun.net/topic/4014-my-project/page__view__findpost__p__259062 Here is the picture of my general idea... Putten them on! Process of taking it off! Off! I just got a pipe bigger than the bushing hole, A large threaded rod, washers around the same diameter as the bushing.... and some bolts and a ratchet.... You tighten the threaded rod and pop goes the bushing.... You can use your feet to "kick the ratchet" and make your life easier... OR! you can work out your pecs buy pushing up on the ratchet! Depending you you set it up... Here is another drawing...
  12. DEEP 15x10 turbines for only 50$ http://losangeles.craigslist.org/sgv/pts/1828200186.html Also these 16 for 10O$ http://losangeles.craigslist.org/sgv/pts/1825786767.html
  13. http://www.exedyusa.com/ I got mine for under 150...
  14. I wonder if they killed the people who sold tainted milk, fucked Chinese drywall and shitty veggies...
  15. The main reason that gangs are spreading out is cus some gang bangers are scared. They do something stupid and now they are marked and the gangs want them dead. Instead of dying, the chicken out and run away to another state. Then they grow new roots there. OR! A kid is a hardcore gang-banger and the parents don't want him to kick it with the gangs. So they move! And they take the "bad seed" with them. And that kid grows into a man.... And that man now spreads his ideas and roots to the next generation...
  16. The funny shit is that the day before it overheated, I changed the oil. Soooo... It looks like oil. Not milky or can see any water. It hit 200 degs. But I think she be fine... She is sounding funny during start ups. Like she is misfiring and after a minute she sounds ok. I drove her 60 miles yesterday no prob. If she overheats again. I know what it is... Its the head.

  17. I dont think the s-13 hits that far up. Sur 13 means South, like southern cali... Maybe tag one of these.... Since its up north. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norte%C3%B1os
  18. I think my engine is safe for the time being. I think it was a bad thermostat. LETS HOPE ITS THAT!!!!!!!! Fuck I was scared... The shoe was in the other foot on that one huh! Thanks man....

    How is you Hardbody? Safe?

  19. HO HO HO! Better idea the cameras for sure. I wouldn't mind making a nice shoot out though. :lol:
  20. Cross them out!!!! I dare ya, and write by owner... :blink:
  21. I am going to name this one bad thermostat. If it blows up again. Then air is getting into the air system and needs a new head gasket.... Thanks!
  22. Yesterday I headed out of work and after 10 minutes she overheated. Not bad, but the temp gauge was about to hit 200. Pulled over and asked a house hold for water and drove her home. Morning I decided to do a full check up. turned her on, let her warm up in idle. Then what I did I removed the spark plug wire for 10 seconds each one by one. 5 minutes later she overheated again. Water rushed out of the puke tank and father opened up the rad cap only to see hot water boil out. I seen this before... Air in the system.... Decided to open up the heater and let it idle for a while and let the water circulate. Added more water and she was idling fine now. Closed the cap revved her up and down for 30 minutes and she didn't get hot... So I decided to do the spark plug thing.... One by one I took of the spark plug wire while running... Then nothing..... She is not overheating now... I am confused....... I am buying a thermostat new for safety.....
  23. Honestly they have to make A junk yard thread a sticky. I hate using google and looking for it...
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